Chapter 18: Falling Again and Again

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This morning at breakfast mom suggested that we all go ice skating as a family.

There's a new place not far from here to skate at and we haven't gotten to check it out yet.

Of course the place is indoors since the weather here isn't quite right for an outdoor rink.

We used to have an indoor place when I was younger and I was terrible at it.

I'm assuming Maxon knows how to ice skate since he seems to be good at everything.

I guess you have to be when you are the heir prince of a country.

I on the other hand will most likely be terrible at this.

I'm not super excited to embarrass myself in front of Maxon and my family.

Maxon even said he got me an ice dancing dress, but I don't think he realizes how terrible I am at this.

While ice skating dresses are almost scandalously short, they are beautiful.

The one Maxon chose for me is blue and looks icy, just like my eyes he says.

It actually looks really nice and I'm glad he chose this one for me

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It actually looks really nice and I'm glad he chose this one for me.

May is now helping me with my hair so it won't be in my face and then we can leave to head to the rink.

After May curled my hair and put it in a bun we walked out to the cars Maxon had brought for us

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After May curled my hair and put it in a bun we walked out to the cars Maxon had brought for us.

We had enough vehicles for Kenna and her little family to have a car, Maxon and I to have our own car, and my parents, May, and Gerad to have a car.

This will hopefully be a fun trip.
America looks beautiful in her skating outfit. I'm really glad she likes it.

She seems nervous to go skating. I should reassure her that everything will be fine.

"Are you excited to ice skate America?"

"Well I'm certainly not excited to embarrass myself in front of everyone, but I am glad I'll get to spend some time with you and my family today."

"I'm sure you'll do great out there. Just know that I'll be there to catch you if you fall though," I say winking at her.

"Haha, Thanks Maxon," she said placing a sweet kiss on my cheek.

As we got out of the car and stepped into "Glassy Rinks" America and her family were surprised to find that we were the only customers there.

What they didn't know was that I had called ahead and said their prince wanted to have the place to himself.

America's siblings look so excited to have some fun on the ice.

I wonder if any of them have ever tried ice skating before.

I heard that this place was new, but I'm not sure if there used to be one or if they used to travel to one.

"America have you ever skated before?"

"I did a couple of times when I was really little but May and Gerad have never been," she said.

"Well then I guess I'll have to help teach you all," I said grinning.

This should be fun.
While I'm pretty embarrassed that Maxon is going to have to help me, I'm glad he cares enough to want to help us.

"Alright here are your skates and if you need anything else just let us know," the employee at the desk told us.

After thanking the employee we put our skates on and headed over to the rink.

They had a section for little kids that May and Gerad went to, even though they aren't that little. We just thought it might be easier for them.

Maxon took my hand and helped me step down onto the ice.

This place is freezing. I know it would be colder if this was natural ice, but it's still very cold in here.

Maxon should have warned me so I could have worn warmer clothes.

I'm basically in a swimsuit right now.

As soon as Maxon started to pull me away from the entrance with him, I started to slip.

Luckily he caught me, but it was still so embarrassing.

"Hey, I've got you. I won't let you hit the ground."

"Thank you," I said leaning on him.

I have no clue how he became so good at this.

After being there for around an hour I was starting to kind of get the hang of it.

I'm now able to stand up on my own and skate very slowly in as straight a line as I can manage.

May and Gerad have even come over here to check out the larger rink.

May seems to be better at this than I am.

Maxon even helped her come up with a routine she could do to perform for us.

"Hey Maxon, look at this," I said trying a twirl.

"America you did it," he exclaimed.

Then as soon as I started smiling I started to fall... but Maxon caught me and... he also started to fall.

We both ended up on the ground laughing while everyone else was wondering if we were okay or not.

"While this has been fun I think we ought to go home now," my mom said with a worried expression on her face.

We then left to head home for the day. I have got to say that I had a really great time and I think my family seems to really like Maxon, especially Gerad.

Maybe we can all do something together again before Maxon has to go to the palace for a few days, then I'll get to go with him and see his parents again.

This is the most exciting break I have ever had.

Thank you for reading I hope you liked this chapter!!

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