Chapter 19

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I change into a t shirt and climb into bed. Exhausted I had no trouble falling asleep. When my phone started ringing I sat straight up in the bed from a dead sleep reaching out for it. Of course instead of grabbing it I sent it flying across the room. "Damn-it" I said jumping up. As I leaned down to pick it up it stopped ringing. I sigh and start to walk back to the bed. I jump as it starts ringing again. I hit answer and before I can even say hello Wayne starts yelling at me. "Why the fuck you ignoring my calls Maci." I sit in the bed pulling the covers up. "I knocked the phone down and by the time I got up you had hung up." I can hear Wayne sigh. "What about earlier, and don't give me that bullshit your phone was off." I feel tears start running down my face. "I'm not lieng Wayne. I swear to God I'm not." Wayne is quiet for a minute. "Why did you chose then to tell me?" I lean my head against my knees. "I don't know, it just came out ok, I'm sorry." Wayne sighs, "Why the fuck you apologizing you either meant it or you don't." I finally break down and start crying loud enough he can hear. "Maci, look don't cry , you just, hell you caught me off guard with that, then you just turn around and walk out like nothing. I called you as soon as I landed and your phone kept going straight to vm. What the hell was I supposed to think." I wipe my eyes, "I don't know, I don't know." We sit in silence for a minute. "Well?" I was caught off guard by the question. "What?" I ask. Wayne lets out a breath. "Is it true." I swallow. "You already knew I loved you Wayne." The silence seemed to stretch on forever. "Ok" He finally said. Ok, Ok what the hell does ok mean. I wanted to yell at him. "How's Fallon?" It took me a minute to even process what he had asked me. "She is good, she asked where you was." Wayne laughed, "that girl knows whats up." I roll my eyes and a small grin escapes. "I guess, she just likes you cause you let her make a mess with that damn syrup." Wayne laughs, "gotta let her learn somehow." I sigh, "I guess." I can hear all kinds of noises in the background, I knew Wayne was probably sit at the studio. "Did you have problems picking her up?" I shook my head. "No, I mean he talked shit but I have no idea what he was saying, I just was in my own little world ya know." Wayne and I talked a little longer before he told me to go to bed and he would call the next night.

I was unable to go back to sleep I just kept hearing him tell me "Ok". When my alarm went off the next morning I was still awake sitting up in my bed. I took my time getting ready, getting Fallon up at the last possible minute. I had already had her bag packed. She stayed with Ryan's mom when I was at work until one of us got off. Dropping her off, I gave her a hug and kiss bye. Work was well work. Mondays always sucked. Janet and Ashlee were both on my nerves, I was not in the mood today. I guess they knew it cause they left me alone for the most part. I did't even eat lunch. I just wasn't in the mood. I missed Wayne, I shook my head. I was so freaking pathetic, he had just left. Could I not go a whole day without him, or was I just upset we had fought. Hell I was missing him, no matter how I spun it, I missed that crazy ass.

Adriana met Fallon and I at a home style burger place. Fallon ran up to her jumping in her arms. Adriana laughed. "Hey TeTe baby! Have you grown, I swear you get taller every time I see you." I roll my eyes at them. "It's only been a week, gah." Adriana rolls her eyes. "Shut up Ms. Carter." My face falls and she cocks her eyebrow at me. "What that nigga do?" I shake my head as we sit down at our booth. The waitress takes our drink order instantly returning with her a sprite, my Vanilla Dr Pepper, and Fallon some apple juice. We already knew what we wanted so we both ordered bacon cheeseburgers with fried pickles and Fallon a kids chicken strip. "I slipped and told Wayne I loved him." Adriana chocked on her sprite. "You what, what the hell he do." I shrugged. "Well it wasn't really a slip I just kinda told him then walked away. I guess after me and you got off the phone, I turned it off, so he was fucking pissed off cause when he got in LA he tried to call and thought I was ignoring him." Adriana put her elbows on the table leaning in. "And." I sigh, "And when I finally talked to him he said "Ok." Adrianna frowned. "Ok, OK, what the fuck does OK, mean." I shrug, "I don't know I didn't ask." Adriana reaches out trying to grab my phone. "Give me that damn phone, I'll find out." I quickly grab my phone and shove it in my purse. "Chill out, its ok." Adriana shakes her head. "You deserve to know how he feels about you, whether he loves you or not, he could have said thank you or some shit." I laugh at her. "yeah ok, I love you Wayne, Ok Thanks." We laugh and Fallon keeps us entertained the remainder of the meal.

