Chapter 21

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Monday morning Wayne woke me up saying he was going to the studio. Chris was picking him up. "I'm leaving you my keys in case ya'll want to get out, just let me know if ya leave." I groan, "don't go." Wayne laughed pulling me into him. "Go back to sleep baby, I'll be back this afternoon." I roll over never feeling Wayne walk up and give me a kiss on my forehead. I awoke to Adrianna knocking on Wayne's door. I poked my head out from under the covers as she popped her head through the door. "Bitch you dressed." I shrugged. "No, but come on." Adrianna walked in. "Lets go eat somewhere, I'm hungry." I rolled my eyes. "You been hanging with Chris too long." She rolled her eyes. "Ain't nobody got time for that Maci, get the fuck up, I'm hungry." When she stepped out the door I got up and jumped in the shower. Getting out I wrap a towel around my breast and blow dry my hair then straighten it. After I applied my makeup I went to my bag trying to decide what to wear. I choose a pair of skinny jeans, a trukfit shirt I stole out of Wayne's dresser and my converse. I called Ryan's mom and talked to Fallon for a while. She was hyper telling me what was happening on yo gaba gaba and I was pretending to be interested. I told her I loved her and let her know she could call me at anytime. I wiped a tear as I hung up with her. I missed that girl. Walking down to check on Adrianna I saw she had decided to wear yoga leggings with a tunic hoodie and her converse.

I texted Wane and let him know we were going out to grab a bite to eat. He told me to be care full and let him know if we needed anything. We found a cafe and decided to grab a table outside. The Waiter came and took our order. I ordered a iced tea and a chicken, mushroom, and spinach panini. Adrianna ordered a coke with lemon and a shrimp and spinach salad. "So what's up with you and Chris." I asked as the Waiter walked away with our order. Adrianna shrugged. "We are just cool, nothing like you and Wayne." I cock my eyebrow at her. "Umhmm." She laughed. "It's true, we are just friends, I just happen to have a crush on him, but he don't need to know all that." I grin. "Whatever you say Adrianna." She made a face. "What about you and Wayne." I shrugged. "We are back to normal, I guess." Adrianna rolled her eyes. "What did he say about the girl." I looked down. "He just says that she is just a friend and that he is sorry." Adrianna rolled her eyes. " If he didn't do nothing wrong why is he sorry." I shook my head, I really didn't want to talk about it. Our food soon arrived and we ate in silence. As we finished we paid and left a tip. We were a couple blocks from the cafe when Adrianna started yelling. "Look, Look, a tattoo shop lets go get tatted up." I glance at her. "Our ribbon tattoos?" Adrianna got a huge grin on her face "hell yeah and I'm going to get one on my side too." As we walked in I was ready to walk right back out my nerves got the best of me. "Nope, bitch you going first so you don't chicken out." Adrianna said. I got a ribbon with a bow tattooed on my right wrist. Adrianna held my hand and told me if I could give birth to Fallon I could get a little tattoo. After teh guy finished up I looked down nervous. "Omg, I love it" I said. Adrianna smiled. "Wayne woudl be so proud." I rolled my eyes," whatever." Adrianna got her ribbon on her left wrist. I sat talking to her watching her not even flinch at getting tattooed up. She had decided to get blue and purple butterflies fling up her side. That tattoo she did flinch on.

We walked out of the tattoo shop and decided to go to the bar across the street. We sat at a corner booth and ordered sour amarillos. I usualy didn't drink much but ended up drinking more than I needed too. Adrianna had me drinking mojitos, crown and coke, and something I didn't even know how to pronounce. When it comes to drinking I'm a light weight, so Adrianna drove us home. As we pulled out I pulled up youtube on my phone. "Hey Adrianna you remember this." I found the video of Tyga and Chris singing tatted like a mexi. We both died laughing and started singing along with it. "That's my shit" Adrianna said at the end of it" Play it again." By the time we pulled up at Wayne's we were both hyper and had that damn song stuck in our head. Getting out of the car I saw Chris's car was there. "The boys are home." I said giggling. Adrianna laughed " Lets go show off our tats cause we tatted like a mexi, tatted, tatted like a mexi." We both yell hey and start going off. As we walked through the door we had restarted the song. Chris and Wayne were sitting in teh living room on the game and turned around looking at us like we had lost of everyloving mind. As we finished up singing. "belly button tatted up you don't know me." We died laughing. Wayne glanced up at me. "Maci, what the fuck I thought ya'll were just going out for lunch."Before I coudl even open my mouth Chris got up and started singing and dancing getting us all rilled up again. Wayne looks at Chris, "Nigga sit ya bitch ass down. Maci your ass drunk." I die laughing, Adrianna looks at Wayne, "Naw she just a little tipsy." I start jumping up and down running up to Wayne shoving my wrist in his face. "Look what I got." Wayne grabbed my wrist out of his face and pulled me down beside him turning my wrist to see. He grinned down at me. "Aww my baby done got tatted up." Adrianna walked up on Chris who had sat back down on the love seat. " I got one too look", she says showing Chris her wrist, then she starts pulling her shirt up, "and this one too." Chris looks up at Wayne shakes his head then starts pulling Adrianna's shirt back down. "Ya'll two need to go lay ya'll ass down somewhere." We whine about being sent to our room, but go making fun of them for trying to be somebody daddy.

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