Chapter 16: The Plane

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(Ok so we are going to be skipping some time all the way to Christmas break. Therefore it is winter now.)

Today we get to go home for Christmas break.

This was the time I was supposed to go with Maxon on a skiing trip, but I decided to meet with my family instead.

Maxon is even shortening his trip so he can come home with me to meet my family.

I'm so excited to see my family, and for Maxon to meet them.

He will be staying at my house for a week, next he will go to the palace by himself, and then I will join him at the palace once he's been there for three days.

We've been planning this trip for months and I'm so excited that it's finally happening.

Maxon's parents even insisted on getting us private transportation to Carolina and back to the palace.

I can't wait to spend two weeks with Maxon.

"Are you ready America," Maxon asks me as he buckles his seat belt in the plane.

"Yes," I say excitedly.

"I'm glad I'll get to spend some time with those wonderful family members of yours your always talking about."

"I'm glad you'll get to bond with them the way I do. I'm not sure how much you'll like living with them though," I say.

"I'm sure it will be a great experience and best of all, you will be there the entire time," he says.

"Aww I'm glad I get to spend this break with you too. I'm sure my siblings will enjoy your company as well."

"I would be honored to play with your siblings. How many do you have again," he asks.

"I have four, remember, I told you I'm the middle child," I say.

"I'm sorry I just wasn't thinking for a moment."

"Your Highness you are welcome to move around the plane now," the pilot announces.

We both then unbuckle our safety harnesses and stand up to stretch.

"I think I'm going to take a nap so I'm well rested when we get there," Maxon says.

He then walks over to grab a blanket and offers one to me, which I gratefully accept.

I think I'm going to try to take a nap too. It sure sounds like a good idea right now.

"I can flip up this armrest if you want. Then we can be closer," he says.

I flip it up without answering him and settle into my chair.

I make it recline and lean almost all the way back.

Then I put my head on Maxon's chest as he pulls me closer to him.

After we each grab our blankets to throw over ourselves we both fall asleep.
When I woke up America still had her head on my chest and my arms were wrapped around her.

I really didn't wake her up so I tried to stay in that position for as long as possible, but then I had the sudden urge to sneeze and I had to move.

She then groggily looked up and asked what was wrong.

I told her she could just go back to sleep and soon after she did, I did too.

We ended up sleeping for the rest of the flight.

When we got to Carolina, her mother and sisters had come to pick us up and they had to wake us up to get us off the plane.

It was so embarrassing.

Now I am about to enter America's house for the first time and I'm actually kind of nervous.

I just hope her family likes me.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next ones should definitely be better, this was just a filler. Also sorry about the major time skip.

Please vote, comment, and check out my other stories.

I just started a new one called "Hello My Dear" it is about the Selection but all through Maxon's POV.

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