Chapter 14

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I awoke the next morning and discovered that Wayne had never came back upstairs last night. I drag myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom turning the shower on as hot as I could stand it. I just stood under the shower head letting the water run over me. Stepping out of the shower I felt none of the usual effects a morning shower usually gave me. I wrap a towel around my body and run one through my hair until it wasn't dripping water anymore. Walking out the bathroom I glance up and see Wayne sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a blunt. I stop in my tracks and Wayne looks up at me nodding his head for me to come here. Glancing down I slowly start walking to him not stopping until we were knee to knee. Wayne puts his blunt out and places his hands on my hips puling me in between his legs resting his head on my stomach. I lean my head down where it rested on his.

"Wayne looks up causing me to lean back placing my hands on his shoulders. "I'm sorry Maci." I look down at him unsure of what to say. Was I still mad at him, hell I don't know. Did I trip out last night, yes, no , hell I don't know that either. I look down at Wayne and he watches the emotions that run through my eyes. Wayne pushes me back standing up and placing his hands on both sides of my face pulling me in for a kiss. "Don't be mad, baby." I lean my head against his chest. Wayne wraps his arms around me. "Damnit  Maci, talk to me." After last night I didn't know what to say to him. "Why did you leave me last night." Wayne sighed, "I went and talked to Cortez, he admitted to trying to warn you off. It fucking pissed me to the point I didn't want to be around anyone. If I would have come back up here I would have yelled at you even though I wasn't even mad at you." I shrugged and went to walk off to get dressed. Wayne grabbed my arm. "Call off today." I looked at him and shook my head no. The disappointment in Wayne's eyes killed me. I let out a breath walking to the nightstand to grab my phone. I called Janet and told her I wouldn't be able to make it in today. I talked to her long enough to let her know I was ok and that I would be back tomorrow.

Hanging up my phone I glance at Wayne. He had sat on the edge of the bed laying back, he was watching me in the mirror. "You still my girl," he asked when he saw me looking at him. I shrug at him and he tilts his head back so he can see me without having to look in the mirror. He gives me a look and I can't help but grin at him. "Really, that's how you feeling right now." I scooted up closer to him and ran my fingers over his tattoos on his face. "What the hell was you thinking putting Baked on your forehead." Wayne rolled his eyes at me grabbing my hand. "Girl you know I be high." I laugh at him, "You stupid as hell." Wayne laughs, "You know you like it." I shrug, "I love your tats, but the forehead you could have skipped." Wayne sits up and motions for me to come to him. I stand up and walk to the foot of teh bed. Walking up on him Wayne grabs the edge of the towel pulling it off my body. "Come here and let me apologize for last night." I shake my head at him. "I'm still mad at you." Wayne grabs me around the waist pulling me to the bed. "You'll forget about that soon enough." The kisses Wayne was placing on my body was doing teh trick, for the moment at least I had forgot all about our fight the night before. Wayne was running kisses over my collar bone when he stoped at looked up at me. "I promise you Maci." I looked at him confused but he leaned up kissing me stopping any question I had. "I promise you that I will never put Cortez in our relationship." I wrap my arms around Wayne's neck. "I'm going to hold you to that." Wayne flips me where I am under him, "you can do whatever you want to me."

It was well past noon by the time we had our stuff packed and ready to leave. As Wayne said goodbye to all his boys that was still at his house, I noticed Cortez was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't only imagine what the hell Wayne had said to him last night. Walking to the garage Wayne put his arms around me. " I should make your ass drive you got me tired as hell." I shot him a look. "If you would have came to bed last night you wouldn't be so damn tired." Wayne laughed. "If I would hve came to bed last night neither one of us would have gotten any sleep." I laughed. "You so sure of yourself, just conceited." Wayne opened the back of the SUV placing our bag in. Wayne pushed me up against the car, "am I wrong." I wrap my arms around him. "I don't' reward bad behavior." Wayne nipped at my neck and i hit him. "I'll drive so you can sleep." I say as he closes the back up. Wayne looks at me, "you might get us lost." I give him a look, "boy this damn car has gps." Wayne rolls his eyes throwing me the keys. "Ok when I wake up in Mexico, don't say nothing." I laugh, "have some faith in ya girl damn." Wayne just looks at me "so now you my girl again." I walk up on him. "you can't handle this." Wayne pulls me up closer to him. "You have no idea what I can do to you."

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