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Harris and Kwat had kidnapped Kipo, tying her with vines and flying off on a dragonfly. "What should we change our names to Kwat?" Harris croaked. "I'm thinking King."

"Haha, that's a good one Harris." Kwat hummed. "Maybe Kristopher."

"Really. Kristopher?" Harris scoffed. "You're an idiot."

Kipo gasped softly when another tounge wrapped around her and pulled her back, sighing quietly in relief when she saw the familiar face. "Jamack.."

"Hey Kid," He glanced back. "Glad to see you're not dead."

"Me too." Kipo held Dave tightly. "Are they still mad at me??'

Jamack shook his head, slowing his dragonfly, watching as Kwat and Harris flew off before turning and going down to the forest. "The big monkey made an announcement. To the victor goes the spoils, and you'll be put right next to him."

Kipo blinked, "You're..Not going to take me to him..Are you..?"

"What am I going to get out of it? He's a liar," Jamack uttered. "It's a mute eat mute world out here. I bring you to him, he'll do everything in his power to get the goods out of us. And then we'll be thrown away. You don't deserve that, so I'm taking you where you need me to. Where are we going?"

"To the dump, Mandu was left behind." Kipo swallowed.

"That place that smells like dead racoons??" Jamack shook his head. "Great."


Wolf slowed when she had realized Benson was the one chasing her down, and stopped to look at him. "What." Wolf uttered.

"If..You ever want to find us--"

Mandu squealed, tumbling down the small hill, patting the floor. She rushed to Wolf, standing on her hind legs, ears flicking up. "What?"

Snorting, Mandu turned, pressing her snout against the dirt, walking around and drawing a poor frog. "..Mod Frogs-"

Mandu pointed, squealing, rushing to the pink bushes and coming out with 'hair.' "Kipo's in danger?-" Benson rushed back towards the slight hill. "Come on Mandu!"

The mute chased, dropping the leaves, Wolf gazing at the drawing. She clicked her tounge, gripping her staff.

. . .

Jamack gently helped Kipo off the dragonfly, helping her sit by the pole. "Carefully now, Kid.." He spoke softly.

Kipo hissed in pain as she sat, Dave molting and staggering around, "Kipo-" Teen Dave turned, molting again and cupping Kipo's cheek. "Are you okay?-"

"I want to go home..I want my dad.." Kipo exhaled. "And maybe a doctor.."

She fell limp, Jamack gently slapping her cheek, "Uh-Oh."

Benson rushed over, leaves and branches in his hair, Mandu slipping after. "We need to go-" Benson slid off his bag, pulling out the lunchbox from his ripped pocket.

He opened it, anger and shock evident in his eyes. Benson pulled out the glasses, sliding them on and looking around. He took them off, putting them on Dave, grabbing him, and throwing him on top of the nose. "See anything!?"

Dave looked around, holding the nose tightly and gasping, "There's a glowing clover!" Dave pointed. "But there's dogs everywhere!"

"Too bad!" Benson held his arms up. "We're going!"


Jamack had kindly offered his ride, and watched as they flew away. He sighed, scratching his head before shrugging and walking off.

Benson held Kipo tightly as he steered the dragonfly, Dave carefully placing the glasses on his head, holding Mandu close. Panic was all that circled Benson's mind, thoughts not even completing themselves and he made rash decisions. Yet his decisions proved worthy, as they landed safely in the middle of the clover. "You are free!" Benson smacked the dragonfly's rear. "Away!"

It chittered and fluttered away, Benson holding Kipo a little higher. "Look for an entrance."

Kipo rose her head, fur trailing up her arm, a soft whine escaping her. "Kipo?" Dave stepped close. "Are you okay?"

She nodded to her right, huffing softly, "Mmrr.."

"Let's go." Benson held her tightly, helping her limp in the direction she suggested.

Mandu sniffed ahead, squealing excitedly when she met with a shoe. "Oh- Hello-" Lio gulped. "I'm Lio."

"D..ad.." Kipo staggered through the bushes. "D..ad!"

Lio perked, Mandu guiding him to the group, "Kipo-!"

She smiled brightly, stumbling to him and hugging him. His heart ached at the sight of his injured daughter, kissing her head, holding her tightly, "What happened to you..?"

"A..lot.." Kipo relaxed in his hold. "I missed you Dad.."

"C-Can we move this reunion inside?? Kipo is still hurt!" Benson stepped forward.

"Right-- Kipo Love, can you stand?"

"Barely..Dad.." Kipo drew back. "What is this..? What did you do to me..?"

The fur trailed up her neck, going down to her ankles. "Oh..Kipo.." Lio cupped her face. "I..We..I'll explain everything when you're stable, right now, we need to get you and your friends to safety."


Kipo couldn't relax, so she stayed up while Benson, Dave, and Mandu tried to ease her to sleep, only dozing themselves off. "You're a mute." Lio blurted.

"I know that part, Dad.."

"I- Okay, your mother and I..We wanted you to be perfect..To..Make a difference in this world.." Lio scratched his head. "And made you a mute.."

Kipo narrowed her eyes, a soft huff escaping her, "And my best friend hates me for it.." Kipo sighed. "Dad..How do I make it stop..?"

Lio lowered her head, "You can't..If you do..You die.."

Kipo bit her lip, letting out a soft sob, bringing her hands up and covering her face. Dave jolted awake, looking to Kipo, sighing. "Let's go take a walk, Kipo." He rolled off the bed. "Mute to mute, it'll be good for you.."

She sniffled, wiping her tears and taking his hand. Dave guided her out, waving to Lio before completely leaving the makeshift apartment. "Kipo," Dave began. "I may not be the smartest mute, but I know you're hurting."

Kipo rubbed her eyes, "I miss Wolf.."

"And it's alright that you do." Dave gently pat her hand. "But you won't be cooped up here forever. When you figure everything out with your body, Benson and I will join you to the surface. And we'll find Wolf."

"But she hates me!"

Dave shook his head lightly, "Who could hate you? She's just afraid. Once you show her you can control your body and are still innocent Kipo, she'll come..With a hug! Just for you."

"How are you so sure..?" Kipo knelt down.

"I can feel it in my Dave bones." He hugged her. "We'll be okay. Promise."

To be continued.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now