Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The plane ride was a little over 2 1/2 hours. I walked off the plane nervously looking around. How would I know who was meeting me? Wayne hadn't been specific about that. I had no idea where to go or even where to pick up my bags. I started to panic when I heard a smooth voice call out from in front of me, "You Maci?"

I looked up panicked and saw a tall light skinned guy. He was wearing loose jeans and a a Trukfit hoodie. I nodded my head. The guy laughed, "I'm Cortez, come on, lets get your bags and get ya to Wayne." He turned to walk off only glancing back once to make sure I was following. As we approached the baggage claim area I told Cortez what my bags looked like. My zebra and hot pink bag was easy to spot and pull out. "You only got one bag?" Cortez asked looking at me funny. " Yeah, I'm going home Sunday," I said. Cortez shrugged and I followed him outside. I had never been to Vegas and the way to the hotel I took in all the lights and sights.

Before long we pulled up in the front of a lavish hotel/casino. the headlines on the marquee were for Lil Wayne, my Wayne. Well at least for the weekend. Cortez took my bags from the trunk glancing at me. "You don't look like a girl who would be into Wayne." I frowned up at him. "And what does that mean." Cortez shrugged at me, "You seem quite and sweet just not what I expected." He laughed "I was just giving you a chance to run" I looked down nervously. Cortez lightly gave me a push. " I was just playing with ya." I nodded and followed him through the lobby. I had the strangest feeling that he wasn't joking at all.

Wayne's suite was on the top floor. Security was outside the elevator door. Cortez handed me my bag as he opened the door. "OK Maci, your own your own now. Wayne should be inside." I stared at the door in front of me. My bag suddenly felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. I swallowed as I walked through the door. I was taking in the main room as the click of the door shutting made me jump.

I was still standing clutching my bag to my chest looking crazy I'm sure as Wayne walked through one of the side doors. He was on his phone and was shirtless. OMG I about dropped my bags as he walked straight up to me and grabbed my bag and nodded for me to follow him. He led me back through the same door he had come from. Walking in the room he sat my bag on a chair and held up a finger letting me know he would be a minute on the phone. He walked out on the balcony leaving me stunned. The bedroom was bigger than my whole house. The focus point of the room was the huge bed. I started to feel dizzy all of a sudden and had to sit down. Placing my head in my hands I let my mind race. "What the hell was I doing in Lil Wayne's suite?"

I about fell off my perch on the edge of the bed when I felt a touch on my shoulder. Glancing up I saw Wayne had finished his call and was looking at me with those sexy chocolate eyes. " You sleepy baby," Wayne asked as he brushed a stray strand of my long hair out of my face. I shrugged. "No, not really, I should be." Wayne smirked at me "You look nervous,  I told you not to be,  Weezy got you baby." This had me laughing. Yeah OK, wish it was just that easy. "Wayne grinned at me holding out his hands to pull me up. "I'm hungry, I had some room service sent up."

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