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Kipo felt better after the rest, so she and her friends went to walk around. Mandu was up ahead, sniffing the area out. She grew nervous at a still body of water, walking over to Wolf and hiding behind her. "Mmrreaak.."

Wolf looked around, tapping the end of her staff on the ground, Mandu stepping back. Wolf picked up a rock with the tip of her staff, whacking it into the water. It rippled, gushing around it before spilling out. "It's been awhile since I've had guests.." The water bear spoke softly. "No matter, I treat them with respect. Cup of tea?"

Kipo cooed, "Do you have peppermint-"


She jumped back, shaking her head, "Actually nevermind-"

It grew legs, smiling, "I could find some, names Mulholland." He held his hand out.

Kipo glanced to Wolf, smiling brightly and stepping forward, shaking his hand. "Kipo! Are you a waterbear?"

"Ah, smart girl." He nodded, a hat forming from his body of water. "Most powerful mute you don't even realize it." He tipped his hat. "What brings you 'round these parts?"

"Just on a walk." Kipo spoke. "Need to take the fresh air in! We're just passing by and my poor piggy got scared."

Mandu squealed, nuzzling in between Wolf's legs, gazing at the blob of water. "What a cute pig." Mulholland lowers himself, waving lightly at her. "Are you willing to give her up?"

"No," Kipo moved her hand behind her back, waving her group over. "She's my little buddy."

Benson shuffled over, Wolf smacking Dave to follow, "A shame, really." He sighed. "Can I help you with anything? Directions, food..Water?"

"No, thank you, really." Kipo waved him off, moving her hand behind her back again, tugging lightly at her other, pointing to it. "Does water get hungry, Mr.Mulholland?"

"Oh yes, how else do you think we get our vitamins?" He lightly chuckled.

Benson covered Dave's mouth, apologizing softly and ripping off his arm. Dave bit his hand, weakly beating at Benson. He handed Kipo Dave's arm, Wolf leaning down and picking Mandu up. "I dunno, but you like these." Kipo held up Dave's arm. "Right?"

Mulholland disipated into the concrete, resurfacing in Kipo's face, eyes wide, "That I do. Mute." He whispered, then giggled. "As water, I have knowledge." He slithered back, remaking his water hat, placing it on his head. "I know things, things people wouldn't think to see. And I can show you, with just a drip of water."

Kipo was stiff, had he- Had he been there when the fur grew on her arm? Water had memory, had he been in a puddle and noticed it all? Her- Her dad perhaps?- "Kipo." Wolf uttered. "We need to le--"

"Just a drip..?" Kipo took a step forward, dropping Dave's arm.

Mulholland grinned, "Won't even be a taste. Are you up for it?"

"Kipo-" Benson reached for her wrist.

She took another step, eyes glowing pink. "And you'll tell me what you find-?"

"Of course." Mulholland lowered himself. "Everything."

"I- I-I'll do it-"

His smile grew, the water bear grabbing her ankle. "Perfect."


Kipo was dragged to the water, the burrow girl grabbing the chain link fence, "KIPO!"


Mulholland grabbed her mouth, Kipo swallowing a lot of water in suprise, screaming bubbles before she went under. Mandu squealed, charging over and swimming into the water. She was pushed back out, Mulholland giggling as he held up Kipo, the burrow girl holding her breath as she tried to wiggle out of the water.

He waved, sinking again, disappearing with Kipo.


Kipo awoke, on her own terms. She was asleep for a little too long for (Wolf's) comfort, and awoke. She screamed, Mulholland dropping her in suprise. Kipo coughed, brushing back her hair and meeting his gaze, "T-There's still so much to learn!" He exclaimed. "Why did you--"

"I'm good." She breathed out. "I'm good..I..I learned alot, thank you.."

Mulholland shrunk, "But there was so much.."

"No, that's stuff I shouldn't know about.." Kipo carefully stood, holding her side. "It's personal, and it's not mine to learn.."

He blinked, "It's..Not yours..To learn.." Mulholland rose, picking Kipo up and taking her to shore. "I was hoping to teach you something, but I was taught instead. I'm..I'm going vegan for a bit, and maybe learn something else.." He sighed. "Shall you ever need any information, call into water and I'll see to it that you get what you need."

Mandu squealed, jumping into the water and swimming across the moat. Mulholland pulled her out, setting her by Kipo, the pig nuzzling her ankle. "Goodbye Mr.Mulholland.." Kipo mumbled.

He remade his hat, tipping it and sinking into the water. Kipo fell back, exhaling lowly and holding her head, "Ouch.."

Dave was thrown over at her, the bug groaning when he hit a pole instead, sliding down it. Wolf wade over, stepping out of the water and jumping into Kipo's arms. Benson shook himself off, kneeling down by Kipo and sighing, resting against her. "Sorry for worrying you guys.." Kipo mumbled, lowering her head. "But I learned alot, and I don't regret taking the chance.."

Wolf pulled back, gazing at Kipo, and slapping her. Benson and Dave gasped, Mandu nodding and slamming her hoof down on Kipo's thigh. "Deserved." Kipo nodded. "Feel better?"

"Yes, actually." Wolf sighed. "Do that again and we leave you."

"Yes ma'am." Kipo leaned forward, resting her head on Wolf's shoulder, sighing. "We need to camp out the night.."

. . .

Kipo didn't want a random store for camp, she wanted to walk back to the little district towards the billboard. Unwilling to cause an argument, the group followed. Kipo looked up at the store, then to Wolf, "Parsec. Is..That why you asked?"

Wolf cowered, gazing at Kipo, "I wasn't sure.."

Kipo looked away, silent. She walked forward, entering the store, walking around. She perked, moving a giant T away, leaning down. Benson walked over, Baby Dave in his arms, "Aires." He spoke.

"Yep.." Kipo sat, patting her thigh.

Mandu squealed, skipping over and sitting in Kipo's lap. "Mmrrpphh.."

Wolf neared, looking down at Kipo, "..Can--"

"Not right now, Wolf." Kipo uttered, turning her head. "Not today."

Wolf swallowed, stepping back and going over to Benson. He dusted away a spot for himself, holding his arm out. Wolf sat by him, pulling her hood over her face, Benson wrapping his arm around her, "It'll be okay." He whispered.

And with that, she dozed off, worried of the morning to come.

To be continued.

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