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Kipo liked the new member of the group. Benson's bird also liked the group, so it was nice enough to take them past the next place. Til it was shot down. Birdie squawked when the deathstalker came from what seemed like out of nowhere, being injected with venom and letting out shrill cry before falling limp, crashing into a building.

Wolf groaned, pushing herself up slightly and looking around, waving the dust away. Kipo hissed softly, shaking herself off and hopping from across the room over to Wolf. "Is everyone alright?" She asked.

"Accounted for.." Benson lazily rose his arm.

Mandu slipped out from under Birdie's wing, Dave rolling off its neck to the floor with a thud. "All good.." Dave pat Mandu down.

She squealed softly, nudging Birdie. "It'll be awhile til it wakes up. When it comes from the source, it's much more lethal." Wolf carefully stood. "Benson, Dave, take care of the bird. One of you needs to make sure it doesn't panic when it wakes up, the other grabs the second head."

"Where are you going?" Benson neared Birdie, carefully lifting the right head up and setting in his lap.

It breathed out softly, beak chattering as it squirmed in discomfort. Dave scrambled to the other head, brushing back its feathers, Mandu going through Benson's bag. "I'm going to go lead them away." Wolf looked out the new window. "Just in case your bird isn't all in when it flies out."

Kipo got down, snorting, "How do you suppose we do this?"

"Get your heart beating Kipo," Wolf gently bumped her. "And watch out for the tails."

Wolf jumped out the new window, landing on a deathstalker before hopping away and onto a ledge. Kipo followed her lead, the two bouncing around and leading the deathstalkers towards another part of the run down town.

Kipo grabbed a ledge, holding her paw out, Wolf jumping up and scaling the brick wall. Kipo climbed after, grinning, "This is so cool!" She looked to Wolf. "Wolf?"

She sprinted off, Kipo slipping off the wall, hissing softly before stumbling after Wolf. She followed her up a building, Wolf jumping over a board, heading inside through the window. Kipo gently pressed the loose rung, hopping over it and slipping inside the room.

Wolf stepped off the couch, sliding her hood off. "Wolf?"

"I..Used to live here.." Wolf whispered.

Kipo got closer, lowering her head, "Are..You okay..?"

Wolf swallowed, shaking her head lightly, setting her staff on the table. "I don't..Think so.."

Kipo glanced around, perking and picking Wolf up. She walked over to the makeshift bed, lying herself and Wolf on it. "Then we'll wait til you are."

Wolf wanted to protest, but she did need a minute. 'This..Isn't so bad..' Wolf nuzzled into Kipo's shoulder.

Or maybe an hour..


Wolf awoke on the guitar bed, with a purring Kipo to hold onto. "MrrRr.." Kipo shuffled slightly. "MrrRrrrrRr.."

Blinking away the sleepiness, Wolf grew confused. "You can purr?"

Kipo's nose wrinkled at the cold air, snuggling closer and nuzzling into the crook of Wolf's neck. Wolf rose her head slightly, sighing and glancing around the room. Kipo shuffled, tail lightly hitting the bed as she stretched slightly.

Wolf drew back when Kipo leaned in, shuddering when their lips brushed briefly against eachother before Kipo stretched once more. The purrs started up again, Kipo returning to her cotton candy dreams. Wolf pushed herself up slightly, gently brushing Kipo's hair out of her face.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now