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The can of tuna Dave had pried open was of use, as Yumyan and Molly showed up in the burrow. "Kipo!" Molly jumped down the mobile home to the girl. "You look horrible!"

"Thanks!" Kipo smiled. "Sorry for uh- Calling you? W-We were just attacked by Scarelegmane!"

Yumyan hissed at the name, "Coward! He goes for kittens, oooh he's like a- A-"

"Wuss." Molly finished.

"Wuss!" Yumyan yelled. "Are you alright Kitten?" He stepped forward, picking Kipo up. "Your paws look alright, no splinters in them? How about your fur?"

She giggled as he turned her upside down, Yumyan lightly shaking her, a few feathers falling out of her hair. Yumyan set her back on her feet, a worried yowl escaping him. "Well, what can we do to help you Kitten?"

"I'm glad you asked!" Kipo lit up. "I need you to take in some humans!"


Well, before Yumyan could give her a definite answer, Molly had gone for more Timbercats as they needed to look for injured or trapped humans in the burrow. Using her nose, Mandu sniffed around and pointed out areas where scents lingered. Macho Dave cracked his knuckles, stepping forward and carefully lifting the large metal sheet.

Benson pushed it up a little higher, Wolf leaning in and cautiously pulling out the unconscious human. They searched the rubble, several humans awakening to Timbercats caring for their wounds or being offered water. "Careful now, you might have fractured a rib." The cat spoke softly, holding the human still. "Do you feel pain anywhere else?"

Taking a big gulp of water, the human shook his head, "Thank you, Cat.."

Simply nodding, the Timbercat lied him back down, standing and going to treat another person. Benson's new flamingo chirped, landing in front of him, gently setting down two more people. "Good flamingo~!" Benson pat both beaks. "Good flamingo, go find more!"

It chirped, flying back up and diving down into more rubble. Lio and Hoag went around to those found, and many were not accounted for. "I saw a few get taken.." Someone coughed. "That..Thing, took a few men.."

A man limped towards Kipo, the newly found mute holding him still with her paws, "Mr. Berdacs? Are you alright?"

"He took my children.." He breathed out softly. "He took Dahlia..He took Asher--"

He flinched when Kipo growled, eyes briefly glowing pink, "He took Asher?"

"Nearly my wife too, but I saw it-- He took them both, Kipo, I need you to get them back for me--"

Kipo guided him to sit, "I will. I promise I will. Please get along with the cats that came to help-"

"Oak." Yumyan stomped forward. "A word?"

Kipo gently pat Mr. Berdacs's shoulder, walking off with Yumyan. "Yes?"

"Molly and I spoke.." He glanced away. "And she says I should be a big boy. So we'll take in your people!"

Kipo smiled, "That's great!"

"And uh-" Yumyan cleared his throat. "Since when were you a mute?"

"I–" Kipo blinked. "I'm not sure. My dad said that it's barely starting to show."

Yumyan pat her shoulder, gently lifting her chin up, "Either way, we're on your side Kitten. You need us," Yumyan pulled another tuna can from his pocket, holding it out to Kipo. "Just pop it open."

Kipo gently took it, nodding, "Thank you, Yumyan.."

He smiled warmly, turning and going back to Molly, being sent off to go get more bandages from the other humans. Lio walked over to Kipo, gently taking her paw, "Hey Kiddo.."

"Hey Dad.." Kipo looked up at him. "I.. Is this..Permanent?"

Lio softened, caressing her cheek. "You can learn to control it, if you want..But your mother and I.."

Kipo gulped, "Mom was involved in this too..?"

Lio cupped her face, gently raising her head, "Kipo, your mother and I did this so you could do great things- We didn't want you stuck down in a burrow your entire life- There are so many wonderful things up there, and we..Well, we wanted you to be able to change things for the better.."

Kipo swallowed, "I'll do just that, then. Who do I go to for help?"

"Tommorow, you'll be on your way. Today, we patch you and your friends up."


The hole was quickly covered with eight tarps, people huddling in a corner of the burrow. Kipo set down a few pillows, Benson walking over with blankets. "Ready for bed!" Dave grinned.

Kipo smiled, sitting down against the wall, moving a pillow behind her back and leaning against it. Mandu squealed, jumping over, spinning in Kipo's lap before lying down. Wolf and Benson sat either side of Kipo, Dave unfolding his blanket and rolling up in it.

Benson picked him up, gently rocking him and pulling Kipo's paw into his lap. It was so warm and soft, giving the feeling of a weighted blanket that Benson now found very comforting. Wolf rubbed in a bandage on her cheek, humming softly and nuzzling against Kipo.

Wolf noticed what Benson did, pausing and pulling Kipo's paw into her lap. She fiddled with her toe beans, sighing, "This isn't so bad.."

Kipo pulled her closer, resting her head on Wolf's, "I would hope not."

"..Night Kipo."

"Night Wolfie.."

                 To be continued.

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