Chapter 20: Planning

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I just landed at the palace and I only have two days here before America comes.

I want to plan the perfect proposal, but I'm not sure what to do.

I'll probably wait a little while before I actually ask the big question.

Actually, you know what, she would probably love it if her family was here too.

I'll fly them in that night so once I ask her and she hopefully says yes, they will be here to congratulate her.

That sounds like a great idea to me.

Now I just need to find a way to make this grand.

After all, if she says yes she will become a princess when we get married.

I think I'll ask my mom if she can help me with this.
I was super excited when Maxon came home for the holidays.

He's usually here for Christmas, but this year he said he's staying through the New Years.

I have a feeling he has something big planned that involves America, but I'm not sure what it is he is planning.

"Hey mom," Maxon says announcing his presence in my sitting room.

I'm glad he always comes to me when he needs someone to talk to.

"Yes Maxon dear."

"I have a huge favor to ask you and I also need to tell you something," he said.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything."

"Yes, I do. Please don't scream when I tell you this, but I plan on proposing to America before the new year."

I was worried when he told me not to scream but when he said he planned on proposing to America I couldn't help it.

"Mom I told you not to scream. I know you must be excited, but I need you to keep this a secret."

"I can keep a secret. I'm just so excited. I love America, she will make a wonderful addition to the family."

"Now that you know what I plan on doing, I need your help to set my plan in action. I'm still deciding what all to do, but I know I want you to be part of it," Maxon says.

I don't think he could have said anything else that would make me happier.

"I'll do anything, tell me what you were thinking."

"Well I was wanting you to help her get ready. I think I'm going to send her a letter telling her that we are to have a date that night and then you can prepare her for it. It would be fun for the two of you and give me some time without her to get everything ready."

"That sounds like a great idea Maxon. I would love to help you. If there is anything else I can do to help please let me know," I say smiling.

"Actually, could you hand her my letter and say you don't know what's in it so when she reads it she'll ask you to stay and you two can spend the day together?"

He must really not know what he's going to do.

I'm proud of him for trying to make this so special for her though.

"I can absolutely do that. Just tell me when and I'll do what I can to distract her for as long as I can."

I'm so excited for this. Once America is part of our family I will finally have a daughter and I couldn't have chosen a better one myself.
I am very glad that my mother wants to help me do this.

I can't wait until we are finally engaged.

Ooh I should propose in the gardens since they are special to both of us.

If I do it in the gardens then I could set up a picnic and then we could take a walk and I could propose.

That sounds like the perfect plan to me.

Hopefully America will love the date and be excited when I propose to her.

All I need to do now is figure out all the little details and plan a day to do this.

I can't wait to put my plan in action.

Thank you for reading!

Sorry it took me so long to update. If it's been a week and I still haven't updated, feel free to comment and remind me to.

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How do you think America will react to the proposal?

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