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Kipo came to on the billboard, Wolf, Benson, Mandu and Dave snuggled up against her. "Hm..?" Kipo squirmed.

Wolf and Mandu jolted up, Wolf relaxing when she realized it was just Kipo. Mandu squealed, nuzzling the burrow girl, tail wagging, "How are you feeling?" Wolf stood, rubbing her eyes.

"Sore." Kipo hummed. "I'm sorry, I should get up-"

"No. We stay put til you're ready. If you die on us, Benson is next."

Mandu nodded, squealing and circling Wolf, "Snnrt prreeaak?"

"You can start working on the weird number, but you're not moving til you feel better." Wolf grabbed her staff, picking Benson up.

He snorted, spooking himself awake and looking around, "Wolf. Put me down.."

"The thing you grabbed for Kipo?"

Benson pointed to his bag, Teen Dave holding it close. Mandu stomped over, taking a sharp breath and pulling the bag free, seconds away from escaping. Dave reached out and grabbed her, the pig huffing and glaring at the far distance. "Hang tight Mandu." Benson swayed his feet, clearing his throat when he was set down.

Mandu chuffed, Benson pulling her free and letting Teen Dave take his arm instead. Kipo pulled a small notebook from Benson's bag, perking, "You can solve from here. Got it?" Wolf forced Kipo back down.

The burrow girl looked up at the billboard, the pink 3.262 gazing at her in its reflective glory. "Hm.." Kipo lowered her head, beginning to write ideas.

. . .

Kipo took short naps during her work, she still had a headache, and the pain lingered. Benson woke her up each time to give her some water before going back out to find some more fresh and clean water. "Well, let's get going." Kipo sighed, closing the notebook and standing.

"You've solved it?" Wolf looked up.

"No, but I can't stay up here. It's hard to breathe, and I need to get moving. Need to stretch."

"Which you can do from up here." Wolf stood.

"Yeah, but I still can't breathe up here! We'll be quick, and I don't want to spend the last.." Kipo looked up at the setting sun. "Six hours of my birthday on a giant sign."

Benson, Wolf, and Dave looked to Kipo in suprise, Mandu snorting softly. "Oh we are so going down now." Benson stood. "Let's go Kipo."

"Sweet! Come on Wolf, Mandu hop on." Kipo went to the ladder, going down a few steps.

Mandu squealed, running over and jumping on Kipo's shoulder, shuffling so four of her hooves were on Kipo's upper body and the first two on Kipo's head. "Mmeeeakk!"

Kipo waved Wolf and Benson along, sliding down the ladder, cheering softly as she descended. Wolf spun her staff, jumping off the side, the tip of her staff slinking around a bar. She reached the bottom before Kipo, being glared at. "I prefer not dying!" Benson called from above. "Five minutes please!"

Dave jumped off, splatting on the ground and molting. "Finally, being a teen is so difficult." He shuddered.

Kipo set Mandu down, the mute jumping around Wolf and squealing, nuzzling her staff. "I'll take you next time Pig." Wolf leaned down, gently scratching Mandu's ear.

The pig snorted, leaning against the gentle scratches, tail wagging. "I call dibs on--"

"Kipo. You're going with me." Benson said, half sliding down the ladder, half stepping down.


"Wolf, you're taking Mandu." Benson pointed.

"But I--" Kipo stepped forward.

"I want to go with Wolfie." Dave rose his hand. "She'll protect me and be perfect bait if the flamingos come!"

Mandu glared, snorting and charging into Dave, spinning and kicking him away. She huffed, trotting back to Wolf and sitting down. "That's a good girl Mandu." Wolf grinned. "But wouldn't it be better to stick together? Kipo isn't a 110% yet."

"That's true." Kipo walked around, standing behind Wolf. "Right Benson? You can't protect me all on your own if I pass out."

"You do have a point.." He mumbled. "Fine. Only because I know I can't take care of Kipo by myself."

"Great! Let's go look for some food first then we can get going." Kipo clapped.

. . .

Wolf noticed a store, on their walk. She read it over, kept staring as they walked past it, but kept silent. After passing several more stores, she spoke up, "What was that thing on the board again?"

"A parsec." Kipo glanced back. "3.262. It's a form of measurement."

Wolf nodded slowly, "How are you feeling?"

Kipo shrugged, "I can breathe again. So as good as I can be!"

Benson hummed, walking into a store, looking around. Kipo followed his lead, searching about and peeking up when she found something small. She went over to Wolf, kneeling down and brushing back her hair. Wolf flinched, drawing back, "Kipo-"

"Just one second I promise." Kipo brushed back her hair, sliding the clip in.

She closed it, smiling. "A hair clip??"

"Your hair always covers your eyes, and maybe it doesn't bother you, but I hope it doesn't. Just in case." Kipo stood. "Maybe I'll find something for myself here too."

Benson crawled through the shelves, falling into a pile and scrambling out and up. He shook the can of cheese he found, showing it to Kipo and walking outside, muttering softly. "Happy birthday..!"

He opened the can, looking around before walking down the street. Giving eachother a look, Kipo and Wolf followed him out, Mandu quickly catching up. Dave hit the door, grunting and spinning around, rushing after the group.

Wolf had to force Benson to stop every once in awhile to let Kipo rest, the group eventually reaching an old alley. Benson sprayed down the cheese, stepping back, Mandu's ears perking. A van drove through the fence, skidding to the side, doors sliding open as the music poured out.

Benson signaled to the van, grinning, "Your chariot awaits birthday girl."

To be continued.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now