[Short bonus]

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Hours of traveling in the sun gets you tired, the group of wayward kids had stopped in a convenient store, a fire being started. They had ate just an hour earlier, so it was only right they go to bed. "Alright, Kipo says she's going to sleep." The pink human yawned.

She backed up against the wall, Mandu coming over and sitting in her lap. "Mind if we join you?" Benson asked.

Kipo pat the spot beside her, Benson going over to her and sitting beside her. He pat Mandu, baby Dave on his chest as Benson rested his head on Kipo's shoulder. "Wolf? You sitting beside us?" Kipo asked quietly.

"No. I'm fine here.." Wolf mumbled.

The pink human nodded slowly, side hugging Benson, leaning her head against his. "Night Wolfie.." Kipo yawned.

The human put her weapon by her side, leaning her head back and closing her eyes, letting sleep consume her.


When Wolf woke up, the moon was right above them, the human a bit nervous. She hesitantly got up, going towards Kipo and gently nudging her. "Nyeh.."


The pink human shook her head slowly, groggily opening her eyes. "Is uh..Yawn..Something wrong..?"

"Not really.."

"Want to sleep with us..?" Kipo quietly asked, rubbing her eyes.

Wolf shook her head slowly, Kipo pulling her down anyways. The pink human rested her head on Wolf's; "I know you do..You'll be safer and warmer with us anyways.."

The smaller human nuzzled in to Kipo's shoulder, the pink human giving her a gentle squeeze. "Night Wolf.."


Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now