[1 part 2]

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Sorry it's late! Been busy with my b-day and other stuff!

Kipo looked at her, slightly baffled. 'She did not just walk off on me.' Kipo thought, looking around.

She got on a car, looking towards the girl. "Hey you! Wolf girl! I'm still talking to you!!" Kipo called out.

The girl sighed, turning towards the pink human. "First rule of the surface, you don't shout like that. It's called ringing the dinner bell. Free advice."

Kipo pouted. "Fine! I'll just find my own way home!" She shouted, getting off the car and beginning the walk.

She was glaring at the girl, not noticing where she was heading. She got caught in a cobweb, a spider slowly coming down it. "Oh..Hey..You look friendly.." Kipo smiled nervously.

It screeched, getting ready to bite her, but she was pulled back. The girl put her down, putting her staff over her shoulder. "That's your last freebie."

Kipo huffed, beginning to walk off again. The girl picked her up with the tip of her staff, pulling Kipo back. "Are you kidding me? You're going to walk straight in to death ivy?"

A nice looking butterfly, flew towards the ivy, perching on it. Kipo let out a yelp once the butterfly kicked the bucket. The girl groaned, face palming. "You won't last five minutes.."

Kipo perked up, the girl putting her down. "So you'll help me?"

The girl nodded. "Once you're back, I'm out. Got it?"

Kipo nodded multiple times, about to hug the shorter human. The girl used the end of her staff, hitting Kipo's shin, the girl falling to her knees. The human lifted Kipo's head up with the end. "No hugging. Ever."

Kipo giggled. "I knew you were a good person."

The girl groaned, beginning to walk off. Kipo scrambled up, going after her. "Hey! I just realized I haven't gotten your name yet!–"

"No talking!"

Kipo was quiet for two seconds before speaking up. "I'll just call you Wolf then! I've already been calling you that in my head–"

"I said no talking!!"

                  =Later in the night=

"I'm not kidding! I could've drowned!" Kipo exclaimed, waving her hands in the air.

'Wolf' glared at Kipo, the pink human having talked for more then 20 minutes. Kipo glanced at Wolf, giving her a small smile. Her smile turning in to a huge grin. Wolf pulled her knees up to her chest, putting her staff against the wall behind her.

"Know anything that could help us out to figure out where you live?" The smaller girl asked.

Kipo perked up. "Well there's the under ground irrigation system– But that's under ground..Oh! We have an emblem." Kipo said, breaking a piece of the burnt wood from the fire.

She drew a clover, a slash going diagonally across two petals. Meeting in the center then continuing the mark. "I've never actually seen it, but we live under a barrier that looks like this."

Wolf hummed a response. "I might know where that is."

Kipo perked up. "Really?"

Wolf nodded, getting up. She did her own thing while Kipo looked around for something to keep her warm for the night. As Wolf tied off a knot, she layed down, using the wolf cloak as a blanket. Kipo layed down somewhat beside her, looking up at the night sky.

She gasped, pointing at the starry night sky. "That's my sign! Aries!" She exclaimed.

Wolf covered her face, as if that would shut Kipo up. "It's so pretty." The pink human sighed. "I wish I could see this everyday." She gasped again. "The big dipper– The Leo consolation!"

Wolf groaned. "See the one that doesn't make any noise?"

Kipo thought about it. "None of them make any– Oh– I'll be quiet."

A few seconds go by, and Kipo gasps again. "Little Dipper–"

"Kipo!" Wolf shouted.

                     ~The next day~

They walked around in a store, looking for resources. Kipo opened a refrigerator door, taking out a carton of milk. "October 23rd..2020?"

Wolf slammed her hands on a shelf, said shelf breaking and creating a dust cloud. "Yeah, that's expired. By about 200 years." Wolf mumbled, picking up a spray bottle.

Kipo opened the carton, turning it upside down. The milk slid out, smashing like glass once it hit the floor. She dropped the carton, going over to Wolf. 'Thump Thump Thump'
Wolf perked up. "Mega Bunny." She muttered.

Kipo perked up, hearing it's steps near the store. A loud crash echoed in the building, a hole in the celling right in front of them. Both being pushed back by the strong force. "Woah. That was scary."

Wolf sighed, getting off the girl and helping her up. The Mega Bunny sniffed around, stepping on the building. "Hey I've seen that bunny before! I named her Rebecca– The babies are sooo soft."

Wolf glared at her. "You touched the babies!?"

"How could I not!? They are so cute!"

Wolf helped her up, dragging her off. She took Kipo to different isles, locating something. As they walked out of the store, 'Rebecca' was hopping in another direction. Kipo waved the air freshener away, the smell strong.

"Dang, all out." Wolf muttered.

Kipo sighed in relief. "Oh thank–"

"Good thing I got this second bottle."

Kipo groaned, swatting the misty air away. "This ones summer rain."

                   To be continued.

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