[2 part 2]

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Sorry for late upload! Got other Fanfictions to worry about now!

Wolf had grumbled on and on about earlier and the boys. Mandu huffed, scouting the area to look for those tramps. "Right there! They're right there!" Kipo exclaimed, patting Wolf's head.

The human snarled, giving them a boost down the hill. She caught up to them in an instant, she was so mad you'd probably die right away if she did have her weapon. She rear ended them, Kipo still holding on. "Woah! Hey!" Benson shouted, trying to keep the bike in check.

"Give it back!" Wolf shouted, Mandu huffing in agreement.

Benson took the staff, handing it back to Wolf. "It's a deathstalker! Here, you can have it back!"

Wolf snatched it, forcing Kipo to man the bike while she tried to stab the male human. Dave blocked it, trying to push her off. "Wolf! I'm totally riding a biKE-"

She yelped as a tounge wrapped around her, taking her back. "Wolf! Help!!" Kipo exclaimed, trying to break through the frogs grasp.

Benson hit the breaks, Jamack's car coming closer. He continued to pedal beside Kipo, unwrapping the tounge from her. "This- Stupid- NOM!" Benson bit the tounge, Jamack grabbing him and Dave instead.

Kipo caught up to Wolf, looking back at the now approaching frogs. "Follow me if you want to get home."

The three frogs hopped off the car, jumping towards them. Wolf went up a hill, Kipo following close behind. She jumped off her bike, Mandu doing the same. "Might want to hold on to something!" Wolf shouted, slamming her staff down.

The hill trembled, the trees shaking violently. "The hill is moving- Wolf the hill is moving!"

"It's not a hill!"

The giant turtle popped it's head out, standing up the rest of the way. The tree frog stopped when he saw that, the bigger frog trying to get on. They fell in to the water with a loud splash, Jamack not even attempting to try it. "Sorry Benson.." Kipo mumbled, looking back at them.

After awhile of the hill moving, Kipo spoke up. "We need to go back and help them!"

Wolf stayed in the exact same position. "I don't need to do anything!"

Kipo huffed. "They helped us out! It's only the right thing to do!"

Wolf glared at the pink human. "Do you know how valuable you are!? You can lead those frogs to a city full of humans! Just be grateful we got away!"

Kipo grumbled angrily. "Thank you." She muttered.

Mandu squealed, sitting in the pink humans lap, giving a sad expression. "I know Mandu..We're seeing alot of mean people aren't we Mandu? Aren't we?" Kipo cooed in a baby tone.

The pig squealed, her curly tail wagging. Kipo went back to the top of the shell, sitting in the center. "Is Wolf being mean? Is she being a meany?" Kipo asked her pig.

The smaller human could hear this, getting a bit fed up. "But she's strong, so she can take care of you and me. So we're staying with her okay?"

Mandu squealed in agreement, the sound of her hooves clanking on the hard shell. Wolf sighed, leaning her head back on the bark. "I can't believe I'm going to do this for a burrow girl.." Wolf said aloud to herself.

She went back up to the top of the shell, standing beside Kipo. The turtle bellowed, laying back down, Kipo standing up. "Let's go get them back.." Wolf mumbled.

Kipo smiled, pulling the human in a hug. Wolf groaned. "You're touching me. Don't."

Kipo giggled. "You like it~"

Wolf grumbled angrily, pushing Kipo away gently. "Cut it out! I don't like it!" Wolf exclaimed, her face heating up from embarrassment.

Kipo let her go, stepping back. "If we're going back, we need to come up with a plan." The pink human said. "I think I have a really good one."


So, spoiler alert. The first part of her plan completely backfired. They went to go look for the boys, and only ended up getting themselves caught. Not including Mandu, she had gotten away. "Next time we pick smarter humans to rob." Dave muttered.

Kipo smiled nervously, letting out a nervous laugh. After driving for what seemed like forever, the car came to a sudden halt. The tree frog opened the door, pulling Kipo and Wolf on to the lily pad. Jamack chuckled, stepping out. "We found, a burrow girl!" Jamack exclaimed.

The frogs gasped, murmuring amongst each other. Kipo looked around nervously, seeing weapons of all kinds. "W-Whoever said I'm from a burrow, lied! I hunt Mega Bunnies."

Jamack's expression fell to slightly fed up. Benson and Dave groaned as they were thrown on top of eachother, both slowly sitting up. "Yeah, it's obvious you're a burrow girl. But, if you can prove it, we'll let you go."

Benson cleared his throat, fixing his posture. "Who Kipo? My girls the coolest Mega Bunny hunter, ever!"

Dave nodded. "She's a legend!"

"Apology accepted girl." Benson fake smiled.

Wolf snarled. "Did it look like I apologized!?"

Jamack perked up when he heard the sound of flies flapping their wings and making their stupid annoying sounds. "Boss! I brought you a-"

The female frog stepped down on the flies when they made a staircase, walking towards Kipo. "So this is her."

"Gift.." Jamack mumbled, clearing his throat a second later.

A fly handed her a pencil and some glasses. She used the glasses to examine Kipo's hand. "Skin, untouched by the sun.."

She used the pencil to open Kipo's mouth, the pink human cowering a bit. "Not a single tooth missing. This girl is from a burrow. Good job Jamack."

He stood proudly, his face falling when he heard loud footsteps nearing. A Mega Bunny sniffed the air, looking in their direction. "Like I said. We're Mega Bunny hunters." Kipo said.

"Right before we got caught." Wolf smirked, looking up at Kipo.

"We found a nest of babies. Their fur is so soft." Kipo smiled, throwing the bunch of fur in front of the frogs.

The frogs gasped, a few already taking off. "Where's our backup?" Wolf asked in a bitter tone.

"Mandu! You're our backup!" Kipo called out.

The pig surfaced from the water, hitting the two frogs from earlier with the deathstalker. She squealed, throwing it to Wolf. The shorter human got up grabbing her staff. She cut through her ropes, helping Kipo and the boys. The Mega Bunny neared, sniffing for her baby.

Which was not at all near the lake. A dragonfly, the one that drove Jamack's car nonetheless, landed on the lily pad beside them. The Mega Bunny stepped in the lake, sniffing around and getting closer. "Wait! I speak a little dragonfly!" Dave exclaimed, blowing raspberry.

The dragonfly did the same, both communicating with eachother. The Mega Bunny neared, spotting the group. She huffed, moving her paws back. "Alright get on!" Dave exclaimed.

After Kipo, Benson, and Mandu got on, the dragonfly hissed at Wolf. "What do you mean not her?!" Dave shouted, blowing raspberry.

The Mega Bunny neared, about to step on the lily pad. "He says he'll do it!"

Kipo grabbed Wolf's hand, helping her up in an instant. The dragonfly took off, flying away. Wolf panted, trying to calm down. "Are you okay?" Kipo asked, holding Wolf close.

The smaller human nodded slowly, her heart rate decreasing. Kipo sighed in relief, tightening her grip on Wolf. The pink human looked back, letting out another yelp. "Uh guys? What's faster, a bunny, or a frog!?"

Jamack was on the Mega Bunny, in his bosses car, and in a very veryyy bad mood.

                    To be continued.

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