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Kipo and her friends were sent off that morning after breakfast. Jamack didn't join them, but told Kipo he'd be around. If she needed him, of course. Not because he was worried-- He just.. Didn't want the extra work. Yeah, thats right.

Wolf, with Lio's descriptions, led the group to the woods, a fallen sign in their wake. "Loooooks like it." Kipo placed both paws on her hips. "Now where do we go?"

Mandu sniffed the ground, snorting and raising her head. "What is it Mandu?" Wolf leaned down.

The mute gazed at the trees, ears perking. She squealed, running off, Kipo quickly following, leaving Wolf, Benson, and Dave behind in confusion. "Where are you going!?" Wolf shouted.

"If your unusually calm pig runs away, you follow it!" Kipo called back.

Wolf paused, shrugged, and ran after. Benson and Dave panicked, chasing after, a sudden roar taking the air. Dave looked over Benson's shoulder, paling at sight. "Oh dude we are so not beating that thing."

"What? What do you mEAN-!" Benson screamed.

He was swallowed by a blue boar, the giant beast stopping and turning, the red boar mute continuing to chase Wolf. She caught sight of it, huffing and jumping forward onto Kipo. "Woah-!" Kipo jumped down to her paws, pulling herself forward. "Uhm-?"

"Keep going, I'm going to stab it." Wolf held Kipo tightly, drawing her staff.

Mandu squealed back at her, slowing down but keeping pace with Kipo, "Snnrt- Meeak!"

Kipo skidded to a stop, turning, the boar nearing, "Kipo-!"

The boar opened its mouth, Mandu oinking and covering her face, ears perking when the boar made no sounds. But Kipo did. Kipo growled, claws digging into the dirt beneath them, the boar taking a single step back. It snorted, Kipo stepping forward, swiping at its hooves.

It squealed, jumping back, glaring at Kipo. Mandu oinked, waving her hoof frantically, the large mute looking down at her. It sniffed her out, licking her and nudging her, turning. "Snnrt."

Mandu waved at Kipo, the red boar lying down. Mandu climbed up the boar's back, tail lightly wagging as she looked back at Kipo. "..Do we..?" Kipo looked over her shoulder.

"Yes. The other took Benson and Dave." Wolf pat Kipo's head. "Go."


"There there Benson," Kipo pat his back. "It's okay, you'll never be eaten by a boar ever again."

He sniffled, glaring through tears at the blue boar who was grooming itself. Three goats, blind and silent, stared in their direction. Kipo gazed at her paw, a small patch of it dirty, the girl leaning forward. She shook her head, wiping her paw off with the other, resting her head on Benson's shoulder.

Wolf sat by Kipo, Dave and Mandu shuffling over and bundling up together. Kipo carefully moved Benson behind herself, the two humans either side of her looking over her shoulders. "Uhm.." Kipo lightly cleared her throat. "Are you the goats I'm meant to be with?"

The tallest goat stood, "I, am Ida. We, are the Chevre Sisters." She walked towards Kipo, lowering her head, even to Kipo's. "Are you Kipo?"

"Y-Yes! I am Kipo!"

"..Get up Kid, you're short on time, and you've moved too fast." Ida waved her over. "Your friends stay, they can help themselves to the drinks."

Kipo hesitated, but stood, Ida walking towards the glimmering cave. The  two other goats followed, the boars standing. "Kipo..-" Wolf stood.

"Wait here. I'll yell if I need any help, okay?" Kipo waved her down. "I'll be fine."

Once Kipo stepped inside the cave, both boars blocked it, sitting before lying down in front of it. Wolf glared, the boars snorting at her, returning the same look.

Kipo was given two shakers of herbs, and given one job. "No matter what happens around you for the next.." Ida rapped her fingers. "Four and a half minutes, you loudly announce herbs in, herbs out. Got that?"

Understanding the assignment but confused on why she had to do that, Kipo nodded to herself and agreed. A fire was started in front of her, the bubbles popping from the curd in front of her. "Herbs in, herbs out." Kipo flicked the herbs forward, then back. "Herbs in, herbs out!"

"Bev, toss me those peppers." Floarbel waved her hoof.

Kipo turned slightly, yowling when the peppers landed on her face and it's pooling juices dripped into her eyes. She tossed the peppers quickly into Florabel's open hooves, wiping her eyes and muttering softly, "Herbs in, herbs out..!"

Ida cut in front of Kipo to the bowl, spilling half a bucket full of water in front of her, "Excuse me, blind goat coming through!" Ida pushed her way through.

Kipo stumbled back, slipping on the water, suddenly balancing out, feeling something brush against her..Tail? She whipped her head back, the pink tail drawing away from the pool of water, Kipo shaking her head lightly and flicking the herbs forward. "Herbs in, herbs oUT-!" Kipo jumped back, knives barely grazing her nose.

Her ears flicked, Bev grinning, "Time to cut the curd!" Bev noticed her missing knives due to the missing weight on her tray, and turned.

She grabbed a butcher knife, Kipo dropping down and yowling as Bev walked her way. She shuddered at the sudden wetness of her feet, looking down, hissing and jumping up, feet now paws. "WoLf!!" Kipo caught the flying herb shakers. "Herbs in- Herbs out--"

Bev swiped at her with the butcher knife, Kipo jumping up on top of the little stand of a kitchen. "Wolf!!"

Mandu squealed, Kipo spotting her from the corner of her-- Highly adaptive and very impressive, eyes. Wolf pushed through as Mandu held apart the unconscious boars, Benson and Dave following. Kipo jumped towards Wolf, skidding on the floor slightly as her paws were wet, hiding behind Wolf.

The Chevre Sisters stepped close, Ida tossing the herbs at Kipo which she actually managed to catch. "Herbs in, herbs out..?" Kipo flicked her wrists.

"Calmly, Kipo." Bev cooed.

Wolf sensed no malitent, hesitantly lowering her staff and looking to Kipo, patting her head. "Herbs in.."

Her paws shifted to just fur on her arms, Kipo perking. "Herbs out?"

Kipo's paws slipped out, the mute jumping up, "Herbs in!"

Her entire transformation reduced to good ol' Kipo, earning a gasp from her. "Oh dude that is so cool." Benson gaped.

"As you learn to grow," Ida stepped forward, taking Kipo's hands. "You will be able to transform without a mantra. Then, you can be a beast much more powerful, a protector of mutes."

Kipo flipped her hands, gently placing the herbs back in her hooves, "Thank you. For almost killing me, and helping me out. But..What do you mean beast?"

                  To be continued.

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