[4 part 2]

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The Timbercats herded inside, steps quiet and taken with caution. As Pierre stepped forward, Kipo came to realize something. 'I haven't slept since yesterday..Hehehe..Dad would be soooo~ mad at me..' Kipo lowered her head, nuzzling Wolf's fluffy hair.

Despite being on the surface, without shampoo, Wolf was almost sparkly clean. Everybody still needed to wash out the Timbercat litter smell though, and it might not go easy..

Ahem- Kipo felt Wolf stir, sitting up again and pulling Wolf's head to her shoulder. Wolf slumped, arms slinking around Kipo's waist. Pierre began trembling, shaking his head and backing up. Kipo pat his side, the flea jerking.

The Timbercats stopped, ears perking when the ground lightly shook. A deep breath was taken in, a growl following the large exhale. Pierre bucked, Kipo pinning Wolf down and leaning over. Before Pierre could let out a screech, she covered his mouth, hushing the flea up. "Ki-"

Kipo slapped her hand over Wolf's mouth, a panicked expression on her face. "Shh-"

The Mega monkey sighed, taking another breath in and growling softly. Pierre spun, bucking and biting Kipo's hand. She pulled back, biting her sleeve to keep from crying out. Yumyan quietly ran over, grabbing Pierre's leash, pulling roughly.

Yumyan covered his mouth, Pierre glancing about before relaxing at the sight of his owner. Kipo sat up, mouth covered by her shirt as she examined the bite. Benson tiptoed over, unraveling a roll of guaze as he did.

The Mega monkey stirred, hitting a cactus and punching it away, allowing Benson to open an alcohol wipe and rip a piece of medical tape with ease. Wolf gently pried Kipo's shirt from her mouth, gently taking her hand. Kipo flinched when Benson gently dabbed the wound, drawing back.

Kipo lowered her head to Wolf's shoulder, letting out a breathy whine, squeezing her hand. Instantly, Wolf hated the sound, and vowed she'd never hear it again, for Kipo's sake. Benson wrapped her hand, carefully placing the medical tape.

When he finished, the Timbercats collectively took a step forward. Dave hopped on Benson's shoulder, examining Kipo's hand, 'It can't be that bad.' He grabbed her palm.

Kipo cried out, throwing Dave at the cacti, several spikes going through his body. The Mega monkey snorted, the ground shaking as it scrambled up. Kipo pulled Benson up with her injured hand, nails digging into his bag.

She grabbed Pierre's reigns and tugged, the flea jumping forward. Benson screamed as he fell back towards Pierre's butt, holding onto to Kipo, Wolf soon following when Pierre jumped onto the monkey's face. "Timbercats!"

"We've got your back Kipo!" Molly hissed, raising her axe. "Timbercats, get the monkey!"

Yumyan got down on all fours and rushed towards the mute, jumping up and headbutting its eye. Wolf pulled her staff free, jumping up and grabbing onto Yumyan. Pierre kicked back off its stop, Benson continuing to scream. Yumyan jumped back, grabbing Wolf and throwing her onto the Mega monkey's head.

It roared, grabbing her and throwing her down. Molly slid and caught her, evading the mutes arms when it tried to pin her. The Timbercats weighed it down with eachother, the Mega monkey leaning down to nip at them. Yumyan yowled, waving his axe, "YOU LEAVE MY PEOPLE ALONE!"

A sudden hiss took the air, pink smoke coming from the monkey's neck. A collar. It cooed anxiously before it took a whiff of it and roared. It pulled free from the cats, punching into cacti and jumping out, running off towards the city.

Pants came from all around, the Timbercats falling down with sighs. Pierre plucked Dave from the cactus, going over to Wolf, the girl being helped up by Kipo. Benson adjusted, pulling out the spikes from Dave who glared at Kipo. "We got nothing." Kipo uttered. "Sorry Wolf, you were right.. This was a waste of time.."

Wolf perked, "Oh. Yeah." She glanced away. "Waste of time.."

"Not entirely." Ruffles stomped over, holding his paw out. "It smells like you, and this is our first visit. The scent lingers, but it's definitely you."

Kipo gasped, taking the charm, "It's my dad's! ThankYouThankYou--" Kipo tipped her head down. "YEEAHHH!!"

She held up the charm, sighing heavily and hugging Wolf. "Kipo. No touching." Wolf uttered, flinching when the girl fell limp. "Kipo?"

Soft snores took the air, the Timbercats beginning to snicker or chuckle, "Too much excitement for one day."

"Cat behavior, Kipo honorary kitten."

"Kids." Yumyan stepped over. "Thank you."

"Uh, we're the wrong people to be talking to." Wolf pushed Kipo's head back, grunting when she lied her head down on Wolf's shoulder. "You should wait til Kipo's up."

Yumyan purred, patting Kipo's head, "She will do great things. Please do not separate, I trust you all to care for her in her hardest times."

"Why are we getting sentimental? Do you know something we don't--" Benson gasped. "ARE WE GONNA DIE!?"

Kipo stirred, Wolf shuffling slightly on Pierre, Kipo leaning back. Dave growled, squirming free from under her, Kipo falling back onto Benson. Wolf twitched, glaring and turning to face Yumyan, "What do we do now?"

"You keep moving." Molly cut in, handing Wolf a can of tuna. "When you need our help, just open it up and we'll come to your aid. If it's in our power, we'll do whatever we can. Take care of yourselves Children."

Dave scoffed, "I'm almost two hundred years older than you, I am no–"

Benson gave him a tiny car from his bag, "Be quiet Dave."

"Car!" He gasped, making noises as he rolled it along Benson's leg and up his back.

"Take Pierre," Yumyan pat his back. "At least into town, he'll return to our forest when you're there."

Pierre chittered, nuzzling Yumyan's paw and stepping forward. "We'll see you on the flip side." Benson smiled. "As in the other side of town. Alive. We're not dying."

"We understand Humam." Molly knocked on his head. "Take care of yourselves."

"We will." Wolf took the reigns.

Benson hummed, looking to the hole in the cacti. "I know where to look next."

                   To be continued. 

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