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Dave eagerly led the way to the beach, the group on their way to get brunch. "Cappuccino is the owner of Brunchington Beach, she's got three rules you gotta follow!" Dave waved his hands.

"And those are?" Benson pried.

"Uhm-" Dave tapped his claws together. "You see-- I only remember two-"

"It's better than nothing." Kipo smiled.

"Everyone pays their own bill. A bill isn't money or service, its information. The good stuff." Dave explained. "Like Scarelegmane is planning to kidnap all humans, that's considered good information."

Benson knelt down in front of Dave, grabbing him, "Dave, buddy. Listen."

Dave's eyes went everywhere but back to Benson's, the bug being slapped, "OW!" Dave gasped. "Rude!"

"Dave. I need you to look into your tiny brain, and remember. What is that third rule and will it kill us?" Benson shook him.

Mandu snorted, nodding, Dave zoning out. He gazed at Benson, gasping. Then he shrugged, scratching his cheek, "I don't remember."

"Dang it Dave!" Benson tossed him off the hill.

"Benson!" Kipo gasped. "I'm coming Dave! Herbs out!"

She jumped down after him, Dave rolling down the hill and letting out jarbled cries. Kipo grabbed his foot, claws digging into the dirt mound, slowing her descent. "Urgh..Thanks Kipo.."

He spit out the dirt, Kipo shuffling slightly and burrowing the front of her paw into the dirt, tossing Dave back up. Benson caught him, squishing the bug, Dave molting and crossing his muscular arms. Benson dropped him, Dave fluttering down to Kipo, picking her up and delicately landing back to the group.

"Actually," Dave scoffed. "You can go walk down the hill."

He picked Mandu and Wolf up, turning and huffing. Benson jumped on his back as Dave fluttered down, "I gave you my last cheese ball. You can not pick that tone with me Mister." Benson grumbled.

Dave landed at the bottom of the hill, near a truck, Kipo suddenly perking. "Herbs in."

Being set down, she peeked around the truck, gasping. Slipping into costume, were otters. One heard, turning its head quickly, "KIPO-!" The otter gasped.

The others turned, suprised. "Oh-! You know who I am?" She hesitated, but stepped closer.

Wolf spun her staff, holding the tip in front of Kipo, "You just healed, maybe you shouldn't be in front just yet." Wolf took the lead. "Who are you dorks?"

"I beg your pardon?" An otter set down his guitar. "We, are thespians! The TheaOtters!"

"Did he just say the otters?" Benson piped up.

"No! The-Aught-Ter! TheaOtter!" He waved him off. "Be at rest Cowardly Benjamin! We are not fighters."

A bell went off, the otters looking to the restaurant a walk away. "Puck, we have to go." An otter in a poor wolf costume pointed to the beach, putting on the headpiece.

"Oh we're going down there too!" Kipo stepped forward. "Can we walk together and tell us what you're working on?"

Puck rose a brow, "Do you know the rules?"

"We know two of them." Benson glared at Dave.

"Rule the third! No humans allowed by penalty of a most gruesome death." Puck picked his guitar back up. "Come on everyone! Take an extra costume we don't have enough actors but that is just fine!"

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now