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Wolf glared at the puddle, standing. "I give up. I don't like feeling this way."

Jamack looked over, "Finally caved did we?"

"Yes. Now take me to Kipo."

Jamack stood, sighing, "I'll do my best."


Lio had left the burrow with Hoag, the two being sent out to speak of.. Something. Kipo took Benson, Dave, and Mandu out to show them around. "This is where we get food. Grab a tray," Kipo picked a tray. "Walk to the line."

"Uh-" Dave hesitated to place a tray on Mandu's head, settling with having one in each of his hands.


"Then what?" Benson followed.

"Put your tray on the belt, point to what you want, and wait at the end." Kipo said, setting her tray on the belt, pointing to the sides.

Benson followed Kipo's lead, Dave putting Mandu on his head, letting her point as he walked. Utensils were handed out, Kipo guiding her friends to a sitting area. "This is nice!" Benson began chowing down. "Warm food!"

"We had warm food three days ago." Dave said, hopping up on the bench. "Do you know anyone here, Kipo?"

"Yes, I have three other friends. Troy, Dahlia, and-"


She turned, standing, "Asher-"

Kipo was tackled, being wrapped in a tight hug, Benson jumping up and helping the two up. "You're alive!" Asher exclaimed.

"I- You thought I wasn't??-" Kipo pat herself down.

"We hoped you were safe! And you were!"

Dahlia and Troy walked over, Benson gazing at the other guy his age. "What's going on?" Dahlia asked. "Mr.Oak keeps panicking and--"

"It's Doag's fault," Troy spoke up. "She tripped an alarm and Mr.Oak can't turn it off without Hoag's master key. I told you this on the way here!"

Dahlia mocked him softly, perking and gently elbowing Asher as a grin crossed her lips. "Someone was thinking of you Kipo~~"

"Dal-" Asher turned, burning red. "You said you wouldn't--"


Kipo tilted her head, "Was it my dad?"


"Someone else!" Dahlia exclaimed. "Someone you know veerryyy well~"

Mandu squealed, jumping off the bench and ramming into Kipo's leg, snorting. Kipo looked down at her, Mandu oinking and bouncing. "What's wrong Mandu? I showed you where the bathroom was--"


Dave, Benson, and Kipo turned to the voice, suprised. There, beside Lio, stood-- "Wolf.." Kipo breathed out. "Wolf!"

Mandu snorted, squealing and rushing over. Yet was quickly passed by Kipo, Wolf hesitating but staggering forward. Kipo lowered herself slightly, catching Wolf and holding her tightly. Mandu jumped on Kipo's shoulder, nuzzling Wolf's cheek, Lio walking over.

When it finally clicked who it was, Dave and Benson ran over, joining the hug, sighs of relief escaping the boys. "Wolf, huh?" Lio shook his head lightly. "Jolene my butt."

"Haha- You remembered?-" Kipo sniffled, squeezing Wolf.

"Be quiet before I let go-"

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now