Wayne and I continued to talk on the phone every night, and he usually me a ccouple of times during the day. We had gotten in a routine. I had even gotten where when we got off the phone I would say ok, love you bye. Wayne never said anything but bye baby, miss you. It had been almost two months since Wayne had been to the house. I had been sitting in the bed watching tv when i heard my phone chime. I pic it up and see that Adriana had sent me a picture message. She was always sending me random shit. As i opened it the phone dropped from my hands. It was a picture of Wayne with some girl all hugged up on him at a basketball game. My heart dropped, who the hell was she, I saw Adriana had gotten the picture off of instagram so I pulled mine up and sure enough there he was with that girl. I googled Wayne and found where he was seen at the game with some unknown female companion. I didn't know what to do, Fallon was in my floor playing blocks and she looked up at me like I had lost my mind. I saved the picture then sent it in a text to Wayne. It was barley a minute after the picture went through that my phone was ringing, I just sat down looking at the caller id. Fallon glanced up at me, "Momma phone." I just shook my head. "I know baby, momma don't want to talk right now." Wayne didn't bother leaving a vm instead he sent a text saying. "It's not what it looks like." I didn't even respond. I picked up my phone and called Adriana. My heart was broken.

It was a week before I finally decided to answer Wayne's call. He had been steady texting and calling with no response at all from me. It was a Saturday night, Fallon was asleep and I was playing on the computer when he called. I don't know what made me pick up the phone, but I did. "What." I said. "It's about time you answered your mother fucking phone, I swear to God I was bout to come down their and make you talk to me." I shrug "Whatever." Wayne sighs, "Maci, its not what it looked like ok, she is just a friend." I laugh to myself. "You don't have to explain yourself to me." Wayne groans. "Baby, don't be like that, I haven't stepped out on you." I bite my lip. "O, so it's ok for people to be all up on you as long as you ain't fucking them right." Wayne is silent for a minute. "You know damn well that ain't what I meant." I sigh," Well what the fuck you mean, your giving mixed signals. If that would have been me, how would have felt." Wayne is silent not saying word. "That's what I thought." Wayne sighs, "I ain't got time to argue with you right now, I'm at the studio." I sigh, "Whatever Wayne your the one who called me, bye." As I go to hang up I hear Wayne let out a breath. "Come see me." I frown, "why". Wayne sighs, "what do you think, so we can try and talk this shit out." I frown to myself, "why do I have to come to you to talk things out." Wayne sighs, "Maci, I want to see you, damn, look I'm in LA for the rest of the month, I will fly you and Fallon out here." I shake my no. "Fallon does not need to be around all this bullshit and I'm not flying anywhere by myself." Wayne groans, "Fine, bring Arriana, Adrianna, whatever her name is, I never got to meet her when I was down anyways." I put my computer to the side. "I don't know, I will have to talk to her." I can hear people yelling at Wayne in the background. "Just text me when you find out if you can get off and I'll send you tickets to your house." As we hang up I call Adrianna. She starts talking about something that happened on her job and I cut in on her, "you want to fly out to LA with me." Adrianna squeals, "Hell yeah I want to go to LA, we going to see Wayne cause I'm going to slap him in his mother fucking head." I roll my eyes. "Yes he wants to talk, I guess he can't talk over the phone, dumb ass." Adrianna laughs, "he just thinks he can fuck you and you'll give in." I sigh, "no there will be none of that on this trip." Adriana smacks her lips." Mhmm."

We had both arranged to take off the following Friday not to return for a week. I had texted Wayne and let him know when we could leave. He still called every night, but our conversations were always short and to the point. The tickets arrived on Tuesday, Wayne had put some money in the envelope. Counting it I saw he had sent a thousand dollars. I grabbed my phone calling him. When he answered I could her commotion in the background but I didn't care. "Why the hell you sending me money. I can make it to the airport without your help." Wayne sighs, "baby calm the fuck down, I thought that's what a nigga does for his girl." I shake my head. "So I'm your girl again." Wayne huffs. "You never stopped, unless you need to tell me something." For some reason this makes me even angrier. "I wasn't the one with some girl all up on me." Wayne lets out a deep breath. "I'll see you Friday Maci." I didn't 'have time to respond before he hangs up. I sighed, I didn't know if I was being overly dramatic or not but I couldn't get the image of that girl all hugged up on him out of my head. Not just hugged up but holding hands hugged up. The rest of the week actually went by fast. Adriana and I had went shopping Thursday to get LA appropriate clothes. Actually we just wanted to go shopping. We did find some cute outfits that we could wear.

