Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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Today is our first day of class at Carolina Prep.

Avery and I were added to the group chap with the people that we went to the party with and we all compared schedules.

It turns out that I have all of my classes with Nicoletta, Josie, Maxon, Marlee, Kenlee, Carter, and Celeste.

Hopefully I'll get to sit with one of them. Sadly I only have one class with Avery.

The entire school year is based on your first day impression, so the girls all made me go shopping with them.

I ended up getting a short blue sun dress. I hope it's comfortable enough for the whole day.

KenleeSo it's the first day back at school this year and I've made a few new friends

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So it's the first day back at school this year and I've made a few new friends.

I'm glad I have classes with America. She seems really nice.

Really the only thing I'm worried about is that while I'm with my friends, Avery and Finn are in the same class together without me.

What if she tries to steal him during class, I mean if I'm not in there what can I do about it.

I'll have to find a way to make Finn want to stay away from her.
I looked at my schedule earlier and it looked like I have science first, this should be interesting.

Science is my least favorite subject so hopefully this class isn't too bad.

I just got to my first class and I can't believe that Finn is in my class, and Kenlee is not!

How much more exciting could this year get?!

I'm trying to find my assigned seat and *gasp* omg I get to sit beside Finn!!

"Class please take your seats. Today I want you all to get to know your lab partner for the rest of the year."

What?! I. Get. To be. Finn's. Lab partner. All. Year?! Ahhh this is a dream come true!

Now I can definitely steal him from Kenlee.
I just got paired with Avery as a lab partner. I can tell she likes me and she is really pretty, but I'm dating Kenlee right now.

I mean Kenlee can be a little overprotective at times, but I always know she means well.

Kenlee and I have been dating for three years now so I don't want to just suddenly dump her for Avery.

Avery does seem cool though. *ding* "Mr. Wolfhard please silence your phone."

Ugh who is texting me in the middle of class?!

Kenlee: hey babe just checking in
Ugh! Why is she texting me in the middle of class!
Me: hey my class is fine how's yours?
Kenlee: oh you know it's going fine
I get to sit by Marlee so that's good
Who do you have to sit by?
Somehow I knew she would ask me that.
Me: well we got assigned lab partners for the year so I'm sitting with Avery
Kenlee: did you get to pick your seats
Finn: of course not
Kenlee: well you better be careful around her she better not try to steal you from me

I really don't know what to say to that. I have a feeling she's gonna get in a fight with Avery soon.

When I go to place my hand down I notice a warm one on the top of mine pressing it down on the table.

I want to move my hand but that seems kind of rude, so I "accidentally" drop my pencil and move my hand to collect it from the floor.


"Well that's the bell I better get going. Bye Avery."

Why do I feel so sad to leave her? I literally have my next class with her.

You are dating Kenlee. You are dating Kenlee. You are dating Kenlee.

I just need to keep my priorities straight and move on.
When I was texting Finn during class he seemed kind of distracted.

I hope it's not because of Avery. I can't be friends with America and not her. They're kind of a packaged deal.

America seems really nice though, so I don't want to lose her.

She has no right to try to steal Finn from me though! I don't know what has just overcome me but I'm now pushing myself through the crowd trying to get to Avery.
I just walked out of my first class, and do I hear, screaming?




Oh no! That sounds a lot like Kenlee and Avery. *gasp* It actually is Kenlee and Avery!

I wonder what happened. They look like they've been fighting while having a screaming match and Avery seems to have a broken nose.

This doesn't look good.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think will happen with Avery and Kenlee? Will Finn break up with Kenlee for her actions?

Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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