Chapter 12

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By the time we both exited the shower I would have been satisfied crawling back into bed snuggling up to Wayne and going to sleep but no he still was on me to get dressed. I chose a black boatneck shirt that had black lace around the top, some skinny jeans, and my black boots. As I put my makeup on and straightened my hair Wayne sat on the bed watching me smoking a blunt. "You going to tell me where we are going" I ask watching Wayne through my dresser mirror. Wayne shrugs, "I need to run to New Orleans." I turn around breakneck speed."Umm, were coming back tonight right." Wayne takes a hit off his blunt, "Yeah if we have too, when you got to be at work." I let out a breath. "12:30". Wayne nods his head. "It will be late, but should be ok, you can always take off right.' I sigh, "Yeah if I have too, I can be sick" I say as I start fake coughing. Wayne laughs at me, "girl you stupid." I shove his shoulder, "you stupid." I make one last trip to the bathroom before we leave. Walking outside I am on the phone with Ryan trying to see if he was keeping Fallon overnight or not when I look up to see Wayne circling my truck shaking his head.

"Whaaat" I say as I hang up with Ryan. "Maci, what the fuck, you need new tires. " I shrug, "yeah I know, that and a whole list of other crap. Ok, Ryan is keeping Fallon overnight so I guess we are spending the niht up there." Wayne gives me a look. "Don't change the subject." I walk up to Wayne and he puts his arm around me. "That shit is dangerous baby." I sigh "I know I will get them as soon as I can." Wayne puts our bags in his car and we hit the road. We end eating at Taco Bell, the girl at the drive through went crazy as she noticed who Wayne ws. I rolled my eyes as the whole Taco Bell crew tried to fit at the drive through window. Wayne left an outrageous tip and pulled out. "I took a drink of my Mountain Dew. " You didn't leave me a tip when you can to my job." I said looking at him with my eyebrow cocked up. Wayne had just taken a bite of food. He stoped chewing and looked at me crazy. "I got your number, and I took pictures with your ass." Wayne started laughing. "I think you got the better deal." I playfully shove him, "I guess." Wayne laughed, "you best know, you my girl, you best act like it."

There was that damn phrase again. I still had no clue what being Wayne's "girl" meant. I groan to myself and start eating my nachos. Wayne shots me a look like wtf is wrong with you. I just shake my head and look out the window. We rode in silence for almost an hour before Wayne turned down the radio."What's wrong , is it what I said." I shrug nothing was wrong. "Maci, I know things with us have moved fast." I turn to look at Wayne, his attention was on the road but I knew he was waiting on me to talk. "I just don't know what to expect, I mean I don't know, I'm confused." Wayne smirks, "told you, your ass sprung." I cut my eyes at Wayne. "Whatever Wayne. Your the one who came down here this time." Wayne laughs. "Your right, I never said I wasn't. Look I'm not really the settling down type, but for now I'm yours, I'm not fucking nobody else, haven't been, don't plan on it." Wayne glances at me, "As far as a relationship, is that what you want." I swallow the lump that had came up in my throat, taking a drink of my soda. "If I was to say yes would you go running the other way." Wayne bust out laughing in that high pitched laugh he has. Just as quick as it started he was serious again. "Naw baby, you fucking stupid, look, I never planned when I invited you down to Vegas to really see you again, but you have been stuck in my fucking head since I met you . As soon as we made eye contact that day I knew I wanted you. I bring you to Vegas to try and get you out of my head and I'll be damn if I only wanted you more when you left." I sit there speechless, trying to absorb everything he was saying. " I know that's fucked up, but I ain't going to lie to you. I'm down for you, you just gotta be down for me."

Wayne glances at me. I nod my head. "I'm down, but I don't know what you want. I just want to make you happy." Wayne shrugs. "Man I'm high profile so I need you to be low, not saying I am hiding you, I'll take your ass everywhere I go, but what goes on between us, stays between us, ya feel me." I nod. "You make me happy now Maci. You kept our trip to Vegas low key, didn't put in all on instagram, Facebook, or twitter, and you fucking could have." I glance at Wayne. "That was private" I said. Wayne grabs my hand and squeezes. "Exactly Maci, that's all I want." I nod still not sure what our status was but that was the most I had ever gotten out of that boy. "So we going to your house?" I ask changing the subject. "Yeah, I need to take care of some business, won't take long." I nod, leaning back in the seat and find myself drifting off.

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