Ryan surprised me by not asking any questions when I asked if he would watch Fallon for a week so I could go out of town. Although when I went to drop her off it was a different story. He met me outside. "Where the hell you going that I have to watch Fallon for a week." I let out a breath, I should have know he would start shit. "LA, I'm going to LA." Ryan makes a face. "Why the hell you going to LA, you going to meet that nigga." I sigh, "It's not like I'm going by myself, Adrianna is going." Ryan laughs, "Ya'll both fucking him now." I shove Fallon's bag at him. "Fuck you Ryan." I turn around to leave calling Adrianna as I back out the driveway. Adriana and I decided not to even try and go to sleep since we had to leave so early, our bags were packed and in the back of the Range Rover. Wayne hadn't called since we had got into it Tuesday.I was nervous on how things would go when we were face to face. What if I got down there and all we did was fight.

The drive to Dallas would take a little over two hours and the flight itself would be close to 3. We decided to dress comfy. I wore a pair of jeans that had a rip in the knee and a black and grey stripped shirt, throwing on my hoddie just in case I got cold. I slipped in my silver Toms glancing to see what Adrianna was wearing. She wore blue jean boy shorts and a black pyramid tshirt with her Jordans. She had throw on a black pryamid snapback to contain her hair. We looked at each other and both said Coffee at the same time. We stoped at the local convienet store gasing up and both running in and getting some coffee before heading out. We made it to the airport on time and even had time to spare. Adrianna was scared to death to fly. She had never been on a plane before and she was scared of heights. I rolled my eyes at her, and she calls me overly dramatic. As they call our flight, she grips on to my arm for dear life. "Chill out Adrianna we are just boarding." She shakes her head. "You better be glad your my best friend, and that I want to go to La, and that I want to slap Wayne upside his damn head, cause I could have drove." I gave her a look. We take our seats and Adrianna waste no time buckling up. Wayne had us in first class. As the plane taxied down the run way Adrianna had her eyes squeezed shut holding my hand. The way she was breathing you would have thought the girl was in labor. As the plane started to take off, I thought she was going to faint. "As soon as she calmed down I looked at her. "Bitch you ain't ever flying with me again." Adrianna sighs, "can we just rent a car for the ride back home." Adrianna was such a mess during the whole flight she woulnd't even eat or drink. I did not have that problem and had a glass of wine with my meal. I had told her we were either getting her a Valium for the trip home or I was going to have Wayne get her high.

As soon as we exited the plan and made it in the lobby Adrianna knelt down touching the ground. "Thank you God for getting me here in one piece." I rolled my eyes. "If you don't get up, people are staring at us." Adriana glanced up at me. "I don't fucking care, I never thought I'd see land again." I shake my head. "Who's the drama queen now." Adrianna gets up and brushes her knees, "bitch you are." I was already regretting bringing her along. Adrianna was very outspoken. We walk to get our bags then head to the exit. I was surprised to see Cortez there waiting on us. I grinned as I walked up to him. "I'm surprised Wayne let you come get us." Cortez laughed. "Told you he don't trust just anybody, hell he really didn't want me coming either but he couldn't get out like he planned so I was a last minute decision." Cortez looks Adriana up and down and shakes his head reaching for our bags. As we head out Cortez explains that Wayne has rented a house for his stay in LA and that's were we would be staying at. I gave in and texted Wayne letting him know we had arrived. He texted back saying he was still in the studio, but would get away as soon as he could. I just said whatever. Wayne hated that. Cortez helped us with our bags and left me with a key and strict orders not to go anywhere. "What are we 12." Adrianna asked. Cortez shrugged, "Wayne is protective over her." I roll my eyes at Adrianna. "He better be glad she wanted to come out here, cause if I was her I'd be like fuck you." Cortez laughed."That girl can't tell him no." He gives me a look and I instantly remembered our first real conversation about Wayne. "Well I'm out...see ya'll two later." Adrianna and I went to find our room. I started unpacking my bag. Adrianna glanced at me funny. "Um I'm pretty sure you'll be in Wayne's room." I just shook my head at her. "He wishes." Adrianna plops down on the bed. "Ok, I'll be rememberig this conversation when your all hugged up on him trying to leave me in here by myself tonight. I let out a breath. "Whatever." She laughs "Whatever" she mimics in her Maci voice. I throw my brush at her and she ducks laughing. "It's cool I have my iphone, my beats, and my charger."

