[3 part 3]

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Kipo slid the plate of Flapjacks in front of Molly, the cat sadly pulling it closer, "Ms.Yarnchopper? Are you okay?" Kipo asked, sliding the other plate of Flapjacks to the other cat.

Molly glared at Kipo, digging her very sharp claws in to the table, "No."

"Great! I hope you like your meal, would you like anything else?" Kipo questioned, handing Molly a fork.

The cat snatched it, stabbing a pancake, and shoving it in to her mouth. "Milk."

"Coming right up!" Kipo smiled, sending her finger guns, and heading back to the kitchen.

Wolf still looking out the window, Dave having a leaf as an apron as he flipped flapjacks. He offered a plate to Kipo, Benson coming in with empty plates on his hands and head, "We need more Dave!" Benson exclaimed.

Kipo took the plates in Benson's right hand, putting the plate of Flapjacks on it instead, and taking the rest of the empty plates. She placed them in the makeshift sink, Mandu coming in with an empty plate, squealing up at Dave, "Yeah milks in the cupboard." Dave shrugged.

Benson took the other plate Dave had made with Flapjacks on top, leaving the kitchen again. "Wolf?"

The human glanced back at Kipo, "Is there any way you can maybe, and possibly will, help us?" Kipo smiled nervously.

Wolf looked back out the window, the pink human pouting, and washing the dishes. She got them ready for Dave, the kitchen doors opening and closing a few times in the background. Then, out of nowhere, a song began. Kipo perked up, looking back, Molly hopping on to the wooden chair in the center.

She strummed her guitar, and let out a hearty laugh, then smirked. Other Timbercats cheered, many getting out their own instruments. "He was born with an axe in his fur! The toughest cat that you ever saw~" Molly sung, going to Wolf, flicking her hood off. "Well he could chop down a tree, with just one swing! We call him Yumyan Hammerpaw!"

The Timbercats cheered, few clashing their cups of milk against eachothers, others joining in the band. Ruffles got up from his seat, jumping down with a thud on the floor, swinging around Wolf's weapon. "He could punch out a thousand grizzly bears! He's mighty tall at seven feet." Ruffles smirked, going to the nearest cat, taking their drink and chugging it.

Shoelace grabbed a Flapjack, holding it up, "His beards so tough it gets in fights! His favorite food is luncheon meat." Shoelace sung along with the other Timbercat, tearing in to the flapjack like it was thick and hard to chew.

Other Timbercats joined in on the so called harmonization, continuing on the song for Yumyan Hammerpaw. Mandu rammed in to Kipo's leg, the pink human nearly tripping, looking down at her pig. "What is it Mandu?"

The mute signaled to the Timbercats, many of them beginning to gag as fur got stuck in their throats. Kipo quickly panicked to herself, rushing to Benson and Dave, dragging them out of the kitchen, "We have to go!" Kipo hissed.

They rushed to Wolf, Ruffles falling to the ground, hissing and coughing, just wanting to spit out the hairball. Wolf took her weapon back, Kipo taking her hand, and dragging her to the exit before others coughed up their own hairballs. "How much did we put in there?!" Kipo shouted.

Benson glared down at Dave, the bug letting out a cough, spitting out a ball of fur. "Not enough." He muttered.

Kipo snarled, kicking Dave forward, the mute screaming, rolling ahead like a ball, "Dave you dummy! They'll be mad at us! They can die!" Kipo shouted.

Mandu ran ahead, nudging Dave to keep on rolling, til they truly reached the end. The Timbercat Benson got the fur from used the branches to get over, hissing, jumping down in front of them, spinning their axe. Benson looked around, pushing everyone to the ball of yarn.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now