Chapter 10: Shall We?

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Since America and I told all of our friends that we were dating no one seemed to have a problem with it.

That was until Kriss found out. Kriss has liked me ever since the day we met. That unfortunate day when we ended up in the same English class.

Now she's trying to be mean to America and it's flat out getting on my nerves.

I can choose whoever I want to date. Kriss doesn't have any say in my decisions.

America has her next class with Kriss and I don't have a class at all.

The plan is that I'm going to stand right outside the door and if Kriss gives America any trouble she is to come out to me. Then I will take care of Kriss if she tries to follow.

I really wish she would let it go. Even if I wasn't dating America I would never date her. She's too annoying and overbearing.

I hope nothing happens in this class though, for America's sake.

America was in class for all of five minutes when the yelling started.

I had sat down on the ground to study for a test when I heard Kriss start to yell. She said, "Get you your slutty hands off of Maxon. He deserves someone way better than you. You are a pitiful excuse of a person while Maxon is like an angel. How dare you steal him from me?!"

I can tell that Kriss is really mad at America, but this isn't even her fault. This whole situation is none of Kriss' concern.

I was about to walk into the classroom when I heard Josie start to speak up for her.

No matter what America says Kriss would never listen, so hopefully Josie can put her in her place.

"Why don't you just shut up and leave her alone Kriss! You're just trying to put her down because you can't secure a boyfriend for yourself and she ended up with the one you wanted! You're making a fool of yourself trying to bring her down. You aren't even helping yourself here, so shut up and just leave!"

Woah, way to go Josie. She just put Kriss in her place.

"I'm sorry I didn't come out here to you. Once Josie stood up for me she stormed out and there was no point in skipping class."

"No I completely understand. Since that was your last class of the day do you want to go hang out in my room?"

"Sure, why not." Yes! Maybe I can finally find the perfect time to ask her to the schools formal coming up.

I just need to find the perfect way to do this.
When we got to Maxon's room Carter already had people over so Maxon told me to just go get ready for a date.

He didn't tell me where we were going he just said to wear something nice. I guess that means I'll have to let the girls get me ready.

They'll for sure want to do my hair, makeup, and pick out my dress.

I'm actually excited for this. Maxon and I don't go on many dates. This should be fun.

"Hey girls, thanks for coming to help get me ready."

"You're welcome", they all chorused back. "Now let's pick out your dress," Marlee said.

I don't even know what kind of dress to wear so I guess I won't be the one picking tonight.

My friends ended up curling my hair and doing part of it into an intricate braid.

Then they handed me a simple dress that they said looked absolutely stunning on me.

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