Chapter 18

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"Nooooo" I whined when my alarm went off the next morning. Wayne groaned pulling me into him as I hit snooze. "Stay home with me momma,' he said kissing my neck. I sighed snuggling closer into him. "I wish, they would fire me." Wayne shrugs. "Quit, I got you." I open one eye to look at him crazy. "Don't tempt me." Wayne grins at me. "Let me give you a couple of reasons to stay." Wayne starts kissing his way down my body before he disappears under the covers. I try and run away from him but he wont let me out of his grip. By the time I got up, I had less than 15 minutes to get ready. I ran to the bathroom taking the quickest shower of my life. I grabbed a pair of black Dickie's and a red polo shirt throwing them on. I ran a brush threw my hair and grabbed my makeup bag deciding I could put it on at work. Wayne was sitting up in the bed leaning against the headboard smoking. I sat on the edge of the bed slipping my Toms on. "What do you have planned while I'm gone." Wayne takes a drag off his cigarette shrugging. "Got some phone calls to make. Might go eat lunch with some sexy ass bitch i know." I cut my eyes at him. "Call me a bitch again." Wayne chuckles at me. "I would but them you'd be even later than you are now, the keys are on the coffee table." I stand up nodding, walking closer to him so I can lean down to give him a kiss bye. "Behave," I whisper in his ear.

When I made it to work Ashlee had already opened the store. "I clocked you in, your never late, and I was like that bitch better not bail on me." I laugh as I sit down at my desk pulling up all the stuff I needed. "I would never do that to you, although if Wayne would have had his way I'd still be in bed now." Ashlee gives me a look scrunching up her nose. "Your a mess, I have no idea what you see in him, but whatever." I laugh at her. "He is coming up here to eat lunch, so you better be nice." Ashlee spins around in her chair. "He's coming here, for real?" I roll my eyes at her. "I thought you didn't like Lil Wayne, didn't you say he had no talent." Ashlee shakes her head no. "I never said that, well I was just kidding." I laugh at her. "Ummhmm, ok." I started putting my makeup on at my desk. I had pulled my hair up in what I could only describe as a sad ponytail to keep it out of my face. Ashlee came and sat at my desk talking to me. "Girl that boy done marked you." I cocked my eyebrow at her as i applied my blush. "What the fuck you talking about." Ashlee grins, "go to the bathroom and look in the mirror." I groan, but get up and go. As I flip the light on I smile to myself. I can see bluish bruises on both sides of my neck. Finishing my makeup, I pulled my hair back down. We stayed pretty busy all morning, most of it was bullshit. I swear if one more person came in because their facebook wasn't acting right I was going to scream. I sell phones, not tech support for apps. Wayne texted me close to 12 telling me to order me and Ashlee something and he would pick it up. After debating forever about where to go. I texted Wayne telling him we wanted vanilla dr peppers from Sonic, and we both wanted chicken fajitas from our favorite mexican restaurant. I had just finished a bill pay when I saw Wayne pull up, so I walked outside to help him bring our stuff in. As he steps out of my truck I walk up on him giving him a hug. "Your too sweet." Wayne wraps his arms around me kissing me back. "You just spoiled."I shrug as he hands me our drinks. Ashlee glanced up from the contract she was doing and gave Wayne a little wave. He nodded at her and followed me to the back. As we layed our stuff on the table I walked up on Wayne and shoved him. "Whats that for" Wayne asked acting like I had hurt him. As he sat down I sat in his lap and pulled my hair back. Wayne laughed. "You'll be ok." Ashlee came through the door stoping as she saw us. "Ya'll go get a room damn." Wayne laughs at her. I introduce the two of them and we sit down to eat. Wayne had gotten fajitas to but he had gotten steak.

I was sad when Wayne left, I had walked him outside and about cried as he hugged me bye. Ashlee made fun of me the rest of teh day saying Wayne had me sprung. I just shrugged. Yeah I was sprung on that boy. Wayne and I had texted back and forth until it was time for me to get off. We had decided not to go out because I wanted to spend every minute I could alone with him. I stoped at Wal Mart on the way home and picked up some things i needed. As I pulled up to the house I saw Wayne already had the grill going and I could smell the steaks cooking. Walking in the house I found Wayne in the kitchen cooking homemade mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. "I need you here 24/7." I say walking up on him giving him a hug. Wayne turns around pulling me in his arms. "Then you'd be no good." I give him a quick peck and head to my room changing into some black leggings and a black and grey stripped off the shoulder top. I slide my silver Toms back on and walked outside to where Wayne was flipping the steaks. "You think you can cook." I say sitting on the porch. He looks up at me smirking, "Girl I know I can throw down, in the kitchen and the bedroom." I turn all shades of red and mumble I guess. Wayne shoots me a look. "What was that?" I shake my head really fast and as I see him start to walk toward me I jump up running in the house. Wayne catches me right inside teh doorway. "Where you think you going," he says as he starts playfully tickling me. I about fall in the floor laughing so hard. "Wayne stop, please, omg I cant breath." He stops and I turn around as he pulls me back up to him. "Talk shit again." I lay my head on his chest, "I'm going to miss you." Wayne leans down kissing my forehead. "I told you, you can come see me whenever you want." I look up grinning. "Ok I want to see you Monday." I say jokingly. Wayne grins, "fine you can fly to la with me tomorrow." I shake my head. "Some people have to work round here." Wayne shrugged. "I offered." I lean in to him. "Just promise me it wont be forever." Wayne shook his head. "O hell naw, I'm not done with your ass just yet." I shriek as Wayne slaps my ass.

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