[5 part 2]

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Kipo jumped up on the branch, kicking herself off it and jumping across the river, balancing on the branch above it. A wolf lunged for her, Kipo grabbing his paw, "You have a nice turtleneck and I know they shrink when not washed properly!" Kipo grunted, throwing him back towards the edge.

He gazed at her, tail lightly wagging as he turned his head a multiple of directions. He tripped one of his comrades in payment, Kipo catching him too, "Guys, save your turtlenecks! I've been trying to find one for ages!!" She helped the wolf onto her branch before scrambling off.

The wolf yipped, tail wagging as Kipo ran off. She slid down the hill, turning around the tree and reaching for Stalky. She was pinned down, Billions growling in her ear, "Thanks for the information Alpha. But this study has gone long enough."

He bit her shoulder, Kipo crying out and gripping the grass, "My name..Is Kipo!" She elbowed him in the nose, stunning him long enough to flip over and grab Stalky.

She punctured him with the point, Billions falling limp. Clouds passed overhead, Kipo rubbing her eyes and stumbling. "KIPO!!" Wolf exclaimed.

Kipo perked, looking around, eyes dilating when she spotted Wolf. She threw a wolf over her shoulder, Mandu biting one and holding on for dear life. Kipo grabbed Wolf's cloak, jumping over a mute and wrapping her arms around Wolf. "Kipo-"

"Here you go-" She forced Stalky in Wolf's hand, putting the wolf skin over her. "Wolf on your left!"

Wolf spun her staff, grabbing a wolf with the tip and flinging it to a tree. Kipo perked, looking back, "ACK-"

Billions jumped into her, muzzle open. Kipo held him back, Wolf swiping at another mute, "YOU HURT MY BROTHER! FOR THAT YOU'LL PAY!"

His claws dug into her arm, his tail being grabbed. "Sorry Alpha Dog," The mute slammed the wolf down. "You can't hurt her til I get my revenge."

The clouds passed by, illuminating the area. Kipo sat up, hissing softly. Wolf kneeled down by her, brushing back her hair, panicked. "Kipo--"

Benson slid by her, unraveling gauze and moving her sleeve up. "Step aside Topsider." Jamack pushed him back, pulling Kipo up. "We wash it off first."

. . .

Kipo leaned against Benson as wolf swiped at the roots tangled into the telescope, Mandu squealing softly. "You alright Kipo?" Benson asked.

"..I'm still expecting Wolf to yell at me."

Wolf looked back, raising a brow, "Are you a masochist?"

Benson and Kipo snorted, Dave nodding, "Sounds like a cool word." Dave hummed. "My new name is Masochist Dave."

Kipo laughed, Benson slapping Dave's lower back. Dave grumbled, then sighed, "Kipo, I ain't trying to be rude. But why are you pink?"

She paused, then shrugged. "Puberty." Kipo stood, stumbling. "Woah-"

Wolf handed her Stalky, Kipo stabilizing and gently placing her hand on Wolf's shoulder. She flinched, pulling her hand back, Wolf gently nudging her. "It's fine, if you die this whole mission would have been a waste."

"True." She leaned down, looking through the telescope. "Ooh shiny!"

Kipo gasped, "What is it?" Wolf asked.

"Parsec- It's a parsec!" Kipo moved aside, pulling Wolf in front of the telescope. "Where is that?"

"Not far." Wolf uttered. "Come on then, let's get going."

Kipo nodded, "Sorry awesome telescope. But we can't have the wolves finding us." She flicked the lens.

It shattered, the glass creaking before shattering all throughout it. "They can still see through it." Benson stood.

"Yes, but nerds like myself, don't have the heart to look through a broken lens in fear of it ruining our perspective on things." Kipo held her hand out. "Someone help me down. Or I might pass out."

. . .

Kipo looked in the stores, sighing and stepping back, "He's not around anymore, Kipo." Benson gently nudged her. "He left when you passed out."

"But it's better that I find him before Wolf does." Kipo nodded back.

"What? He made you pass out." Wolf uttered.

"She's wants to kill him because I started crying." Kipo sighed, looking around. "I'd yell for him, but Wolf will hit me."

"She'll hit you for saying that." Benson uttered.

"Nah, Wolf thinks I'm a masochist."

"You act like one if you keep getting yourself in painful situations." Wolf swiped through brush. "Jamack said he wouldn't come get you until you felt better. So we won't see him for awhile."

"Until then, he's in Mute God's hands." Kipo walked over to Wolf, turning to Benson when he linked his arm around hers.

"Wolf's busting down some bushes, let's stay back."

Wolf perked, looking around, Mandu turning to the left, squeaking softly. "Mandu, catch." Wolf signaled to the store.

Mandu snorted, charging forward and jumping inside the store. She squealed, being kicked back out of the bush. Wolf twitched, walking over to Mandu, kneeling down. The mute growled a snort, wincing when Wolf gently pat her injured leg. Kipo limped over as Benson and Dave rushed to Mandu, Wolf grabbing Dave and throwing him in the bush.

Dave grunted, the other mute inside screaming and throwing Dave back out. "Jamack!" Kipo exclaimed, stumbling. "Ah- Woah-"

She fell to her knees, the group turning to her, Wolf facepalming as she stood. "Honestly Kipo you have two left feet." Wolf uttered, helping her stand.

"My dad said that once, it stuck with me for a week and I continued to hit every one and thing." Kipo balanced. "Jamack, it's so--"

"Terrible." He finished, sighing. "I can't believe I did what I did today."

"You're a good guy!" Kipo grinned. "Which means you're officially our friend-"

"Ew-" Jamack drew back. "Cut the sappy stuff, you're all still humans."

Benson lifted Mandu up, the pig shuffling slightly and lying her head on Benson's arm. "That we are." Kipo nodded, picking Dave up. "And you're our friend. Whether you like it or not. I'm hopping you do cause I'm going to make friendship bracelets!"

"Ooh, I love those!" Benson grinned.

"Can mines be black and red?" Dave asked. "Make mine have flowers on it too!"

"That is a great idea!" Kipo smiled brightly. "And once we--" She faltered. "Once we..-Ooh boy-"

'THUMP!' To be continued.

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