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When Wolf came to, she was on the billboard. Benson was leaned against her, a bit tired as he rocked baby Dave in his arms. "Wuh..?" Benson felt Wolf move, pulling away and yawning. "Morning Wolf.."

Mandu looked back, snorting softly and looking back up at Kipo. She peeled off the last of the billboard, throwing the cloth in the small flame. Kipo met Wolf's gaze, turning her head and picking Mandu up.

Wolf hesitantly stood, Benson sighing, tired. "At least I'm not sore.." He spoke softly.

Kipo doused the flame, Mandu nearly slipping off her shoulder, squealing softly. "Come on, let's get going." Kipo walked over, flicking Wolf's hood off. "Ouch- I forgot how thick wolf jaws were-"

Wolf grabbed her staff, about to jump off the edge when Kipo stopped her. Mandu waved her paw, squealing and clambering over to Wolf. She sat atop her shoulders, curly tail wagging. "Oh, yeah.." Wolf walked to the edge. "Hold on, Pig."


Wolf jumped off the billboard, Mandu squealing in excitement as they spun down the bar. Kipo and Benson met at the bottom, Mandu wagging her bum as she wished for another decent as cool as Wolf's. "Where are we off to now?" Benson asked, rubbing his eye.

Kipo pointed, "That way. The next piece of the puzzle showed a nose, and there's a giant nose over there."

"Lead the way."


"Knocking it over is good, right?" Kipo scratched her neck. "Would that be the best course of action?"

"What if what's up there needs height to see?" Benson suggested. "Maybe send Mandu up."

"No, something might fly over and take her." Kipo hummed.

Wolf shrugged, "I'll go."

"What-" Benson and Kipo looked to her quickly.

"It won't take long." Wolf set her staff down, hopping up.

She pulled herself up the pole, kicking herself off it and grabbing the nose. Benson scoffed, "Show off.." He looked to Kipo, rolling his eyes and closing her mouth. "Honestly.."

Wolf slid back down, offering Kipo the lunchbox, "Kipo." Wolf gently shook it. "Kipo?"

She flinched, thanking Wolf and taking the lunchbox. As she opened it, Mandu squealed, the group looking to her. "MEEEAAKKK!!" Mandu squealed as she was picked up by a large bird.

Kipo shrieked, dropping the lunchbox and rushing after, "MANDUUU!!"

The two beaked pigeon screeched when Mandu bit its talon, shaking her off, Kipo jumping down the pile of trash. She carefully balanced herself to stand and slide, arms up as Mandu fell. "I gotcha!"

Mandu squealed in suprise when she was caught, snorting and nuzzling into the crook of Kipo's neck. "I was so worried!" Kipo sighed. "Oh my gosh Mandu you're awesome!!"

Dave rolled down by her, passing the two and reaching the middle. Kipo carefully stepped over to him, picking him up, "I was gonna save you, but I knew you could handle it." Dave crossed his arms.

Benson bumped Kipo, sighing, "How did you balance so well?-"

"There was a river in my burrow, had to have fun some way." Kipo kissed Mandu's head, setting her and Dave down.

Kipo grunted, looking down, Wolf rubbing her nose as she bunked into Kipo's side. "Sorry." Wolf uttered, offering the lunchbox.

Pausing, Kipo leaned down and picked Wolf up, the two both confused. "Why did I do that." Kipo blinked.

"Do I look like I know the answer to that?? Put me down!" Wolf pushed her face away.

"Nooo~" Kipo held her tightly. "I did it for a reason, so let me hold youuu~!"

Mandu sniffed the ground, lightly scratching at it, a loud rriiiipppp silencing the group. "Muh-oh-" Mandu squealed.

The tarp ripped, the group screaming as they were dropped down. When the dust settled, Wolf sat up, rubbing her head, "That..Didn't hurt.." She looked around.

"I'm glad.." Kipo uttered. "Cause I think I broke something.."

Wolf jumped, "Kipo!-"

Benson pushed Wolf's head down, hushing her, "Something's coming this way!"

Mandu crawled over, ears perking, "Mmeeakk!" She pointed.

Footsteps drew near, Kipo pulling Wolf's head to her shoulder and carefully rolling over with her, closer to the stage. A sniff came from above, Kipo lowering her head as it nearly sniffed her ponytail. Wolf covered Kipo's mouth, the burrow girl flinching and glancing down.

Wolf glared at Kipo, her hand being the only thing to keep their mouths separated. Benson shuffled closer, bumping Kipo who faltered, Wolf pulling her hand back before Kipo hurt it with her weight.

The sniffing came overhead, a sharp sniff following before it stepped away. Wolf pushed Kipo's head back, wiping her mouth as Kipo rubbed her cheek. "Sorry!" Kipo whispered.

"When we get out of this, I'm sending you back to that water bear!" She hissed.

Kipo winced, lowering her head lightly and biting her lip to keep from letting out a pained cry. She breathed out lowly, eyes glossing over as she teared up, "Oh gosh it hurts.."

Benson crawled closer, "How bad is it?"

"Feels like I've been stabbed or something.." She uttered. "We need to leave.."

Mandu covered her snout when blood filled her nose, Kipo cowering when the being came close. She yelped when she was pulled up and over the booth, meeting eyes with a racoon. "Oh no, you're hurt!" It exclaimed. "We have like, a medic too, Bro!"

Scrambling out of her spot, Mandu stumbled over, "Mreeeakk!!"

"Like, gnarly bro! The more the merrier!" The racoon held Kipo bridal style, flexing their muscles. "My name's Label! Laaabell!"

Benson hesitantly peeked over the edge, gulping, "Benson-!"

"Benson!" Label hummed. "What a weeeeirrd name! Hey! We're taking your friend to get help! You like, coming?"

Benson jumped, "Y-Yes!" He slid over the stage, standing by Label. "We fell from up there!"

Label looked up, "Oh sick dude! Someone get some needles we gotta sew that thing back up!" Label called out.

Kipo hissed, holding her side, muttering softly as she tried to steady her breathing. "And I'm gonna pass out again.."

. . .

"You're like, impatient!" Label pointed to Wolf. "She's gonna pull through like my bros have!"

Wolf huffed, "Well Kipo is weak. She's been passing out left and right so yeah, I'm impatient. She's gonna die."

Benson hushed her, "Quit resorting to the worst outcome! Kipo will be fine-"

"Yo dudes! The kids definitely bleeding out!!" A racoon peeked out. "I need some hellpp!!"

Wolf jumped up, Mandu squealing and rushing towards the room. Kipo was sitting up, shaking as she held a cloth to her side. She winced, whimpering softly as the racoon applied more pressure to her other wounds.

Nearing Kipo, Wolf took hold of the cloth on her side, "Kipo."

She hissed softly, lowering her head, "I'm sorry, we'll move on soon--"

"I need you to relax." Wolf placed her hand over another cloth. "So you can sleep, and we'll wait here til you can move."

Mandu squealed softly, nuzzling Kipo's leg, lying down. "Just a few more." The racoon tied the gauze on Kipo's arm.

She yowled, jumping up as her arm grew soft and furry. The racoon, Mandu, and Wolf, drew back. Kipo wobbled, huffing sharply before falling limp and passing out.

                  To be continued.  

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