Chapter 7

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The knock at the door brought reality crashing back down for both of us. I ran to the bathroom while Wayne got the door. Entering the main room again I saw Wayne and Cortez arguing, they both stopped talking when I entered the room. I walked up to Wayne; he put his hand on my waist pulling me against him. "You ready." I nodded. Cortez eyed me up and down. His eyes met Wayne's and he quickly turned around. I turned into Wayne glancing up at him; he was eyeing Cortez as he walked to the door. Glancing down at me he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Let's get this shit over with."

                As we walked out the sweet Cortez was waiting for us with some more guys. Wayne's demeanor changed as he greeted them and started walking to the elevator. I paused but Wayne turned around held out his hand and as soon as I took it I was pulled against him. In the elevator he stood behind me his arms wrapped around my waist. He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "relax baby Weezy got you." I turned my head sideways to look at him. His lips brushed up against mine. Turned back to face the front I noticed Cortez eyeing us. I found myself wondering what his "boys' thought of me. How many girls has Wayne paraded around them? Did they think me to be one of the girls whose only goal is to bed a celebrity?

                Feeling Wayne tug my arm I snapped back to reality and started walking out the elevator to the lobby. The camera flashes took us all by surprise. "Shit" Cortez mumbled as Wayne pulled me close to him. "Look natural, don't look anywhere but straight," Wayne whispered in my ear. It was obvious Wayne nor had his crew expected the lobby to be filled with reporters. We were quickly circled with Wayne's biggest guards in the front pushing our way to the studio entrance. After going through the locked studio doors things calmed down. "There has got to be a back way into this place." Cortez grumbled.

                Walking in Wayne's dressing room he told everybody else to wait outside for a minute. "We avoided their ass yesterday the fuckign lobby was to be locked down." Wayne pulled me into his chest, "You ok, I know they can be a little much." I nodded, no one had answered the thousands of questions on who I was, but I was almost positive there would be a clear picture of me and Wayne together. I shrugged glancing at him. "It was scary, but it's over with." Wayne grabbed a cup of something that had been waiting on him, from the purple color I could only imagine what it was. "Come here momma" he said sitting down. He had started texting on his phone and by the time I had sat down, or rather by the tie he had pulled me into his lap, Cortez and the others were walking in.

                I felt kind of silly sitting in his lap but by the time everyone had come in I saw it was his lap or stand up and I preferred his lap. I put one arm round Wayne's neck so I could lean back and be comfortable. Wayne's arm was around my waist. Soon blunts filled the air with smoke and Wayne was getting pretty hyper. I looked around the room and locked eyes with Cortez He frowned then looked away. I had a feeling that when he gave me the change to bolt earlier he had been hoping I would run.

                A nock at the door brought Wayne's publicist, stylist, and too many others to name. Wayne told me Cortez would take me out front if I wanted and wed meet up back in his dressing room after the show. Walking out of the room with Cortez I glanced back at Wayne, he winked at me and the door snapped shut. Cortez was silent as we approached the stage exit. I guess Wayne was bringing me out of my shyness because I grabbed Cortez's arm bringing him to a stop. "What's up with you?" Cortez shook his head. "I don't like you with him." I glanced down unsure of what to say. "You know he will just hurt you, yeah Wayne might be into you now, hell he might be into you for a while, but he always leaves, and it's me stuck picking up the pieces." I think my heart stopped beating. "So he does this kind of thing all the time." Cortez glanced up at me. "No, hardly ever, but you're not like the rest, Your too quiet, I bet you would never tell him no.

                " I didn't know quite what to say, I was for one so relieved that he didn't make a habit of flying girls out just to stay the weekend with him, and two tell Wayne no about what? I started to ask what, but Cortez shook his head, "Look maybe you will be different, Wayne knows I don't like him talking to you, we got into it this morning about you. Hell I'm surprised he didn't make you stay in the room, he doesn't trust the others enough with his girl." I followed Cortez wondering exactly what their fight was about and then the bigger question was I Wayne's girl?

                The show was the greatest thing I have ever seen. Wayne was so full of life and energy it hard not to be crunk with him. The crowd loved him, and went insane when he busted out singing Blunt Blowin. He caused the crowd to go wild when he took his shirt off and threw it into the crowd, well actually right at me. I spent the entire rest of the show clutching his Trukfit shirt with the knowledge in my head all these girls might be yelling and screaming for him now, but it would be me peeling off his clothes tonight.

                Cortez never said a word to me as we waited for Wayne back in his dressing room. I sat in the chair Wayne and I had sat in earlier wishing I had brought my phone for something to do. Wayne busted in the room followed by his "goons", walking straight to me and pulling me up with one arm, Wayne sat down dragging me back down in his lap. The whole room was crunk. Wayne's arms around my waist and his sporadic kisses to my shoulders had my body alive. I caught part of a convo between Wayne and another guy about out party tonight. Wayne shook his head. "Naw man. I got better things to do tonight." this brought a round of laughter and my face turning all kinds of shades of red. Wayne laughed his crazy laugh pulling me around to face him. Winking at me I rolled my eyes at him.

                Someone had lit up a blunt and passed it to Wayne, hitting it a couple of times he made sure to blow the smoke away from me. I had my arm around his neck sitting sideways in his lap. He jerked his eyebrows at me. I knew his silent question and shook my head no. He took one more hit and passed it, whispering "I got a good girl huh." I grinned at him I could tell Wayne was still crunk because he couldn't sit still. I leaned down to ask if there was anything I could get to drink , and none of that purple shit they all had been sipping on all night, when Wayne's lips started kissing my neck I forgot why I had leaned down in the first place. Sitting up I had expected everyone's eyes to be on us but the only person paying us any attention was Cortez.  Wayne got my attention back by caressing my face. "What is it baby?" I leaned my face into his touch, "just a little thirsty." Wayne glanced to his right. "Go get a coke, make sure tis cold." The dark skinned guy go t up no questions asked returning quickly with a can of coke. The guy handed it to Wayne never ever glancing at me. Wayne popped the top then handed me the can. I eyes him, I could open my own coke, taking a sip I sighed it was ice cold and strong. Wayne waited one more rotation I lost count on how many blunts they had fired up at one time before he nodded to me e to get up. "I'm out. Ya'll stay out of trouble, and by trouble I mean Jail, I aint bailing none of ya'll asses out." Wayne said laughing at them. As we walked out the door Wayne walked behind me lacing his arms around my waist.

                The lobby was empty this time. The walk to the elevator was made in silence. When the doors closed Wayne pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. His hands were everywhere at once. By the time the doors opened to let us out we were both out of breath. Walking into the main room Wayne noticed I still had his shirt. Laughing he leaned down to kiss my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck gasping as he pulled me up wrapping my legs around his waist.  His lips were all over my body all at once. He walked us to the bedroom never bothering with the lights. Dropping me on the bed he quickly undressed and then teasingly started undressing me.

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