Chapter 22: The Christmas Party

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I have now been at the palace for a few days.

Queen Amberly told me she is having a Christmas party tonight, but it's just for family and the press with be there for the public to see it.

I'm excited to meet the rest of Maxon's family, but the press being here makes me nervous.

It's Christmas Eve right now and I was told we will do presents in the morning.

I'm embarrassed for that though because the gifts I bought are definitely not fit for royalty.

"America," Queen Amberly says.


"I was looking for you so I could help you get ready for the party," she says smiling.

"That would be wonderful," I say also smiling.

"Alright, lets get started now. So I had a dress made for you and it isn't super fancy, but I think you will really like it."

The dress she led me to was absolutely gorgeous.

It was a deep red that was velvet that was tight at the top and then flowed out.

"We will add some fancier jewelry to dress it up a bit," she says.

"This is perfect! I love it so much," I say running to give her a hug.

"I'm so glad you like it, why don't you step in it here and I'll zip you up."

As I spun around in the dress I felt so loved and cared for

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As I spun around in the dress I felt so loved and cared for.

Maxon's mother the queen designed this dress for me.

I never would have ever guessed that I would even meet the queen. Let alone be fairly close to her.

After I got the dress on properly, my maids started on my makeup.

It ended up looking amazing. I don't know how they can make me look so good.

- - - - - - - - Skip to the ball - - - - - - - - -I am now on Maxon's arm about to walk down the grand staircase into the party

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- - - - - - - - Skip to the ball - - - - - - - - -
I am now on Maxon's arm about to walk down the grand staircase into the party.

Why they feel the need to announce us at a family event, I have no clue.

"They are all going to love you, don't worry," Maxon says looking down at me making me smile.

If Maxon thinks they will love me, I'm sure this party won't be all that bad.

As we walk down the staircase everyone's eyes are on us.

I don't particularly like all the attention, but as long as I'm with Maxon I should be fine.

"You must be America," a lady says coming up and hugging me.

"Yes, that would be me," I say shyly.

"Well I'm Adele, Amberly's sister," she says.

"Well it's nice to meet you then," I say smiling.

This is my first time meeting one of Maxon's family members other than his parents and I'm glad it's going smoothly.

I don't want everyone to say I "don't fit in with the family" even though I know I don't.

After meeting more of Maxon's family we all sat down to have dinner.

I sat between Maxon and one of his little cousins.

They are all Adele's children and they are all so cute.

She calls them her "gaggle if children".

"So Maxon, when do you plan on marrying this one. I'm sure your father will need you to take over the country soon," said one of his family members.

At that I about spit out my food.

I hadn't thought about how I would become a princess and one day queen if I were to marry Maxon.

Maxon just glared at the man and went back to eating.

The rest of dinner wasn't that bad and I eventually got to go back up to my room for the night.

I fell asleep with thoughts of my future.

This chapter is dedicated to @hillji
I hope you enjoyed!! :)

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