Chapter 15

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Pulling up in my driveway I was kinda sad to be back. I was ready to see my baby girl though. Wayne brings our bags as I call Ryan. Ryan pics up the phone just as I was about to hang up. "What." I sigh, he always has to be an ass. "Do you want me to come pick up Fallon or are you goig to drop her off. " I ask. "Is that nigga still there with you." Ryan asks with attitude. I close my eyes shaking my head. "Yes Ryan, whats the problem." Ryan laughs. "Really Maci when did you get so fuckign stupid." I sigh. "Is there going to be a problem with me coming to get my baby." "If he's there then hell yeah." I let out a breath. "Don't start Ryan, do you really need me to go into all the girls you've had her around." I hear Ryan cuss under his breath. "Maci just let me keep her tonight, I get her tomorrow anyways. You need to make sure that he is what the fuck you want around you kid." I shake my head. "Ryan what is so wrong with him?" Ryan is silent for a minute. "Look Maci, its not that I dont want him around Fallon, I just don't want to have to be the one to pick your ass up when he drops you for the next one." I was in shock. "Excuse me". Ryan laughs in teh phone. "Maci you know I'm the only family your ass has." I don't know what to say. IN a way he wasn't lying. My family had abandoned me years ago, but if he though I considered him family, baby daddy or not he had another thing coming. I sigh. "Look you can keep Fallon tonight, but I will be there to get her Sunday." Ryan puts Fallon on the phone so I can talk to her. After talking to her for a minute Ryan gets back on the phone and we agree on a time for me to pick her up Sunday.

I walk in the living room and see Wayne rolling up a blunt. He stops and looks at me. "What the fuck that Nigga say to you." I go sit by Wayne. "He wants to keep her tonight." Wayne shakes his head. "Cause of me?" I sigh. "I don't know, he says its not that he don't want you around her I think he is just using her as a way to try and make me stop talking to you. Talking about he don't want to have to pick up the pieces if you hurt me or some bullshit like that." Wayne starts rolling his blunt again. " I can go Maci if you want me too, its cool." I shake my head no. " Ryan is just being an ass. I don't want him to think he can run me, if you leave he gets what he wants. He would get Fallon tomorrow anyways." Wayne lights up. "I'm not going to let him use me to keep your baby away." I grab Wayne's free hand. "I done told you once I'd fuck him up." I glance up at Wayne smiling. "you would too, huh." Wayne leans down kissing my forehead. "Hell yeah, baby, give me a reason, I'm still pissed off that he through that damn magazine at ya." I squeeze Wayne's hand and he turns his head blowing out a puff of smoke. "My hero." I say leaning my head against his shoulder. Wayne leans back on the couch pulling me with him. He moves the ashtray beside him. "I'm your man, I'm going to always have your back."

I stretch my legs so my feet are resting on the coffee table. "How many girls do you have." I ask out of nowhere. Wayne about chokes on the smoke from his blunt. Coughing he looks at me with a what the fuck expression on his face. I bite my bottom lip as I dare to look up at him. Wayne grabs me turning me so I ended up straddling him. I look down not wanting to look at him, but he tilts my chin up. I look up and he just watches me for a minute. Wayne places his hands on my hips. I put my hands on his chest "Just tell me the truth, I won't be mad, I just want to know where I stand with you." Wayne shrugged, "I had a few, but now I'm just concentrating on you." I look up at him and can feel him tense up waiting on my reaction. "Ok." I say leaning down to lay my head against his shoulder. Wayne puts his arms around me. "You trust me Maci,"he asks. I tilt my head to look at him. I shrug, "until you give me a reason not too." Wayne pulls my face to him so he can kiss my lips. I sit up and begin kissing his neck. I feel his hands skim under my shirt and unclasp my bra. I pull at his shirt and he leans up so I can pull it off. As he takes my shirt off we sit looking at each other for a minute. Wayne grabs my ass and stands up walking us to the bed. I run kisses over his jaw line and his neck and when we reach the bed he drops me down. I laugh, "what is it with you and dropping me on the bed." Wayne crawls on top of me kissing a path between my breast. He looks up at me with a mischievous look on his face, "you complaining." I shake my head no as he begins kissing my navel. Wayne laughs "I didn't think so." I pull at him until he gives in and kisses his way back up to my lips. I shove him so rolls on his back pulling me on top of him. "O looks who wants to be in charge tonight," he says laughing. I glance at him, "you damn right."

We spent most of the afternoon in bed. When we did get up Wayne had went in the kitchen to make a few calls and I was putting a load of clothes in the laundry. I had just turned the washing machine on when heard Wayne yell my name. I walk in teh kitchen and he is pointing at my calender. "What the fuck is this," he points to tomorrows date with a red circle and the words hair cut 10:30. "I shrug. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow." Wayne shakes his head. "How short." I pull up a picture on my phone showing in to him. "Just a bit past my shoulders." Wayne grabs my phone looking at the picture. "Maci, don't cut your hair." I give him a look. My hair had been long for as long as I can remember, I was ready for a change. "Why not?" Wayne grabs a strand of my hair pulling it. "Cause I like it long." I take a step closer to him. Placing a hand on his bare chest. "I promise you, you'll like is short too." Wayne smirks at me. "Cut it and no dick for you tomorrow." I laugh at him. "Are you punishing me or you." Wayne grins at me putting his arms around me. "I thought I was punishing you." I lean up and kiss him. "I guess, you hungry?"

I start cooking and Wayne gets back on his cell phone talking to his assistant about what is going on since he has been gone. I decide to cook my white pizza. It has alfredo sauce, chicken, spinach, bacon, mexican cheese, and olives on it. Wayne stays on the phone forever. I had made and placed both pizzas in the oven by the time he hung up. I walked up to the table where he was sitting and he pushed the chair back some more so I could sit in his lap. He had his schedule up on his phone looking at it. "You stay busy don't you." Wayne shrugs, "Yeah most of the time." I lean my head against his. "I guess it will be awhile before you will be able to come back huh." Wayne turns his head to look at me. "You can always come to me." I grin at him. "Then you'd never be ride of me." Wayne laughs at me, "girl if I get anymore addicted to you I'm moving your ass in my house." I roll my eyes getting up to check my pizza. Seeign it was done, I pulled both out the oven. As I cut the pizza in slices, Wayne pulls us a soda out of teh fridge. We both make our plate, and I sprinkle Parmesan cheese over my slices, then walk into the living room. We flip on the tv and Wayne flips it to some ESPN shit. I look at him and groan. "I hate basketball." Wayen looks at me like I'm crazy, "Maci have you ever been to a game." I shake my head no. "Does high school count." Wayne shakes his head at me. "No Maci, we will go to a game, I go all the time." I grin. "Yeah I hear you get kicked out of them too." Wayne shoots me a look then grins. "Occasionally."

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