[6 part 2]

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Rats were in charge of driving them, the bus a mess and cramped. Kipo winced when her head hit the roof, nearly being hit in the chin by Wolf. Mandu squealed, holding onto Wolf's arm, Dave bouncing about the cabin. "Kipo, I said keep your head down." Wolf uttered.

Kipo rested her head on Wolf's, mumbling softly, "But then I'll fall asleep."

"Which is fine, we'll wake you up soon enough."

Kipo exhaled softly, body relaxing as she dozed off. Wolf leaned back on her, sighing when Kipo wrapped her arms tighter around her waist. Mandu squealed, adjusting in Wolf's lap, nudging her head back, helping her avoid the flying Dave.

Benson grabbed him, stilling the bug in his lap, "Wuugh-" Dave leaned forward, stirring.

The drive went on for ten more minutes, the group being dropped off at an amusement park! Wolf glared at the mutes that passed, Benson holding Kipo up as he walked towards the rat that stepped out. "OH MY GOD THE ROLLERCOASTER IS OPEN!" Benson let her go.

Kipo fell limp against the pavement, Wolf turning quickly, glaring at Benson and grabbing him with her staff. She flung him to the forming lines, kneeling down by Kipo, "Nneek!!" Mandu squealed.

Dave growled, flexing and yelling, molting into Buff Dave. He showed off his muscles, taking a sharp breath and lifting Kipo up. "Can you keep carrying Kipo?" Wolf asked.

"Of course! My, strong and beautiful, muscles will be doing the work!" He grinned, flexing with his lower biceps.

He gasped, molting and dropping Kipo. Wolf dropped her staff, catching Kipo and guiding her the rest of the way to the ground, holding her head. "Y'know, we do have a medical bay." The female rat stepped over, name tag revealing the name Amy. "You can take her there til she wakes."

"Uh..Sure.." Wolf looked to Mandu. "What do you think Pig?"

Mandu squealed, worry evident on her face. She nodded, nudging Kipo and lying on her thigh. Grandpa Dave shuffled over, muttering softly about taxes as he waddled over to Benson.

. . .

Kipo stirred, the hand in hers moving up with her when she turned. Mandu squealed softly, adjusting against Kipo's side. "Are you up yet?" Wolf asked.

Taking a peek, Kipo glanced up at her then down at her hand. "..Nope." Kipo gently squeezed Wolf's hand. "I'm good here."

Wolf glared, Mandu squeezing in between Kipo's arm and the bed. She sighed, snorting softly and relaxing. "Kipo, the others are waiting."

"They can wait longer."

"Your birthday, Kipo."

That caught her attention. "Oh." Kipo pulled her hand close, dragging Wolf onto the bed. "Are you my present?"

Mandu's jaw dropped, the mute nudging Kipo roughly. "Kipo. You are so lucky I can't kill you for that." Wolf uttered. "No, I am not your present."

Kipo hummed longingly, holding Wolf close, "I wish you were, you make a nice pillow Wolfie." Kipo fell limp for a second, shaking her head lightly. "I don't feel so good.."

Wolf sighed, pulling Kipo's head to her shoulder, "You better be ready in five minutes. We're going back out after."

Kipo mumbled softly, nuzzling into the crook of Wolf's neck. "Five minutes.."

. . .

Wolf wished not to join anyone on any rides, and went walking around with Mandu and Dave. While on a boat ride, Kipo gazed at Benson, sighing and gazing ahead. The two softly talked, going on a ferris wheel ride and gazing at the sky. "Benson.." Kipo mumbled, blushing. "I.."

He tensed. "I'm gay-" "Think I like Wolf."

The two paused, looking to eachother. "Oh!"

"What does that have to do with?- Nevermind-!" Kipo shook her head. "I-I don't know what to do-"

Benson sighed heavily in relief, "I thought you liked me for a second- Kipo, welcome to the club! You're gay-"

"Besnon I know that!" She hit him. "But what do I do!? Wolf is like eleven!"

"I asked, she's twelve."

"Oh- Oh that makes it a little easier-" Kipo swallowed. "Uh- Actually none of this was easier- W-What do I do!?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't asked anyone out yet."

Kipo perked, looking around, "Did you hear that?"

He fell silent, straining his ears to listen, "I don't hear anyth-"

"GET DOWN!" Kipo pushed his head down.

A Mega flamingo swept past, screeching at them before turning and lowering itself, talons out. Benson screamed, trying to escape the ferris wheel, Kipo pushing him back down. The flamingo hissed, hitting the rim and flying away to loop back.

Kipo pulled Benson up out of the seat, holding his hand as she stepped off the ferris wheel carriage. She slid down, Benson still screaming as Kipo guided them down the ferris wheel. She was quick, thanking Wolf in her head for throwing her off the cliff during wolf training.

The flamingo dove for them once more, talons outstretched, scratching Benson's bag. He wailed, "ThEy StOpPeD mAkInG tHeSe YeArS aGo!"

Kipo hissed lowly, pupils dilating as her vision heightened, the scenery glowing. Pink fur grew on her arm as she ran with Benson, Kipo turning slightly and dropping him. The flamingo glared, talons out. When it drew near, Kipo grabbed a leg, spun, and threw it against the wall.

It cawed weakly, falling limp, "Let's go before it wakes up!" Kipo grabbed Benson's hand, dragging him back up and running off with him wailing.

He silenced when he felt the fur brush against him, eyes wide as he gazed at it, "Kipo--"

"Yes I see it too but let's not talk about it!" She exclaimed, rubbing her arm. "And don't tell anyone til we figure out why I grew fur!"

Benson shook his head roughly, "Not the time! Got it!"

Kipo scrambled to a halt, stopping a few inches from bunking into- "Wolf!" Kipo moved her arm behind her back. "Hi-"

Benson stumbled and fell to the ground, Dave laughing at him. "There you two are. We saw a flamingo, and frankly, we don't want to stick around for it." Wolf sighed, picking Benson up with her staff. "Hope this was enough of a birthday today, we need to go."

"Yes- That's fine!" Kipo glanced back, the fur retreating, revealing her pink skin. "Let's go."

. . .

The rats found them and gave them a ride, Kipo leaving a very nice review as they had provided excellent rides. Returning back the way they came, Benson had to keep Kipo stable as she had started feeling lightheaded again. Wolf glanced at the store as they passed, shaking her head lightly and leading the way back to the board.

Kipo kept focused as she climbed up, waiting for Wolf to sit down before sitting by her and leaning against her. "..Happy Birthday Kipo.."

"Thanks Wolfie.." She sighed. "Glad to have you here with me.."

To be continued.

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