Chapter 16

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The rest of the night Wayne and I snuggled on the couch until I fell asleep. I wasn't sure what time it was when Wayne woke me to go get in bed, I barley remembered climbing in bed beside him. The sound of the alarm going off on my phone had me groaning snuggling deeper into Wayne's chest. He rolled me to the side reaching out for my phone to hit snooze. I knew I needed to get up. I had to be at The Cutting Company at 10:30 and it was 9 now. I drifted in and out until the alarm went off again. Wayne had laid the phone in the bed beside us, and he reached out turning it off. "You really going to do it." I smile already knowing what he was talking about. "Yes, just wait you will like it." Wayne pulls on my hair shaking his head no. I scoot up and whisper in his ear. "Don't worry you will still have enough to grab on too." This had Wayne laughing. "Girl get your ass up before I decide not to let you go." I arch my eyebrow at him. "Since when are you my daddy?" Wayne rolled on top of me, holding himself up with one arm he leaned down until we were nose to nose. "I'm going to have to put some act right in you." I laugh at him pushing at his chest. "You can do that when I get off work, but I got to go get dressed right now." Wayne pushed himself up so he was on his knees and grabbed the underside of my knees and pulled me down so I was laying flat on the bed. "You can be late."

Wayne leans down to kiss me when my phone rings. "I swear we going to start turning those mother fucking phones off when we go to bed." I roll my eyes at him grabbing my phone. I knew fro the ring tone it was my best friend Adrianna. "Hey chick, I said answering the phone." Wayne layed back down in the bed resting his head on the flat of my stomach. Adrianna was going to meet me at the hair shop to hold my hand for the big cut. We agreed she would meet me there since I had to go to work after. When I hung up I started playing with Wayne's dreads. "You ever get tired of getting this crap done." Wayne shrugged sitting up so I could get up, "It can be a pain in the ass." I run in the bathroom taking care of all my personal business and come out changing into some blue jeans, a red undershirt with a black shirt over the top, pulling on my black boots. I grabbed my black slacks so all I had to do for work was change jeans. As I stood in front of the mirror putting on my makeup Wayne glanced up at me. "You better go find you another fucking shirt." I glanced in the mirror the black shirt was low cut but the undershirt made up for it. I turn around, "and why." Wayne gave me a look. "If ya ain't with me, you ain't dressing like that. I tug at the red undershirt pulling it up some. "Is that better." Wayne stood up and I immediately backed up as he walked right up on me. "You going to be hardheaded lil momma." He pressed me up against the wall and I wrapped my arms around him. "Yes." I say causing him to groan as he leaned in to kiss me. Wayne backed up and sighed, "whatever Maci, wear it , don't wear it, drive me fucking crazy." I roll my eyes at him behind his back as he walked away. "So possessive." Wayen turned around giving me one of his looks and I grinned and walked to the closet picking out a long black shirt that had lace on the sleeves. Changing into it I turned a circle. "Are you happy now." Wayne shrugged, but I coudl see the grin he was trying to hide. "Take my ride." Wayne said throwing me his keys as I walked toward the door. I barley catch them off guard, I glance at him. "What.". Wayne sighed, "Baby you whip needs some new wheels, you aint driving that damn thing nowhere." I shrugged not having the time to argue with him. I gave him a kiss goodbye and he ran his hands through my hair one last time shaking his head at me. I opened my mouth to say bye and realized I had about said "Ok , love you bye." I shook my head. I was so in love with Dwayne Michael Carter it was unreal.

I was kinda exited to be driving Wayne's car, it wasn't like I was in his bugatti, but hell it was better than my old dodge. Pulling up at the Cutting Company I saw Adrianna was already there. I knew she would be inside waiting for me so I went on in. I told the receptionist I had an appt with Ragen at 10:30 and she told me to take a seat she would tell her I was there. I went and sat beside Adrianna on the couch by a big flat screen tv. Adrianna was light skinned, most people thought she was mixed. She had her long black hair twisted in a messy bun and was wearing some black leggings and an over sized sweater with her Jordans. Adrianna was thick but in a good way. As soon as she saw me she broke out in a grin. "Where the hell have you been Missy, I stoped by your job Thursday and no Maci, so I'm like OMG is she sick, go bye your house no Maci. SO I'm like well she been fucking with Tunechi, I bet some jealous bitch ass fan done murked her." I could feel myself turning red. I had told her bits and pieces about Wayne but she had no clue he was laid up in my bed right at this moment. I laughed at her. "Where do you come up with this shit." Adrianna shrugged, "girl you should see how red your face is, was you with him?" I smiled. "Yes, I went to New Orleans with him." Adrianna shrieked causing half the room to turn around an look at us. I slapped at her legs. "Shut the fuck up before you get us kicked out." Adrianna rolled her eyes at me. "You are so fucking dramatic, ugh." I gave her a look but heard Ragen call my name, so I stood up walking nervously to the back.

The whole appointment took about 3 hours. I had already let Janet kow I would be late. I had my hari cut just below my shoulders, and had high and lo lights put in. I was in love with my hair when Ragen finished with it. Adrianna was taking picture after picture and was on my damn nerves. "I freaking love it" she said as we were walking out. "Lets send Wayne a pic." I shook my head no and she frowned at me. "Why not, ya'll not talking no more." I shake my head no. "I just want it to be a surprise ok." Adrianna gave me a sharp look then shook her head grinning. "That nigga at your house aint he." I roll my eyes. "Stop with the n word its not nice." Adrianna looks at me crazy. "I'm black I can say it, your white you can't." I laugh at her giving her a hug at the same time. "I will call you tonight ok." Adrianna nods her head. "I best get to meet Weezy before he leaves. I mean my best friend is fucking lil wayne and she wont introduce me." laugh "Cause you'll embarrass me, you a damn fool." Adrianna grinned at me as she slipped her sunglasses on unlocking her camero, "What are best friends for." I rolled my eyes at her waving bye as she sped out of the parking lot.

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