Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

All day at work I was antsy. Ashlee and Janet bugged me until I spilled everything. Needless to say they were shocked, hell I was still shocked. Of course I ended up leaving work late and didn't make it home until close to 6. I sent a silent thanked you God that I had the foresight to completely pack the night before. Running a brush thought my hair I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My 5'1 frame was curvy but most guys didn't seem to mind. I had chosen to wear some jeans with jeweled back pockets that had a hole in the right knee, my silver gladiator sandals, a pink tank top, and a grey and pink hooded sweater jacket. I took my suitcase to the living room. Everything in there had been carefully picked out. I mean what do you wear to meet Wayne. I sure the hell didn't know.

At exactly 6:30 I heard a horn blow outside. Opening the door my jaw dropped, Wayne had sent a black Escalade. The guy walking toward me looked more like secret service than a driver. He had on a black suit and wore a blue-tooth. "Ms. Chambers, may I take your bags." I nodded yes, still half way in shock, turning around to lock the front door. The driver had the door open waiting on me. The car reminded me of a limo, it had the black tinted glass that separated the driver and myself. As soon as he verified that I was OK and didn't need to make any stops we pulled off Dallas bound.

Most of the trip my mind was racing 90 to nothing. Ashlee and Janet had pulled together some "just because" money, between both of them I had 460 dollars crammed in my wallet. Just in because of what, God only knew, but they insisted I have it. Wayne called close to seven to make sure everything was going OK. He explained to me he had a show later and wouldn't be able to talk to me again until I arrived at the hotel. "You nervous baby girl," he had asked. I didn't even try to lie and said, "Yeah, you have no idea." He had laughed at me and said "You'll be OK baby, Weezy got this."

Arriving at the airport the driver handed me all of my tickets and helped me check my bags in. I had about 45 minutes before they would load passengers. I used the restroom and too nervous to eat ended up playing games on my phone until they announced they were opening the gate. I had flown before but never alone and I was kinda freaked out.

Wayne had seated me in first class. I felt like at any minute one of the flight attendants would come up to me and say "your in the wrong section," but no one even spared me and second glance and before long we were ready to take off. I closed my eyes saying a silent prayer that I wasn't making the biggest mistake of my life.

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