Chapter 15: Double Date

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What caste would you be in? Let me know in the comments!!!

I had an amazing time at the dance and I've shared my magical experience with everyone that has asked, but I have yet to hear about Avery's night.

She was so excited to go to the dance with Harry. I already know she had a good time, I just don't know the details. Or I at least think she had a good time.

We should talk over breakfast or something.

Ooh and it would be so fun if we had a double date this weekend. I'll have to start planning that.

I don't know why, but I just randomly thought of that. It would be so fun. I'll make sure it happens.

"Hey Avery do you want to go to the bakery and talk over breakfast? I still haven't gotten to hear about your experience at the dance."

"Yeah sounds fun. Let me just get my shoes on and we can go."

Once we got inside the bakery we both ordered and sat down at a booth.

"So, spill."

I really hope her night was as perfect as I'm imagining it.

My night sure felt like a fairy tale. I hope she felt the same way.

"Well it went pretty good. Harry stayed with me for most of the night. I was honestly kind of afraid that he would ditch me for his friends, but he didn't really."

"What do you mean by he didn't really?"

"Well at one point he did leave me to talk to some of his friends, but oh well it's fine. He introduced me to some people. I met this one girl named Hazel. She seemed nice. Maybe she could even join our friend group."

"Our friend group just keeps getting bigger all the time. First they let us in and then we added Tess and I can't even remember who else," I say.

"I like our friend group. We always have the best parties."

"Yeah I can definitely agree with that. Hey you know what? Why don't we have a double date tonight. You can go with Harry and obviously I'll go with Maxon."

"I don't know. Harry might not want to do that," she said.

"Come on you know it would be super fun."

She can't convince me that it wouldn't be fun because I know it would be.

"Okay fine. I'll call Harry when we leave here."

"Yay, I'm so excited. We can get dressed up and everything. We could go to the movies and then out to a nice dinner."

"Actually, this is starting to sound like it could be fun."

I just talked to Maxon and he thinks we will have a great time.

I won't let Avery's sour mood ruin this night.
America and I are getting ready for our double date right now and I'm so nervous.

America thinks we will enjoy ourselves and she doesn't think it will be awkward but I don't know.

I hope it goes well. I wouldn't want to ruin anything with Harry over a silly double date.

I've decided to dress cute but not over the top. America agrees with my outfit of choice.

She's wearing something similar so neither of us will feel out of dress code

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She's wearing something similar so neither of us will feel out of dress code.

Harry and Maxon are coming to pick us up for our fun night out.

I sit up front with Harry, while America rides in the back with Maxon.

"What movie are we going to watch," I ask everyone.

Maxon quickly replies saying,"Actually Harry and I talked about this and we thought it would be fun to watch The Invisible Man."

I know that's a scary movie, and I can handle scary movies. I just don't know about that one and I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of Harry.
Maxon just told us we are going to watch a scary movie and I'm actually kind of excited.

First off I do like scary movies and two, this means I can cuddle up to Maxon.

"Sounds like we're going to have a fun night," I say.

Maxon held my hand the entire car ride and we sat as close as our seatbelts would allow.

I love just being close to him.

Once the movie starts I've already got my head on Maxon's shoulder.

Throughout the movie I scored closer to Maxon and eventually he just pulled me closer.

He wrapped both of his arms around me to make me feel safe and we watched the movie as if it were just the two of us.

Afterwards we went out and had a fancy dinner.

Our night went well, or at least mine did.

I hope we can do this again sometime.

Hi everyone, I'm sorry this is so late. If I'm ever behind on updating please just leave me a comment and I will get a chapter up ASAP.

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