Chapter 5

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                Wayne lead me back in to the Small room. There on the table was a covered silver serving tray that hadn't been there before. I hadn't even heard the food being delivered. Wayne went  to the table motioning for me to sit beside him. taking off the cover to reveal a big burger and a pile of curly fries. "Damn" Wayne mumbled jumping up. He went to the built in mini fridge and pulled out a bottle popping the top. "What you want baby girl, I remember you said your not much of a drinker, so  coke, sprite, water..." he looked at me with his eyebrows cocked in a questionably look. "Coke is good." I said, I normally try and drink mostly water but hey I was with Lil Wayne.

                Sitting back down Wayne picked up a knife and started cutting the burger into fourths. I busted out laughing. Wayne stooped what he was doing and gave me a look then grinned. " You know damn well if I wasn't sharing with your ass I wouldn't be doing this." I had to wipe tears from my eyes. "Ok, Whatever you say." I went to take a drink of my coke when Wayne playfully elbowed me about making me spit out drink. I hit him back and he started laughing. "Hands off the merchandise". I glanced at him "Shut up and eat your burger before I have to kick your ass."

                Wayne separated the food onto two plates and placed mine in front of me. I looked at it questionably even cut in half the burger was huge. My stomach made it know it was hungry so I reached for the ketchup squirting a pile on my plate them sprinkling pepper over the top of it. Wayne was about to take a bite of his burger but stoped and said. "Maci what the hell are you doing." I just looked at him, grabbed a  fry and dipped it into my ketchup.  Not knowing where the braveness was coming from, probably lack of sleep. I held my fry out to Wayne. That eyebrow of his cocked up but he leaned in taking a bite. "its aight" he said laughing. " You know its the shit." making Wayne bust out laughing.

                The rest of the meal we talked about what has been going on in our lives, he asked me about my flight, and told me of his schedule. I ate more than I should have but it was so good couldn't help it. Wayne of course cleared his plate, making me wonder where he kept it all.

                Wayne's phone had steadily vibrated during our whole meal. He picked it up and started looking to see what he had missed. Stretching I stood up . "I'm going to take a shower if that's cool". Wayne looked up at me. "Yeah baby go ahead." It took me a good 10 minutes just to decide what to wear when I got out of the tub. Normally I would put on boyshorts and a tank. I chose  some black shorts that were shorter than what i would want and a black, grey, and pink striped shirt.

                The whole time I was in the shower I was nervous. I knew on the other side of that door waited Wayne. I wasn't stupid I knew what was going to go down. Normally I don't sleep around, but Wayne, well hell who would turn his sexy ass down, not me. By the time I had showered, shaved, lotion-ed up and dressed I was shaking. Turning the doorknob slowly I glanced out the door. Wayne was stretched out on the bed watching tv. I made a bee line to my bag putting all my stuff back up. My hair was still damp and I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to blow dry it when Wayne spoke making me jump. "Get your ass over here and quit stalling" I turned around to say something, what I had not clue. Wayne started laughing at me "I ain't going to bite you, come on baby, I can tell your tired and I am to"

                I walked to the opposite side of the bed and climbed up on the soft mattress. Wayne sat up adjusting pillows and held out his hand. I moved to lay beside him laying my head on his chest. My head reverted back to the OMG spin cycle. We layed just like that until Wayne started laughing at  something on tv. I perched up on my elbow looking at Wayne like he was crazy. Wayne stopped laughing and his chocolate eyes met mine. The tv went off and I felt his lips on mine. The omg silenced and all I knew was Wayne's hands and lips all over my body

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