We end up downstairs sitting on the couch feet propped on the coffee table watching a movie on tv. We had both showered. I had put on a pair of blue jean shorts with a teal halter style shirt. Adrianna had changed into another black pyramid shirt and some yoga pants with some ankle socks. We looked at each other as we hear the front door open. It sounded like a hundred a hundred people were walking in but as we glanced up it was only four. As soon as I saw Wayne we locked eyes. Adrianna started tugging on my shirt. "OMG" she said barely above a whisper. Maci, Maci, its Chris Brown, Maci, its Chris Brown OMG." I took my eyes off Wayne and saw Chris, Tyga, and Future. Wayne walks in introducing the guys to us, and I introduce Adrianna who was still in shock of seeing Chris Brown. Wayne comes and sits on the couch beside me. "Your flight was ok." I shrug my shoulders and he gives me a look like really. Adrianna finally comes out of her stupor shaking her head. She leans up so she can see Wayne, when he notices her and looks up she slaps him in the back of his head. He ducks and the guys bust out laughing. Tyga and Chris were giggling like some little girls. "What the hell." Wayne said looking at her crazy. "You already know what that was for, don't play with me." I laugh, "Um, that's Adrianna for you, she don't mess around and she is very outspoken so um yeah." Wayne just shakes his head. "Damn girl you feisty, I like that." Tyga says to Adrianna. Chris slaps him in the back of the head. "Boy China gonna kill your black ass." We bust out laughing. Adrianna looks up at Tyga rolling her eyes. "I bet you do." Wayne reaches out to grab my hand and leans in to whisper in my ear. "Come talk to me in the kitchen." I shake my head. "I can't leave her alone with these guys." Wayne gives me a smirk, "Im sure that girl can handle her own."

Wayne stands up pulling me up with him. "We'll be back." he says as we walk to the kitchen. "The bedroom is the other way." Tyga yells at us. Wayne turns around and this time Future hit him in the back of the head. "Boy you gotta chill." Adrianna says. I look at her and she has a grin on her face. Walking in the kitchen Wayne pulls me into his arms. I stiffen up. I wasn't sure if I was ready to play nice with him. "You still mad." I look up at him and shrug. Wayne groans. "You are so fucking hard headed." I sigh. "Look, I just didn't expect that ok, to be honest it hurt my feelings, I mean I thought I meant more to you. SO lets just stop playing games ok."Wayne shakes his head. "I've never played games with you Maci." I let out a breath. "If your not playing games, why did you think it was ok to go to a game with some girl all up on you. I'm sposta be your girl right, so why do something like that." Wayne looks down. " I never meant to disrespect you, I guess I just wasn't thinking, shes just a friend." I sigh, "Why couldn't you go with somebody else Drake, Chris, anybody else." Wayne walks back up to me trying to pull me to him. "Like I said Maci, I wasn't thinking, it wont happen again." I let him pull me in his embrace. " Fine, but if it happens again I'm done, I know your a public figure, and I know I'm going to hear all kind of shit, but seeing it is different." Wayne leans his head against mine, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Maci baby, I missed you." I nodded, "I missed you too, now need to go check on Adrianna." I say as I start to walk off. Wayne pulls me back to him and kisses me.

As we walk back to the living room I see Chris has moved to sit by Adrianna. Tyga and Future are in the corner on Wayne's laptop. As soon as Adrianna sees me I can see her blush. I glance at Wayne and he just shakes his head. Wayne goes to sit down in a big leather recyner pulling me down with him, the chair was so big we could sit side by side. Wayne wrapped his arm around me and I layed my head on his chest. Even though I wasn't 100 percent over the girl in the picture, I was happy to be back in his arms. Two months had seemed like an eternity. After a bit Wayne turned on the ps3 and like that the guys were all back around the tv. Wayne and Chris played Madden first. I kept glancing at Adrianna and looking at her like well, and she would grin, blush and shake her head. Seeing that Wayne was all in his game I made eye contact with Adrianna. "Hey come in the kitchen with me and we can get the guys something to drink." Tyga looked up, "That's what the fuck I'm talking about." Adrianna shot him a look. "Tyga shut the fuck up," Chris and Wayne both said at the same time. Walking in the kitchen I grab Adrianna's arm. "What the fuck you all blushing about, Ms OMG its Chris Brown, OMG." Adrianna shoves me and I bust out laughing. "I was going to tell you but you all in here making fun of me and shit." I grab some beers out of the fridge and me a coke. "I'm your best friend," I say grinning at her. "He just came and sat down and started talking." I shoot her a look. "Talking bout what, ya'll just met?" Adrianna blushes, "He noticed I had on one of his shirts and was like you like my line, you know me I was like hell yeah. Then he was just asking random questions, like how I know you, where I was from, what I do for a living, then out of nowhere he ask if I was talking to anybody and when I said no he asked for my number." I shake my head and say, "that boy don't waste no time does he." Adrianna blushes, "Nope." I shrug. "I guess." I wasn't sure if I wanted my best friend trying to talk to Chris. He didn't' have the best rep.

