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"More mutes- Are they friendly? Or unfriendly?" Kipo muttered.

Wolf sighed. "They're holding axes Kipo!"

The pink human nodded slowly. "Unfriendly, got it."

The cats hissed, rushing down the crater. "Lesson five of the surface, know when to run!" Wolf shouted, jumping over fallen debris.

Kipo followed the smaller human, hiding behind her. The cats ran past the debris they were hiding behind, all searching a huge pile beside them. Wolf felt arms around her waist, taking a peek back. Kipo was holding on to the smaller girl rather tightly, a bit frightened. Wolf relaxed a bit, Kipo hugging her tighter.

Benson coughed, fully on purpose to end the..Session. Kipo let go of Wolf in an instant, jumping back. Wolf was about to reach out to grab Kipo's hand, pulling back right away. "Augh! There's no point!" A white cat in a blue flannel, with matching eyes exclaimed.

"Don't give up! The Scratching Tree has to be here!" A cream-colored cat with golden eyes shouted back.

She snarled, holding up some bark. "You think your tiny axes can stop what did this?!" She called back.

A cat cried out. "NoO!! That's part of the Scratching Tree! Raise your axes for the Scratching Tree.." A cat with white fur with peach eye patches, black ears and huge round eyes mumbled, raising her axe.

Others raised their axes, all looking down glumly at the ground. "Whatever did this is long gone by now!" The white cat hissed. "We can't do anything, not without Yumyan Hammerpaw!"

The cream colored cat hissed back. "Don't be crazy Molly Yarnchopper!"

Kipo poked her head around the debris, overhearing their private conversation. "Guys! I think the monster they're looking for is the same one that took my people! We should totally team up with them!"

Wolf made a clicking sound with her tounge. "Kipo no! Humans and Mutes don't mix! Unless it's for another stupid war!"

The pink human fumbled with her words, going out towards the cats. Wolf facepalmed, Benson sighing heavily. Kipo tapped the cream colored cats shoulder, said cat turning around and putting the axe next to her throat. "U-Uh..Hi..?"

Molly Yarnchopper crawled over slowly, standing beside him. "So- I uhm- Overhead your conversation.. And I think the mute you're looking f-fOR-" Kipo pulled back a bit as the axe came closer.

The white cat let out a quiet snarl, elbowing the other cat. The pink human anxiously swallowed the lump in her throat. "I-Is the one that attacked my burrow..? A-And maybe we can work together to attack it..?"


"I tried." Kipo sighed, resting her head on Wolf's poofy hair.

The smaller human pushed her away, Kipo continuing to come back. "You got us in this mess!"

Kipo pouted, staying in the corner Wolf pushed her in. "Something tells me this isn't the sand you find at the beach.." Benson mumbled.

Dave molted, messing with his little feet. "Babababappfft!" He giggled, grabbing the substance.

Benson snatched him up, smacking his hands. "No! Litter is not food!"

Kipo looked out of the cage, trees coming in to view. "Woah.." Kipo blurted out, looking up at the pretty green trees.

Molly looked at her, snapping her claws. The four cats who held up the cage put it down, one of them opening the gate. Kipo stepped out, looking up. "Timbercat Village, respect the trees humans." Molly hissed.

Wolf glared at the cats, one of them she already wanted to kill. The cream colored cat hissed quietly, holding on to her precious Stalky tighter. Dave molted as he stepped out, cheering. "I'm back in fighting shape!"

Benson smacked him behind his head, the mute oofing. "Awh I just remembered we got caught.."

Mandu squealed, nudging Kipo. The pink human picked her up, looking over at the white cat. "So uhm..What are you going to do with us?"

The cream colored cat chimed in for this question. "We should bat them between our paws till we get bored!"

Molly hummed. "That's crazy talk Ruffles, let's eat them instead."

"They arrived in the litter you crazy cat!"

She perked up. "Crazy!? Want to that to my face you fuzz bucket?!" She hissed.

The cat with white fur and peach eye patches cried out, hiding behind the ripped out tree. "CATTERBRAWL!" Ruffles hissed, tackling Molly.

Kipo hid behind Wolf, Mandu on her shoulder shaking. Other cats fell from the trees on top of other cats fighting eachother. After a few minutes of hissing, biting, clanking, and flying axes, a cat called out. "NOo! This is wrong! We can't do anything without Yumyan!!!" The same cat that hid exclaimed.

Molly got off of Ruffles, pulling out some string in front of the cat. "You're right Shoelace." Molly sighed.

Kipo cleared her throat, standing back up. "So what happened to Yumyan..?"

Molly looked over at her. "This human keeps talking to us, why is she doing that?"

"Well it's being polite to start a small conversation isn't it..?" Kipo asked quietly.

Molly hummed. "Yeah I guess you're right.." She muttered, looking around.

A screech took the cries in the battle of cats, everyone going silent. "That sounds like Pierre." Molly said, getting in a defensive pose. "Yumyan's pet.."

A second screech took the silence, a flea jumping from tree to tree. Soon enough, he knocked one down, Molly dropping her axes. "TIMBER!" She called out, pushing a cat out of the way.

The tree fell with a loud thud, Molly snarling quietly. "Okay that tree was clearly unstable, how come no one thought to chop it down!?"

The cats all murmured with each other, till the third screech ensued. A cat was on his back, holding on for dear life to his collar. Pierre the flea screeched, making them fall off as well as his collar. Ruffles clicked his tounge, looking at the others. "Any volunteers?"

Kipo raised her hand. "We volunteer!"

Wolf face palmed, shaking her head slowly. "Great.."

To be continued.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now