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Wolf gazed at the observatory, narrowing her eyes as they neared it. Kipo stumbled, Benson gently taking her hand, placing his other atop it. "All good Kipo?"

Before she could answer, Kipo fell to her knees, panting quietly. "H..d..che.." She mumbled.

Wolf looked to Mandu, nodding ahead, the pig squealing and running into a store. Dave lightly fanned Kipo as Benson guided her to sit, the burrow girl leaning against him when she did. Mandu ran back out with a clean towel, trotting to Benson who let his bag slide off.

He opened it, taking a water and letting it drip onto the towel. He brushed Kipo's hair back, lightly dabbing her forehead with the damp towel. She sighed quietly, holding her arms out. Wolf walked over, poking Kipo's palm, "What's wrong?"

"She has a headache, but I'm thinking she got sick." Benson uttered. "Maybe she's not used to surface air?"

Mandu jumped into Kipo's lap, licking her chin and nuzzling her. Kipo held Mandu close, kissing her head. After a few minutes, Kipo stood, setting Mandu down and helping Benson stand. "Sorry, it's like..Fading? I don't know, my head still hurts but it's not sticking around."

"Which we shouldn't be doing." Wolf turned. "Come on, we've got work to do."

Venturing into the woods, Wolf had given the group a lesson on wolves, and shoved a piece of wood in Dave's mouth. "If any of you say anything out of line, we're all dead. Kipo, you'll be the only one speaking, understood?"

"Yes, I understand." Kipo nodded.

"Good." Wolf removed her wolf cloak. "But first, we need to not smell like litter."

. . .

Kipo removed a hair tie from her wrist, tying her damp hair up, turning to Benson who adjusted his clean shirt. "Everyone ready?" Kipo walked over.

Wolf nodded, Benson sliding his bag on, "Make sure you don't call me a robot, I want to eat today."

"Tell that to Dave." Kipo pointed. "Mandu, come on girl, you need to stay close here."

Mandu squealed, circling Wolf who gently scratched her ear. "See? I knew you didn't hate mutes!" Benson exclaimed.

"Mandu's an exception." Wolf uttered. "She bites people I don't like and can wield a weapon."

Mandu snorted, tail wagging. Soon enough, the group readied and began walking to the observatory. Kipo, Wolf, Benson, Mandu and Dave respectively walked in single file when reaching the top. Dave bunked into Mandu, the pig headbutting Benson's shin which caused him to fumble and push Wolf.

She stumbled, Kipo taking her hand and spinning her, straightening her out. "Can we throw Dave off a building after this?" Kipo asked, no, pleaded with Wolf.

"If we can catch him before he runs off." Wolf uttered, shuffling back into place.

"I'll grab him." Benson huffed.

Mandu squealed, nodding and glaring back at Dave who nervously smiled. Kipo stepped forward, waving the group with her, everyone stepping in unison as they walked towards the doors. Wolves passed them, sniffing some out more than others, Mandu, and scampering to the door.

Wolf gently took Kipo's hand, taking a soft breath. She looked up at Kipo when her hand was gently squeezed, Benson patting her shoulder. "You're free to leave if you're not feeling up for this Wolfster.." Benson mumbled.

"It's fine..We'll be in and out..Right?" She looked to Kipo.

"I'll try. Stay close to me when we go in okay?"

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now