As we walked back in the living room, Wayne and Chris were talking shit to each other. We hand out the drinks and Adrianna and I decide to go swimming. We go upstairs and Adrianna changes into a purple two piece halter style bikini. I change into my sparkly black ruffled two piece bikini. We throw on cover-ups and head out to the pool. We had all the guys attention as we walked past them. Outside we jumped in the pool for a minute but then decided to lay out. I was almost asleep when I felt someone watching me, looking up I saw the guys had came outside and Wayne was standing above me. I jerk up and next thing I know Wayne leans down and wraps his arms around me picking me up and tossing me into the pool. When I come up I stare daggers at him and he has a cocky grin on his face. The guys are laughing hysterically. Tyga is laughing so hard he trips over a lounge chair. Adrianna sits up when she sees Chris start walking toward her. "You try and throw me in that damn pool and you won't be able to walk for a week." Chris jerks toward her and she jumps up and starts running around the pool. When she gets to where Wayne is she runs straight at him pushing him in. I was sitting on the steps of the pool and as Wayne swam up to me he sat between my legs, "that bitch done got my shit wet." I roll my eyes and place my arms on his shoulder, "you'll be ok baby." I slap the back of his head, "and don't call my friend a bitch." Wayne laughs leans back and I lean down giving him a kiss. Looking up I see Chris had finally caught Adrianna and was tossing her in the pool. She was screaming like a damn banshee. "I think you might want to go change." Wayne laughed, "Yah, think, I bet my fuckin shoes are ruined." I roll my eyes at him.The guys sat around the pool smoking. Adrianna and I swam a bit longer but then started getting cold so we decided to get out. Adrianna and I go upstairs to change. I pick out a strapless black sundress with my black jeweled flip flops. Adrianna decides to wear a dress too and picks out her purple sundress with her gladiator sandals.

As we walk out the room I glance down the hall and see Wayne's door was open. I told Adrianna I would catch up with her in a minute. She rolled her eyes. "I fucking knew I would be sleeping alone, hmm maybe Chris can keep me company." I laugh at her. I walk up to the door and stop. I can hear him talking on the phone to someone. I knock on the door, Wayne had changed into some wild neon yellow and black trukfit shorts and had a wife beater thrown over his shoulder. He turned and looked up at me nodding me into the room. I shut the door behind me. I walk up to him and he pulls me into his arms. He starts laughing at whatever the person on the phone was saying. I lay my head on his chest. "Ok Neal, I love ya, let me talk to your momma," Wayne runs his free hand threw my hair shaking his head. "Can't believe you cut yo shit." He sighs, "Naw I wasn't talking to you. Yeah, alright, talk to you later." I look up, "four baby mommas, no baby momma drama huh." Wayne laughs at me, "somebody knows my shit." I shrug my shoulders leaning down to run kisses over his chest. "Somebody going to be added to the baby mommas if they don't stop." I looked up and gave him a look. "I'd give you some drama." Wayne laughed, "That's not allowed. Come here girl." I went back to kissing his chest. Wayne grabbed my face pulling it up to him. "I really am sorry I hurt you Maci." I shake my head. "I don't want to talk about it." Wayne sighs. "Baby, your special to me, I just want you to know that." He leans down running kisses over my jaw bone down to my neck. I wrapped my arms around him. I shrieked as Wayne started tugging on my dress. I wasn't sure how long we had been missing but by the time we made it back downstairs all the guys expert Chris was gone. Him and Adrianna were on the couch watching some movie on BET.

As Wayne and I sat down Chris turned to look at us. "Ya'll couldn't wait till tonight damn." Wayne shot Chris a look. "You want to be kicked out." Chris bust out laughing. "I'm fucking hungry." Wayne made a face. "That bitch always hungry." Adrianna and I busted out laughing. "What you want baby." Wayne asked walking up behind me putting his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulders. I shrug. "I don't know what's the options." Wayne shrugged. "Ya'll want to go out or stay in." Adrianna and I look at each other. "Don't matter" we both say. Chris stands up. "We going to the Pink Taco." I make a face, "that don't even sound good." Chris looks at me crazy. "What, the pink taco is the shit." Adrianna laughs and says "I bet it is." Wayne shrugs, "Man its whatever."

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