Chapter 11

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It was 9:30 before I got Fallon to sleep. Laying her in her bed I go take a long hot shower followed by a longer and hotter bath. Getting out the tub i put on one of the Trukfit shirts Wayne had sent me in the mail and some stripped boy shorts. Sitting in the bed, I turned on the tv, and flip till I find something that looks decent to watch. I find an old movie I hadn't seen in a while and turn my lights out and prop my pillows up. It wasn't long before the movie was watching me. The knock on my door about scared the shit out of me. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 2:12. Who the hell, I swear if Ryan is here starting shit. I walk to my front door and try to look out my peep hole, unfortunately I'm a little too short to see out of it properly and my stupid front porch light is out. I glance out the side window and see a black Range Rover. Who the hell I think to myself. I decide just to crack the door open and peek out.

As soon as i see him I jump in his arms. "You happy to see a Nigga." Happy was nothing compared to what I was. He grabs his bags and walks in then door throwing them on the couch. "Come here and show me how much you missed me. I laugh practically jumping up and down before wrapping my arms around him and kissing him. Wayne laughs as I drag him with me to the bedroom. As we enter my room I put my arms around him. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming." Wayne leaned down kissing me, "that wouldn't be much of a surprise would it." I shrug as he starts kissing my neck sending all kinds of shivers over my body. I had missed him, more than I even allowed myself to acknowledge. "I see you reppin your boy." Wayne says as he pulls my tshirt off. I grin, "yeah, did I thank you for sending me all that stuff." Wayne laughs pulling his shirt off. "Yeah you thanked me but not properly." I cock my eyebrow at him. "Well come here and let me thank you properly."

I awoke to the sound of Fallon running down the hall the next morning. I said a quick prayer that me and Wayne had dressed before we fell asleep. Fallon poked her head through teh crack in my door. "Momma, Momma, Momma, who that." She pointed her chubby lil fingers at Wayne who was stretching sitting up in the bed beside me. "Come here", I say. Fallon runs up to teh bed and climbs in sitting in my lap. "This is Wayne, baby, you remember you talk to him on the phone sometimes." Fallon shakes her head and leans forward grabbing one of his dreads. Wayne laughs at her. "You like my locks lil Momma." Fallon nods her head and she crawls up in his lap. Wayne starts talking to her and I jump up and go to the bathroom. When I come back in her and Wayne are in deep conversation. He looks up at me grinning. I could tell Wayne was a great daddy. "Ya'll two hungry," I ask sitting down on the bed. "Ummhmm" Fallon says. I grin at her, "what do you want." Fallon looks up and pats her tummy, "pantakes!". I make a face, I hate pancakes, "Ugh, you want Pantakes, I guess."

By time the pancakes were done, Wayne and Fallon were both in the kitchen with me. He had given Fallon some apple juice and had her in her seat. Wayne walked up behind me and put his arms around me. "That girl is a handful, just like her momma." I turn the stove off turning around."Yeah, you seem to be able to handle me pretty well." Wayne laughs grabbign the plate out of my hand and taking it to Fallon. "You want some syrup lil girl." Fallon gets a huge grin on her face. "MMMMhmmmm! I pour it!" I shake me head. "Umm no mam." Wayne laughs, "let her do her own thing momma." I roll my eyes "ok, Mr Carter, you clean her up when she is done. " Wayne hands Fallon the syrup and she pours it everywhere. I laugh walking up putting Wayne a plate in front of him. I lean down "Good move", I whisper in his ear. Wayne looks at Fallon. "Tell your momma to stop hating." I laugh at him. "No hating over here."

After breakfast I cleaned up the plates while Wayne and Fallon went in the living room to turn on cartoons. Walking in I saw them snuggled up on the couch under a scooby doo throw. Wayne holds out his hands and I go sit with them. I lean my head against Wayne's shoulder, he leans down placing a kiss on my forehead. Fallon thinks that is hilarious and dies laughing. I groan as I hear my phone start ringing. I already knew it would be Ryan. He always picks Fallon up on Wednesdays after he gets off work. "Yeah" I say hitting the send button. "Who the fuck is at your house?" Ryan practically screams at me. "Excuse me"I say as I go to my window and look out. Sure enough Ryan is parked outside. I glace at the clock and see its only 11:00. I shake my head, he must have gotten off early. Ryan lets out a breath. "Look can I get Fallon, or do I need to come back." I sigh, "yeah, you bringing her back tonight, or not." Ryan pauses before saying "I dont know."

I go and pack Fallon an overnight bag just in case. Ryan waits outside as I dress her and brush her hair, there was no way I was letting him in the house with Wayne. As we walked outside Fallon ran up to Ryan. He leaned down picking her up. "Daddy I want to stay with momma and Wayne." I groan, really Fallon did you have to blast me like that. Ryan glanced up at me and I could see hate in his eyes. "Really Maci, you want to bring that around our baby." I roll my eyes, "What Ryan, what exactly does he do that's so bad, hmm lets see. He smokes, last time I checked you smoked too." Ryan laughed, "Maci you have no fucking idea what you are getting into. Be his bitch, fuck ya life up, cause he going to ruin you." I groan. "Ryan shut up, how is he going to ruin me, Ive already been ruined by beign with your black ass." Ryan opened his mouth to say something else I'm sure smart assed when I heard my front door open. Ryan glanced up and shook his head making record time of putting Fallon in her car seat.

I glance at Wayne. He was glaring at Ryan. I elbow him. "Aww you coming to my rescue baby." Wayne looks down at me and smirks, "he messing with my high." I laugh following Wayne back in the house. Wayne goes back to couch and sits down. "Come here momma." I walk up to Wayne and sit down straddling him. Wayne places his hands on my hips biting his lower lip. "How long are you staying," I ask pulling on one of Wayne's locks. Wayne nods at me, and I lean into him kissing him. "Sunday." he says as he starts kissing my neck. I arch my neck, I had so missed him. I lean my head against his forehead. "I'm not going to let you go." Wayne laughs at me. "I told you your ass was sprung." I laugh at him sitting up. "That's a problem." Wayne shakes his head. "No that's how I like it, don't have to worry bout you when I'm not with you." I look at him crazy. "O yeah, well that's not fair, cause I worry bout you." I close my eyes hoping that I didn't just scare Wayne away. Wayne grins at me pulling me down to place a kiss on my lips. "You don't need to worry, I don't hide shit." Wayne smacks me on my ass," now get up and go get dressed." "Where," I start to say but Wayne puts a finger to my lips. "Just go get dressed baby."

I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I had hooked up my iphone to my speakers and got in. I had just rinsed my shampoo out when the shower curtain opened and Wayne got in with me. "I think your the one sprung lil boy." I say laughing. Wayne laughs at me pulling me up to him. "Maybe I am." We kiss and I turn back around to put some conditioner in my hair. Wayne soaps up a towel and begins soaping my body up. I turn back around letting the water cascade around us. Wayne pulls me up to him and kisses me. "Tell me why your stuck in my fucking head Maci." I shrug loving the feel of my soapy flesh against his. "I have no idea, but I'm not complaining one bit." Wayne kisses my neck and his hands begin to roam. I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up and leans me against the tile. The water splashing around us has the whole bathroom steamy.

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