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A boy with a cat shirt walked from car to car, checking if they had any tapes. "Boots and cats and boots and.." He checked the last car on the highway, a tape popping out. "Oh yeah."

He took out his cassette player, putting in the tape. He looked up, seeing another car. Or more like a van. He climbed up the electrical tower, eventually reaching the van. He went in, cheering once again. He opened a box, taking out one of the packets.

He took a soda out, opening it as slow and carefully as possible. But to his dismay, it all exploded on him. He licked his hand, letting out another cheer. He put at least 3 packs of 6 sodas in his bag. His song made a nice beat from the monster behind him, which he didn't realize.

He moved his head up and down to what he assumed was the beat. He screamed as the monster had kneed the van, sending it spinning swiftly through the tower. Once it stopped he ran out, the van falling. He clinged on to the bar, slowly making his way back to the ground.

He grabbed his bag, stopping once he heard the cries of a baby. "I'm coming Dave, you big baby.." He muttered.

But back with the girls, their situation was far worse then his. Kipo had ushered the mute to hush up, rocking him in her arms. Jamack wrapped his tounge on the doorknob on their side, trying to turn it. Thankfully Wolf had locked it, so Jamack would have to press the button first.

Wolf clenched on to Stalky, the frog locating the button. The down stairs door was pushed open with such force, spooking everyone but the baby in the house. "Dave! I'm home!" The boy exclaimed.

"A human?" Jamack asked, walking over to him.

Only for him to apparently forget about his tounge. He reeled it back in his mouth, him and his friends going down the stairs. "I am- So glad you frogs are here- I fell in to a bush of- Explosion Berries!" He exclaimed.

Jamack gave him and his partners a questioning look. "I guess that could be a thing.." Jamack mumbled.

The boy opened his bag, putting his hand in a taking out a soda. He slid it in to his sleeve, getting back in to character. "They're very real! Just one drop of it gets on your skin, boom! Boom boom!" He exclaimed.

Jamack's expression changed to slight fear. "Okay have you guys heard of this?-"

The boy groaned, falling to the floor dramatically. "I feel- A warmth- I don't, have much- Time-" He let out a scream, opening the can of soda as he did.

The substance got over the frogs, now everyone screaming. They rushed out, Jamack shouting as he was. "They're real! Explosion Berries are real!"

Kipo opened the door, rushing down towards him. "Oh my gosh are you okay!?" Kipo asked.

He lifted his head up, sitting up right and taking a slow sip of his soda. "Yeah I'm fine!" He said cheerfully.

Wolf walked to be behind Kipo, death weapon in hand. Kipo let out a gasp of astonishment. "I totally fell for that! I seriously thought Explosion Berries were a thing!"

He laughed, taking another sip of his soda. "I know those frogs. We need to keep moving, if we don't want to get killed."

The boy gave a small smile. "She's going to be alot of fun."

After getting their bike and heading down to a main street, the boy spoke up. "Thanks for taking care of my buddy. He just needed his formula." He said, shaking the can of soda.

He opened it and put it in the bugs mouth. Kipo held their bike up, walking right beside Wolf. Mandu too was beside the small human. "So, he's your grub baby..?" Kipo questioned nervously.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now