Chapter 13

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Wayne leans his head aginst mine as we sit side by side holding hands. "Like I told you before I'm not big on relationships. "I glance at him. "I never have pushed you have I?" Wayne shakes his head. "No, at least never to my face. What do you want from me." I sigh. "I just don't want you to play games with me. Be real, I have Fallon to think of." Wayne sits up and pulls his hand from me resting his elbows on hes knees holding his head in his hands. I don't know how much time went by before he glanced up at me. "Do you not want me around her." I gave Wayne a look like what the hell. "Wayne, what makes you even think that." Wayne shrugged and stands up. "Look I'm going back downstairs, you can come if you want to, or you can stay up here its up to you." Wayne walks out the room shutting the door not waiting to see if I was coming or not. I sigh and pull my knees up to my chest hugging them. Well that went great, I thought to myself. I really didn't want to go downstairs, so I just sat starting at the door willing it to open and for Wayne to walk back through. I finally give up and crawl under the covers.

I awoke to the feel of the bed sinking down softly as Wayne sat down on the edge. I roll over to face him and see him kicking his shoes off. "What time is it?" I ask. Wayne looks over his shoulder pulling his shirt off. "Late." I roll my eyes thinking no shit. As I go to grab my phone Wayne pulls me back down on the bed. "I'm sorry I left you earlier." Wayne lays his head on my stomach and turns to face me. I play with his dreads. "You not going to talk to me baby." I shrug. "To be honest it kind of hurt my feelings." Wayne reaches out and brushes a stray strand of hair out of my face. "I'm sorry Maci, I just, I'm not sure I'm ready to make any kind of commitment but I don't want you leaving either. I swear to God I'd kill another nigga if he tried to holla at you." I look up at the mirror on the ceiling not really knowing what to say. "Like I told you earlier, I got you right now, I don't plan on going anywhere, or being with nobody else, you just got to give me time." I let out a breath. Finding the courage I ask, "and just what does that mean, you confuse the shit out of me, you don't want to commit but you tell me I have you, I mean to me that means whenever you find something better your gone." Wayne sits up and pulls me up putting his arms around me. He pulls my chin up to look at him. "Maci your my girl, I just don't want to go public with the shit ok, I'm thinking of you and of Fallon.You brought up a good point earlier, its not just me and you, you got a baby to think about. I need time, we both need time to get to know each other. This shit is still new, ya know." I nod and lay my head against his shoulder. "Ok" I say barley above a whisper.

Wayne leans over and turns the lamp off in the room. The moon lets in enough light to still see in the room. Wayne kisses my shoulders, "your not going to leave are you?" I look at him confused. "If I cant' give you a commitment." I shake my head no. "I don't think I could even if I wanted to." Wayne leans in kissing my ear and whispers "sprung" in my ear. I hit him rolling my eyes. "You wish you had it like that." Wayne runs kisses over my neck laughing. "I meant what I said Maci." Arching my neck i mumble "hmmmm." Wayne starts pulling the hem of my nightgown up. "Don't fuck around." I shake my head no as I hold my arms up so he can finish pulling my night gown off. Wayne covers my body in kisses and I begin to feel drunk. When his phone begins to go off, I groan and he cusses. Letting out a deep breath Wayne sits up and puts his phone on silence. Even as he sets it down the phone begins to buzz. I arch my eyebrow at Wayne and he closes his eyes shaking his head. He reaches over grabbing his phone and just turns it completely off. "What was that." I ask. Wayne leans over me holding hiself up with his arms. "Nothing I can't take care of later.". Wayne leans in and runs his kisses from my neck to my stomach when we were again interrupted by a nock at the door. "What the fuck." Wayne says. Getting up he walks to the door turning around to make sure I was covered up and opens the door walking out. I can hear him and what sounds like Cortez arguing. I sit as still as possible trying to hear what is going on I only catch bits hear and there, the one part that bothered me was when I heard Wayne say "just get rid of her ass." This is what Cortez meant, he was always stuck cleaning up Wayne's messes.

When Wayne walked back in he opened his mouth to tell say he was sorry when I cut him off. "Is that how you will do me." Wayne looks at me crazy sitting down on the bed. "What". I sigh. "When you get done with me, will it be Cortez to do the breaking up." Wayne lets out a deep breath. "Maci please don't go there with me." I look up at the mirrored ceiling watching Wayne in the reflecton. He just sat their not saying a word. I let out a sigh, I felt liek crying, why I didn't even know, but I knew I loved him. Wayne glanced and me and ran his hand over my hip, "You just dont understand." I just shrug my shoulders, Wayne shakes his head and let out a breath. "What you want me to go." I give Wayne a look. "Are you bipolar." Wayne opens his mouth to speak then closes it, I think I might have him speechless for once in his life. "Just promise me you wont do me like that, when your done with me, you let me know, don't make Cortez do it." Wayne just looks at me. "Its not like that Maci, you don't understand and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, what the fuck has cortez told you." I shake my head, "Wayne I could hear you." Wayne gets up out of bed and walks toward the door. "So your walking out on me again." I ask. He looks over his shoulder. " What has Cortez told you." I shake my head, "nothing Wayne." Wayne turns around and practically stalks toward the bed. "Don't fucking lie to me Maci, be real with me, you want me to be real with you." I sat there not knowing what to say. I look down and feel a tear fall. "I just know he is the one who handles your lose ends." "Fuck you Maci." Wayne says as he slams the door shut.

I get up and find my gown sliding it back on. I can hear arguing again from downstairs and would have crawled under a rock if I had one to hide under. I hear doors slam and then things became quiet. I waited to see if Wayne would come back to the room but he never showed up. I got up and went to my purse grabbing my headphones, I had a feeling I would need help going to sleep tonight. The first song that come on of course was one of Wayne's, I sighed as I searched my play-list for one that I was sure wouldn't have him on it, I just couldn't deal with him right now.

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