Chapter 17

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Work seemed to drag by. Janet and Ashlee both loved my new hair. I got tired of them saying how different I looked, even though I knew it was true. I had walked outside with Janet while she smoked. We had been outside about five seconds when she started looking around. "Maci, where is your truck, you driving that?" I smiled "Yeah, just for today." Janet looked at me grinning. "I wont even ask Maci, but I am going to say be careful. I think of you as a daughter and don't want you or Fallon to get hurt." I nod at her, I knew she was only looking out for me but I still got tired of people telling me to be careful with Wayne. I wasn't delusional, I already knew chances were things wouldn't last, I just wanted to enjoy the time I did have with him. Wayne had texted me around four saying he was making a run and would be back before I made it home. I questioned him about why he could drive my truck when I couldn't, he told me to stop asking so many questions. I ended up leaving late, which pissed me off. I could never manage to leave on time when I wanted to. I was already aggravated I had to work Saturday, I hadn't yet got the nerve up to ask Wayne when he was leaving Sunday. Even though I knew he had to go, I didn't want to think about it. The drive home from work seemed to take longer than normal.

Pulling up at the house I saw the lights on and smiled. It was kinda nice coming home to somebody, usually when Fallon was at her Dads it was just me. Adrianna and I hardly ever had days off together, and she usually worked nights, not getting off till 11 or later. I glanced at my truck as I got out half expecting new tires on the truck. Seeing my same old no tread ones i just shrug, I didn't want him buying them anyways, I didn't want him to think I only wanted him for his money, because I could care less about that. Walking in the door I grinned as Wayne came out the back to meet me. I did a little turn and looked at him unsure. He licked his lips just looking at me. I looked down frowning. Wayne walked up grabbing my chin pulling it up. "I hate it when you look down, don't ever be shamed of nothing girl." His lips barley caressed mine as he whispers, "it's aight." I walk into his embrace. "You know you like it." I say looking up at him. Wayne shrugged grinning. "We bout to head out to eat, go get ready." I shake my head ok and start walking to the bedroom. "Hey Maci," I turn around looking at Wayne "you can wear that black shirt now." I flip the finger at him and turn back around, I can hear him laughing the whole way down the hall. I did however end up wearing the shirt and some skinny leg jeans with my Christian Louboutin heels. The shoes cost way too much but I splurged on them a couple months ago and had never wore them out. I touch up my makeup and run glance at my hair making sure it didn't need any touching up. As I walk through the living room Wayne stands up and looks me up and down shaking his head. "Girl you going to make me kill somebody. " I roll my eyes. "I highly doubt it." Grabbing my purse I turn around. "You going to tell me where we are going." Wayne shakes his head no as he walks up to me and starts kissing on my neck. "We might be going to bed." I arch my neck giving him better access, "As long as your cooking I'm good. "

I cranked up the radio as Wayne pulled out of the driveway. I had sneaked a peek as he was setting the gps and saw that he had set it for some address in Tyler. I already knew we would be traveling for close to two hours. About thirty minutes into the ride Wayne turned the radio down. I looked up from the game I was playing on my phone. "Can you take me to the airport Sunday." I know my eyes bugged out. "Umm Yeah, if you need me too." Wayne glanced sideways at me. "You will be ok momma, I'mma make you drive there so it wont be so bad on the way back." I shook my head ok, even though I was far from it. "How am I going to get back, I mean you got to check your rental in right." Wayne bite his lower lip. "No, I went and bought it today, I'm leaving it with you." I about broke my neck turning to look at him. "What." Wayne shrugged like it was no big deal. "You need a new ride." I shake my head no. "I needed new tires not a whole fucking car." Wayne sighed. "Maci, you my girl." I look down. "Yeah." Wayne grabbed my hand. "Then you get the perks that go along with it, you don't want this I can gt you something else." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't used to things being given to me, I didn't want to be that girl. Most importantly I didn't want Wayne to think I was ever with him for what he could do for me. "You know I don't expect anything from you right?" I asked. Wayne squeezed my hand. "Baby chill out, I got you ok." I just nodded not knowing what to say at first. "Your really didn't have to but thank you . What time do you have to be in Dallas." Wayne frowned, "Two." I bite my lip, I could already feel tears trying to break free. I looked out the window trying to think of anything but him leaving. Wayne pulled my hand up to his lips placing a kiss on it. "Baby, I don't want to leave you, but I got shit I got to do."

