Chapter 10

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The next couple of weeks seemed to drag bye. Wayne stayed true to his word and called everyday, we texted multiple times a day. I had a new confidence in me that I never had before. Ashlee and Janet noticed it almost immediately after I returned. They still thought I was completely crazy but I didn't care. I was happy, I missed Wayne, but talking to him every night helped. I had no idea where all of this was going, or even if it was going anywhere.

It had took about a week before the first pictures of us started circulating, I never even thought about what I would do if anyone recognized me. I had been picking up Fallon from my Ex Ryan's house after work. As soon as I pulled up he met me at the door, "So you were in Dallas huh?" I rolled my eyes at him, I wasn't at first sure if he knew or was just trying to get on my nerves. I walked in the house with him close on my heels. Fallon was asleep on the couch, I leaned down to gather her stuff when I felt something hit me. Looking down I saw a tabloid with Wayne and I kissing at the airport on the front cover. "What the hell, Maci. You run off with HIM, how the hell did you meet him, no never mind that, what the hell were you thinking." I calmly turned around to face Ryan. "Don't you ever throw anything at me again." This just seemed to make Ryan madder. "Or what you going to tell Lil Wayne that I'm throwing things at his bitch, that is what he calls his whores right."

I wanted to argue with him but knew better than to even get started. I picked Fallon up and started walking out the door. "So what you have nothing to say Maci." I continued walking. " what do you want me to say Ryan, huh, I don't owe you an explanation. I will say I'm sorry I told you I was in Dallas." Ryan smirked, "yeah instead you was in what was it, Vegas sleeping around with some guy you don't even know!" After snapping Fallon in her seat I turned around. "Look Ryan, you lost being able to tell me what to do and who to hang with a long damn time ago. Yeah I spent the weekend in Vegas with Wayne, Yes Ok, now if that is all I'm ready to go home." Ryan turned around and stalked off. "Your a fucking slut Maci." I t took everything in my power not to throw something at him. I was not a slut, and I'd be damned if he would be the one to call me names.

When Wayne called that night I was still pissed off at Ryan. I told him about what had happened when I had picked Fallon up and was surprised when Wayne got pissed off as well. I ended up being the one to calm him down. He kept saying he was coming down to "fuck him up". I finally distracted Wayne enough by telling him yeah you come down here and I will fuck you up. As I thought this turned his attention back to us. Wayne had a busy schedule and seemed to be somewhere different everyday. He kept saying he was going to disappear and come chill with me. I of course had no problem with that. By the time we hung up I was no longer mad at Ryan, in fact he was the last thing on my mind.

The next day at work Janet and Ashlee were reading the same tabloid that was thrown at me. I just looked at them and rolled my eyes. "So, Ms. Unnamed companion, ya'll look pretty into each other, Ashlee started, "in fact an unnamed source say ya'll have been meeting secretly for months now. " I laughed, "I wish I knew about all the other times we've hooked up." Janet sighed. "Maci, how could you forget." We all laughed. "Oh, believe me, I would never forget." Ashlee looked at me crazy, "I wonder how much they are offering for your name." I laughed at her. "Bitch, I wish you would." Janet looked at us, "Girls, lets be for real a minute, I think we should find out we could split the cash." We all busted out laughing. I knew they would keep my secret, the two of them were more like family to me than co-workers.

In between customers that day I googled Lil Wayne and what they had to say. There were more pictures of us from the airport and even some from the elevator in the hotel. I read through some of the comments, there was some pretty ugly ones, and some from females about what they would do to Wayne, I found myself almost jealous, they wouldn't touch my man. Ashlee thought it would be hilarious to put one of the pictures as the background on my computer. After looking through all the pics, we chose the one where we were holding hands as Wayne was walking away.. The shot was taken from the side so you could see the eye contact between Wayne and I. I closed my eyes just looking at the screen sent chills down my spine. I picked up my phone calling Wayne. His phone went to voice mail and I hung up not bothering leaving a message. I really just wanted to hear his voice.

I was in the middle of doing a contract when he called back. Ashlee quickly came to my desk and took over. Walking to the back I answer, "Hey, I didn't want anything just, wanted to hear your voice." Wayne laughs, "I got you sprung huh," he says sounding out of breath. I roll my eyes, "Yeah I'm so sprung, what are you doing Mr. Weezy sounding all out of breath and shit?" Wane laughs again. "Skateboarding baby, you know I got these smokers lungs." I can hear all the commotion in the background. I frown as I hear the door chime, letting me know more customers have started coming in the store. "I miss you, I better get back out on the floor, talk to you tonight?" Wayne sighs, "Yeah, I got a busy night but I should be able to call, prolly late." I shrug, "You know it don't matter."

That night I waited up forever but Wayne never called. It was rare that he missed a night all together. I ended up going to bed somewhere around 2:30. Work was horrible, seems like every customer who came in was bitching about something. I was on hold with customer service for a tech issue with a customer when Wayne text me.

Wayne: you mad at me

Me: Yes

Wayne: I'll make it up to you

Me: I guess lil boy

Wayne: Why I got to be lil

Me: Cause I'm mad at you remember

Wayne: man, you cant stay mad at me, I'm sorry baby

Me: ok

Wayne: what are you doing

Me: On the phone with tech, cause this stupid ass customer done fucked up his phone

Wayne: my poor baby, I'm bout to hit the studio, I'll call you later

Me: If you say so....lil boy

Wayne: I'm going to show you lil, miss you baby, don't cuss nobody out today

Me: too late for that, Miss you too

That night I was in the kitchen with Fallon making spaghetti, her favorite meal when Wayne called. "I hit answer and give Fallon the phone. She starts talking her mumbo jumbo and gets really into what ever they are talking about. I laugh taking the phone as she hands it to me. "Well that was interesting, what did ya'll two talk about, I know I heard my name." Wayne laughed. "I told her I miss her momma." I tell Fallon to go sit in her seat as I make her plate. "What you doing baby?" Wayne asks. "Just cooked some spaghetti, now sitting baby girl down to eat." Wayne starts talking to somebody in the background. "You want me to let you go" I ask. "Naw baby, I'm good, just taking care of some last minute things. You off tomorrow right." Yeah, you calling me back late huh." Wayne laughed. "Girl you think you know me." I sigh. "Yes even though you just said you don't need to go, you really do and you will call sometimes after 2." Wayne and I both bust out laughing.

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