Chapter 17: Welcome to Our Home

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I can tell that Maxon is nervous to meet my family so I grab his hand and squeeze it.

He seems reassured by that small gesture and I'm glad I'm a comfort to him.

"America," May exclaims running to hug me.

"It's good to see you too May," I say laughing.

"So this must be the famous May Singer," Maxon says, smiling at her.

"Yes, I'm May," she says blushing.

Now I guess it's time for all the other introductions.

"Mom, Dad, this is Maxon. Maxon, this is my parents. And here is Gerad, Kenna, and her husband James," I announce.

"I thought you had four siblings," Maxon whispers to me confused.

"I do, but Kota doesn't live here anymore and I doubt he will be visiting us," I whisper back.

He just nods his head in understanding.

"Why don't we get your luggage settled in your rooms before we eat," my mother says.

"I can sleep in May's room so Maxon can have mine to himself. That is if Kenna will be staying at her house," I say.

"James and I will take Astra home soon, we just wanted to meet this boyfriend of yours," Kenna replies.

"Oh ok, well then I guess it's settled. Let's get our stuff moved into our rooms."

I grab Maxon's suitcase in one hand and pull him towards my room.

"Why did you offer your room to me? Don't you want to stay here since you never get to," he asks me.

"I just thought you would be more comfortable with your own room. Your the one that is royalty, not me."

"You know that doesn't mean anything," he says eyeing me.

"I know you say that but you can't help that you are," I say smiling gently.

"I guess I am, but please don't have your family treat me differently because of it."

"Oh I won't," I say suddenly serious.

I want my family to like Maxon for him, not because he is a prince.

"Thank you," he says pulling me in for a hug.

Kenna than knocks on the door before stepping in to tell us dinner is almost ready.

Maxon and I quickly make sure everything is in place before heading to the kitchen.

"I'm so glad you could make it Maxon. We are truly happy that America has found someone that loves her as much as she loves him," mom says to Maxon.

"Well I'm glad to know that I'm that person Mrs. Singer," Maxon says in reply.

I hold Maxon's hand under the table for most of dinner and surprisingly my family wasn't super awkward.

Afterwards May wanted to catch up and Gerad asked if Maxon could play with him, so we sadly had to part ways for a few hours.

"So America, does Maxon take you on lots of dates," May asks me.

"Well we spend a lot of time together, and yes we do go on formal dates, but we just like spending time together. I don't think either of us really care where we are as long as we're together," I say smiling."

"Wow you really love him don't you?"

"Yes, I really do," I say blushing at the thought of telling my little sister about my love life.

After May finished asking me a million questions I finally excused myself to go to bed.

I had just finished changing when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, expecting it to be May.

"America, can I come in," I was surprised to find that Maxon was the one on the other side of my door.

"Yes," I said allowing him inside.

"How was playing with Gerad," I asked giggling at his expression as I asked my question.

"He's... well let's just say he's... very energetic so I'm very worn out from playing with him," he said giving me a small smile.

"Yes," I said smiling too.

"He can be very hyper at times, and I'm sure he was just super excited to get to play with you."

"He seems like a good kid. Actually I really like your entire family, they have all been extra nice to me."

"I'm glad to hear that," I say.

"Goodnight America," he says kissing my forehead.

"Good night Maxon"

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

I'm so glad Maxon likes my family. I just hope they like him that much too.

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I have something really big planned that is coming up in the next few chapters. Any guesses as to what that is??

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