[8 part 2]

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Kipo came to quickly after passing out, seeing Wolf scamper out, "Wolf-" Kipo whimpered. "Ouch- W-Wolf!"

Mandu sniffed Kipo's arm, perking as her consensus was true. Kipo staggered out of the small room, whimpering as she fell to her knees, "Wolf!"

Benson stopped in front of her, grabbing her shoulders, "Hey- Hey-! Hey, what's wrong?- Not like blood or someth-"

"Kipo's a mute!" Wolf hissed. "Kipo's-"

Benson kept a hard gaze at Wolf, and she drew back. "Wolf.."

"You knew?"

"It happened out of nowhere, there was nothing we-"

"You knew, and didn't tell me?" She scoffed. "Mute's are dangerous--"

Benson waved his hand, "This again- Kipo is harmless! Mandu and Dave--"

"That's different-!"

"Because what, you knew?" Benson glared. "You don't mind Dave and Mandu cause you already knew they were mutes, but Kipo just found out-"

"Because I'm scared!-" Wolf exclaimed.

Benson perked, then softened, "You have every right to be, Wolf..But you can't just hate Kipo for lying about something she barely found out about herself..She's hurting, Wolf..She needs us to help her figure it out..When we do, you're free to leave.."

Dave gently pat Kipo's cheek, lowering his head slightly to meet her gaze, "All good Kipo?" He asked.

She slumped, Mandu sliding under her and nudging her head up. "Wolf.." Kipo breathed out. "I want Wolf.."

Benson looked down to her, gently patting her shoulder and going over to Kipo. "Let's get you to bed first, Kipo.."

Label walked over with a water, handing it to Benson and carefully scooping Kipo up. Wolf looked up, the cloth seemingly..Easy, to rip. She could leave, and Benson said it was okay. So..

Wolf shook her head lightly, gripping her staff and walking back into the room.


Mandu squealed, raising her hoof and pointing to her eyes, "Meeeakk!"

"You saw that too?? I thought it was just me.." Kipo rubbed her eyes, blinking quickly.

Benson's jaw dropped as Kipo's sclera turned pink, iris turning a hot pink as her pupil grew sharp like a cats. Kipo winced, covering her eyes, Dave patting her shoulder, "Hey, don't force it. You'll only hurt yourself.."

Kipo blinked, shaking her head lightly, eyes returning to normal. She looked to the corner of the room, lowering her head, "Does Wolf hate me now..?"

Benson pat her shoulder, "Of course not. We're..Just processing new information is all. You're still Kipo."

"Wolf doesn't think so.."

Wolf looked back. "It doesn't change anything though, does it? You're still Kipo to me, and Dave..Mandu too." Benson pat the pig's head. "We're still willing to stick with you Kipo, so don't worry."

Kipo sniffled, whimpering softly and wiping her tears. She wailed, covering her face as Benson shuffled closer. He sat in bed by her, pulling her head to his shoulder. Mandu gently nuzzled Kipo's arm, Dave turning away and patting her thigh, saving her from embarrassment.

Benson hushed her softly, rubbing her head as Kipo sobbed. He looked across the room, Wolf gripping her staff, head down. She glanced over her shoulder, Benson closing his eyes and humming softly.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now