We rode the rest of the way to Tyler hand in hand in silence. As we pulled up Wayne found a parking spot close to the entrance. As we got out of the car Wayne walked over to my side of the car. Putting his hands on my waist he pulled me up against him. I held on to him not wanting to let him go. Leaning down he placed kisses on my jaw line until he ended up at my lips. I bit his lower lip causing him to chuckle. Walking up to the entrance hand in hand I saw their was a line that was circling around the side of the building. Wayne pulled me past the line and inside the building. Walking up to the hostess Wayne nods at her and she quickly grabs two menus and take us to a seat in the back corner. I had gotten used to people recognizing him, but still didn't care much for being stared at. As we took our seat in a corner booth a waiter was awaiting our order. Wayne ordered a beer and some appetizers, I ordered a peach sangria. As the waiter walked away I glanced at Wayne. "So i guess they knew you were coming." Wane shrugged, "Yeah, I knew it would be packed tonight, and I was not standing outside waiting to get in." I laugh at him. "So spoiled." The waiter came back to the table with our drinks telling us the appetizers would be out shortly. I glanced at the menu trying to decide what to order. I feel eyes on me and look up to see Wayne watching me. "What I say." Wayne shakes his head. I scoot closer to him and he places his arm around my shoulders. "What you getting," I shrug. "I had thought about getting the shrimp scampi pasta." Wayne nods leaning down to kiss my neck. I giggle "stop people are watching you." Wayne grins. "Let them." The appetizers arrived and the waiter took our orders. Wayne and I talked about random things until the waiters came removing our appetizers and giving us our plates. The amount of food on my plate was enough to feed me for a week. Glancing at Wayne's plate I saw it was just as big. "My God, no wonder the food here is so freaking high." Wayne laughed at me. "Maci eat ya food, I gotta get your ass back home so you can go to bed, you got to be at work early in the morning." I frowned at him. "Ugh, don't remind me." Wayne took a sip of his beer. "You could always skip." I sigh. "I wish, Ashlee would kill me."

As we finish our plates, the waiter came by to see if we wanted desert. We both shook our heads no. Wayne paid the bill leaving way to much of a tip as usual. Leaving Wayne grabbed out to go boxes and grabbed my hand. "We didn't' have to drive two hours just to eat." I said laughing as we walked out the door. "You complaining Mamma. I shake my head no leaning into him. Wayne hits the button to unlock the car as he walks me to my side of the door. "Aww look who's trying to be a gentleman and open my door." I say pulling Wayne up to me. Wayne bear hugs me picking me up. "I can do right sometimes." I grab his face in my hands giving him a kiss. "You better do right all the time. Wayne laughs sitting me down opening the door for me. "How about 75%." I shot him a look as I get in the truck. "I guess that will do." Wayne walks to the driver side getting in the car. As we pull out I grab his hand and he looks at me and smiles. "Somebody is sprung." I laughed at him. "Yeah, well you already knew that. "

We didn't get back to my house until 1:20. I had to be at work at 10 the next morning. Walking in the door Wayne wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck sending shivers down my body. I turn into him pulling him all the way in the house. He shut the door with his foot as he pulled me closer to his body. I grabbed Wayne's shirt pulling it up I begin to kiss his chest. Wayne grabs my head pulling my face up to his. "You drive me fucking crazy Maci." I grin at him kissing his lips." Good" Wayne laughs as he picks me up and walks me to the couch siting down. I tug his shirt up over his arms. Wayne runs his hands under my shirt before he pulls mine off as well. One thing lead to another and by the time we made it to the bedroom clothes were scattered everywhere. I had no idea what time it was when Wayne finally let me go to sleep, I just knew I was exhausted. Wayne wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled up to him letting myself drift off to sleep.

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