Chapter 19: Call Me Shalom

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I know that I'll have to get back to the palace soon and I really need to speak with America's father before I go.

She is very close to him and it is important to me that I get his opinion on my big decision.

I just need to find a time where I can speak with him alone.

Keeping this in mind, I walked out of my room in hopes of finding America.

I walked into the living room, but it appeared to be empty.

Maybe she is in the kitchen.

As I turned to walk into the kitchen I felt someone come up and hug me from behind.

"Good morning Maxon," America said.

"Good morning to you too America. Do you know what the plans are for today?"

Just as she was about to answer, her mother walked in the room answering for her.

"I was thinking us girls could go shopping while the boys played ball or something here," her mom said.

She turned to look at me before telling her mom that sounded like a great plan.

I'm glad I won't have to come up with an excuse to be alone with her dad now.

I might even ask Gerad the same question I'll be asking her dad.
I feel bad that I'll be leaving Maxon at home with Gerad and dad.

I'm glad I'll get to spend some time with mom and my sisters, but that will probably be super awkward for Maxon.

I really hope it goes well while we're gone.

When mom pulled up to the mall I was very surprised.

I had thought we were headed to the grocery store.

Well I can't say I would rather go there, it's just that we don't have enough money to buy each of us something.

This trip will probably just be us window shopping though, unless something special is happening that I was unaware of.

"Since when did we have enough money to go shopping at the mall," I asked mom.

"Since I May and I both got jobs."

Wait, when did they both get jobs?

I haven't been gone that long.

"That's wonderful mom, I'm so happy for you. You do mean a full time job, right?"

"Yes, May and I both work in a very nice family's house and help them with whatever they need assistance with. Sometimes we cook them dinner or help a child with their homework, it's different every day."

"That sounds amazing mom, I'm so glad you love your job," I say.

"Now lets get shopping," May yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh as I got out of the car and stepped into the mall.
Now that the girls are gone, now is my chance.

"Mr. Singer, can I please speak with you for a minute?"

"Yes, how about we talk in the living room."

As we walk in the living room I begin to become very nervous.

What if he says no? What if America told him she plans on breaking up with me soon?

I know they are close so I really want him to approve of me.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Maxon?"

"Sir, you have raised an excellent family and you should be very proud. I am going to admit that I was nervous to meet you all. America is very important to me and I love her so very much. I just really want her family to love me too. With that being said, Mr. Singer, may I please marry your daughter?"

There, I did it. I asked America's father if I could have her hand in marriage.

I really hope he says yes. I don't think I could live with a "no".

Instead of saying anything at first he came and wrapped me in a hug.

"I would love for a man like you to marry my daughter. You have my blessing," he said smiling at me.

"Thank you so much sir, I promise to always love her and take care of her."

"I know you will, oh and you can call me Shalom now.

"Thank you Shalom," I say as he walks away to go find Gerad.

I could not be more elated than right now.

I have permission to marry the love of my life.

Now I just need to set up the big proposal.

Thank you for reading! I know my updates aren't regular, but I hope you are excited to read them when I do post.

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Did you expect that conversation between Shalom and Maxon? Let me know in the comments.

Have a great weekend :)

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