Chapter 22

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I awoke the next morning to find Wayne sitting up in the bed watching tv. I scooted closer to him laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me. I drifted in and out of sleep until I heard my phone go off. I groaned reaching out for it, Wayne handed it to me. Looking at the id I saw it was Ryan. I quickly answered and sat up. Fallon was talking 90 to nothing, I smiled and let her tell me all about her trip to the zoo the day before. I told her I loved her and missed her. I talked to Ryan making sure everything was still going ok. Wayne stood up going to his dresser to grab some pants. I frown, "You promised we would lay in bed all day." Wayne turned around with a smirk on his face. "Your ass ain't hungry." I rolled my eyes. "Uh no." Wayne laughed. "Well I am, you can stay up here if you want to." I let out a sigh. "You going to bring me breakfast in bed." Wayne walked toward the bed. "Nope, you don't get your ass up and walk down with me, you can starve." I laughed. "Really you would do me like that." Wayne walked toward me and leaned down kissing me. "Naw momma, you want something I'll bring it up." I shook my head. "Give me a sec to get dressed and I'll be down. I need to check on Adrianna anyways." I stretched up giving Wayne a kiss.

I quickly changed into some capri leggings and threw on a wife beater before slipping on my black flip flops. Walking down the hall I stopped as I reached Adrianna's door. I opened it up just enough to poke my head in to check on her and my mouth hit the floor. "Adrianna Lynn Paker!" Adrianna sat straight up in the bed wide eyed. When she saw me she quickly covered up as I just stood their pointing at Chris asleep in her bed. He rolled on his side. "What the fuck, ya'll shut up hell, a nigga trying to sleep." I rolled my eyes and glanced at Adrianna who just shrugged at me. "I guess." I said as I shut the door. I walked downstairs and Wayne handed me a cup of coffee. "I just went to check on Adrianna to make sure she made it home ok, and well she did Chris is all layed up in her bed." Wayne started laughing. "That's my boy." I gave Wayne a look. "Well that's my best friend." Wayne walked up to me hugging me still laughing. "Baby, what did she think when you first told her we had hooked up?" I shrugged. "She thought I had lost my mind. No for real, she asked me if I fell and hit my head in the shower." Wayne died laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Not funny."

I was in the middle of making pancakes, bacon, eggs, and biscuits when Adrianna and Chris came downstairs. Adrianna couldn't even look at me without grinning. We all sat at the table eating in silence. Wayne finally broke the silence. "What time did ya'll two make it in." Chris shrugged. "Man I don't even know, I think it was around 3." I looked at Adrianna. "Funny I didn't get a text saying someone made it back safe."Adrianna grinned. "I don't remember you asking me to." I rolled my eyes. "Bitch it was implied." Wayne glanced at me. "You her momma." I turned my attention to Wayne. "You have to call me every night when you get home to so hush." Chris busted out laughign causing Wayne to throw his biscuit at him. Adrianna and I looked at each other rolling our eyes. Wayne and Chris went outside to smoke while Adrianna and I cleared the table. "Well." Adrianna glanced up at me. "Well what." I splashed some water from the sink at her. "Adrianna." She grinned, "I don't know we got back late and I asked him if he was staying and he said yeah if I can sleep with you tonight." My eyebrows shot up, Adrianna was blushing bright red. "I guess, if he makes you happy." Adrianna shrugged. "I'm still in shock Chris Brown was in my bed last night." I laughed. "Yeah I wake up every morning I'm with Wayne shocked that he is actually layed up beside me."

Adrianna and Chris had left deciding to spend the day together doing God knows what. Wayne and I spent most of the day cuddled up to each together watching tv. Even though we didn't go out I had more fun with him just laying in bed watching tv. Wayne had promised to stay in bed with me all day today because he had a video shoot the next day. I couldn't believe that the week was flying by so fast. It was already Wednesday and our flight left Saturday. I sighed to myself causing Wayne to glance down at me. "Whats wrong baby." I sat up frowning giving him a pouty face. "It's Wednesday." Wayne grinned at me. "You still have till Saturday." I made a face. "I know but still you'll be gone all day tomorrow." Wayne leaned forward grabbing my waist pulling me back down. "I promise you when you leave you'll have had more of me than you will ever know what to do with." I rolled my eyes. "I'll still miss you." Wayne brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face. "I know baby, I'll miss you too, but I done told you before I'm only one call away." I shrugged. Wayne lifted my chin up. "Maci, we've went two months apart." I shot him a look. " I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for me getting mad at you." Wayne sighed shaking his head. "I've tried to get you to come see me before this but you could never get off work." I know," I said. Wayne pulled me in to place a kiss on my lips. "Quit and move in with me." I rolled my eyes. "Ummhmm stop playing." Wayne laughed and made me forget what day let alone what time it was.

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