Chapter 8

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There was no sense of time. Wayne had a way of making me feel as if time was frozen. When I woke up, Wayne was still asleep, his arm was draped around me. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 6:27. My flight would leave today at 2. I wasn't ready. I didn't want my time with Wayne to come to an end. I drifted in and out of sleep until I felt Wayne stir. Turning around to face him, he brushed the stray strands of hair out my face. Scooting closer I started running kisses over his chest. I was in love with that tattooed torso. Wayne opened his sleepy eyes, cradling my head with his hands. "Don't start shit you can finish." I raised up and locked eyes with him. "Is that a threat," I asked grinning. Wayne laughed, "no baby that's a promise."

It was 10 before I looked at the clock again. Wayne had went outside on the balcony to smoke, I watched him through the sliding glass and felt the first tear fall. What was I thinking, I wasn't the one night stand kind of girl. I wouldn't be able to shake the feelings I had developed over one short weekend. Wayne was wild, hyper as hell but loving and caring too. Wayne turned to look inside and I turned around to face the wall. The last thing I needed was for him to catch me crying over him like an idiot. I was starring in to space trying to clear my mind when I heard the sliding door open. I knew I needed to get up and start getting dressed but I just couldn't seem to get up. Wayne ran his hands up my side and when I didn't turn around he pulled me to where I was laying on my back. I sent up a silent prayer that all the tears and their evidence was gone, but I wouldn't' make bets on it.

Wayne leaned down placing kisses along my neck sending butterflies running all threw my body. Damn him for having this control over me. I couldn't look at him, it was too painful, I made a move to get up and go to the bathroom but Wayne grabbed me. "What's your problem." he asked. I shook my head not ready to talk. Wayne put his head against my chest. I held him, playing with his dreads to keep my mind sane. " You think I would just fuck you and leave you." I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Wayne jerked his head up, I could see a fire in his eyes. "You think so little of me?" I shook my head frowning, "Wayne, I don't even know you." Wayne got up and went to the balcony slamming the sliding door behind him'

I got up and went to the bathroom, I came out and saw him outside with his head leaned against the railing. I put on a pair of shorts and a tshirt, not caring what I looked like or even if I matched. I walked outside and leaned down to wrap my arms around him. He stood up straight pulling me into a embrace. I leaned in kissing him. "I'm sorry," I said. Wayne shook his head, "why, you didn't lie, you don't know me, and I don't know you." Wayne took a step back grabbing his cigarettes and lighting up. "What do you want from me?" I glanced at Wayne, "excuse me, what the hell does that mean?" Wayne took a drag from his cigarette. " I'm not a relationship kind of man." I sat down never glancing at him. "I never said you was." Wayne walked up to me. "I can give you here, I can give you now, but I can't promise you forever." I glanced up at him, not sure exactly what his point was. " I never asked for forever." I stood up to go inside, but Wayne pulled me up against him. "Stay with me one more night." I shook my head but before I could say no, Wayne leaned down to kiss my lips. "I told you I wasn't leaving you, I have no plans on quitting you anytime soon."

Wayne sat on the edge of the bed watching me pack. He wasn't happy that I wouldn't stay. I was already cutting it close to getting to the airport on time. I still had Wayne's shirt from his performance I went to hand it to him, but he shook his head no, "you keep it." I had dressed in some black leggings and a black and grey shirt that hung off one shoulder. I walked up to him and straddled him, he placed his arms around my waist. I ran kisses over his neck not wanting to leave but knowing I had too. "You best stop teasing before I make you miss your flight." I laughed at him. "Like you don't have a private jet, I would get home." Wayne gave me a look but grinned." I'll give you a ride all right." I shoved Wayne and got up before he made good on his threat.

Wayne's phone went off, I took this time to run to the bathroom and finish getting ready. When I came out Wayne had changed clothes. I walked up to him, he looked so good, lose fitting jeans, Trukfit shirt and some Supras. I walked straight into his arms. "Your ready" he asked as he ran his arms up my back. I leaned in to him, "No, but I got to go, is Cortez taking me to the airport." Wayne shook his head no, "I'm taking you." I opened my mouth to speak but Wayne leaned down silencing me.

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