Chapter 3: It's Party Time

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We are currently on our way over to that one guy's room.

The so called "dorm rooms" here are more like high end hotel suites.

I'm definitely not complaining though, I was just surprised when I first walked into my room.

We are walking over with that girl named Kenlee.

She seems to know a lot about this school and I would like to become friends with her.
I'm walking America and Avery over to Finn's room.

America seems nice but I don't like Avery.

Some girls either only try to be my friend to get to Finn or they don't even bother to be nice to me and try to push me out of the way to try to get him to fall in love with them.

I can tell Avery likes him. It's pretty obvious by the way she looks at him. I just hate that she's like this because I would really like to become friends with her friend America.

I just hope Finn didn't invite her because she was pretty. I want him to have done it because I was standing there and I seemed to want to get to know them.

I'll have to stay by Finn the entire night to make sure nothing happens and if something does I'll try to calmly talk it out with him.

"Hey Avery. What's got you so excited about this party?"

"Well, the guy that invited me was pretty cute and he seemed nice so... yeah I guess that's why."

Oh no she didn't. Finn. Is. Mine.

"Oh, didn't Finn tell you?"

"What didn't he tell me?"

"Are you sure he didn't mention that I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND?"

"Umm no he didn't. I'm sorry, you must feel very lucky to be with him."

Why can't she just say she'll stay away from him. I mean girls throw themselves at Finn all the time, but she now knows he has a girlfriend and she's met me.

I hate when I think like this, but I can't help it. When girls do this I just get so defensive.

Well I guess I'll just talk to America and see if I can get her on my side of things.

"Hey America. What are you most excited for tonight?"

"I think I'm just excited to meet a bunch of other girls. I would like to have some more friends on campus."

Maybe I can actually talk to America. I could actually use some more friends too.

Even though I'm Finn's girlfriend I still don't have that many friends. Shocker right?
That Kenlee girl seems like a real stuck up brat.

Just because she's dating Finn now doesn't mean he can't dump her for me later.

She seems really overprotective of him though and she doesn't seem like someone that you would want to be on her bad side.

I hope we can be friends no matter what happens with Finn.

I'm excited to go to this party no matter what she says. I will have a good time and make new friends.

I really hope she doesn't get jealous of me and tell people I'm not a good person or something.

I'm playing fair, for now.
I've been in this group now for three years. These are my best friends in the world.

There's Celeste, Marlee, Maxon, Carter, Finn, Nicoletta, me (of course), and Kenlee.

I heard that Kenlee's bringing two new girls today. I'm excited to meet these new girls, maybe we'll even end up inviting them to Maxon's pool party next weekend.

Most of the people in our group are dating but Maxon is the only guy that is still single.

Maybe one of the new girls will end up with him. I'm not sure, I haven't even met them yet.

I'm currently dating Matthew and I think he's coming to the party tonight too.

He doesn't come to that many of our parties since he has to work for his family business. I wish he could come to more things with us, but at least I still get to spend time with him away from the group.

His family owns a magazine so he has to write articles and model for some of the pages. Not to brag or anything but he's like the second most popular guy in school.

He would be first if it weren't for Maxon.

Sometimes I fall asleep to the sound of his voice. Some people might think it's weird to record your boyfriends voice and play it at night until you fall asleep. However, I think it's completely normal.

I hope the new additions to the group don't think I'm weird for it.

Oh look here they come now!
Walking in the first person I spot is the girl I met at the mall, Josie.

"Hey, Josie!"

"Hey, America?"

"Yep! So I saw you liked skateboarding."

"Yeah I love it! You know every time I fall my boyfriend always stays with me for the rest of the day so it ends up being a good day."

Ok so she had a boyfriend. I wonder who else has one.

"So would you like to introduce me to all the couples?"

"Oh, yeah, sure!"

Yay I think I'm finally making a friend. Wow the names of all the couples are kind of confusing.

"Ok so there's you and Matthew, Kenlee and Finn, Marlee and Carter, Nicoletta and Steven, Celeste and Kyle, and then Maxon is single?"

"Yes! You got all of the couples right!"

I can't believe I actually remembered all of them. This year is looking pretty good for me. Also everyone here seems nice.
America seems really nice, I think we should invite her to the pool party next weekend.

I think I even have an idea of who her future boyfriend could be.

I'm not sure if we should invite Avery though, Kenlee doesn't seem to like her. Well I guess we'll see.

This party has been pretty boring we've all just talked and hung out.

I'm gonna invite America now.

"Hey America. Would you like to come to the pool party with the group next weekend? It should be super fun and you can bring your friend Avery with you."

"Ooh yeah, I would love to come!"

Yay I'm glad she can come. I hope we have some classes together.

"Hey before you go, what's your number?" "It's (453) 253-8907" (that is not a real number, please don't try to use it)

"Great! See you soon!"

Thanks for reading! If you have any ideas leave them in the comments!

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