Chapter 20

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As we arrived at the Pink Taco Wayne grabbed my hand as we were lead through the crowds. I had glanced back and saw that Chris was dragging Adrianna with him. As we made it to our booth Wayne and I sat on one side and Chris and Adrianna sat on the other. The waitress came and got our drink order. Adrianna and the guys got Coronas with lime and I got a strawberry margarita. I hate beer, cant stand the smell of it. We had decided to get the beer battered rock shrimp for appetizers. Ironic huh. They were so good, the chipolte sour cream sauce was to die for. Even though we ended up getting two orders of the shrimp Chris ate most of them by himself. "Damn boy your greedy." Wayne said watching Chris eat. He barley took time to chew before he was swallowing and grabbing something else. "Hell a nigga is starving." Adrianna and I looked at each other rolling our eyes. As the waitress came to clear our table she kept smiling at Chris and Wayne. "You boys doing ok." She asked. "Yes we are fine thank you." Adrianna popped off, causing Wayne and Chris to bust out laughing. The waitress turned red and asked if she could take our orders. Adrianna ordered the shrimp tacos, Wayne and Chris both ordered fish baja style tacos, and I ordered the chicken fajitas. As we waited for the food Wayne had put his arm around me and I leaned into him. "How the fuck you two meet." Chris asked? I glanced up. "He came into my job cause he fucked his phone up." Wayne gave me a crazy look. "I didn't fuck shit up , it fucked itself uup." I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever you say." We all laugh. Wayne grinned down at me. "This girl had me at hello." Chris rolled his eyes. "I guess, what about you two, you grow up together?" Adrianna and looked at each other and laughed. "Well actually she is Fallon's dads cousin." Wayne and Chris both shot me a glance. Adrianna busted out laughing. "Don't ask questions you don't want know." I nodded my head up and Wayne and he leaned down and gave me a kiss. The waitress arrived with our food, and brought everybody another round of drinks. Wayne gave me a bite of his tacos because I had told him I had never tried fish tacos. I ate about half my food before I was full. I layed my head on Wayne's shoulder. It had been a long day. He leaned down kissing my forehead. "You sleepy baby." I nodded my head.

After everyone was done eating Wayne paid for my his and my meal and Chris insisted on getting Adrianna's ticket. Wayne and I walked out hand in hand. I sat in the back with Adrianna on the way back to Wayne's. Even though we were side by we were texting about the boys. We both busted out laughing and Chris turned around in his seat. "What the fuck you two talking bout back there." We looked at each other like what the hell is he talking bout. Wayne turned up the radio causing Chris to turn back around and start trying to sing at the top of his lungs.. "O my God, I thought you could sing, shut that shit up." I say. Chris turns back around. "Girl you know I can sing." I roll my eyes and Adrianna bust out laughing. It didn't take long to get back to Wayne's. As I steped out of the car I rubbed my arms, the night had turned cool. Wayne walked up behind me wrapping me in his arms leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Let me take you to bed baby, I'll warm that ass up." I turn my head and our lips meet. As we walk in Chris plops down on the cou\ch and Adrianna sits at the end of it. Wayne throws the remote at her. "You stayin nigga." Chris shrugs. "I don't know, I might chill here tonight, that cool." Wayne shrugged. "yeah, lock up if ya leave." Chris grins at me. "Go take care of that ass." Adrianna throws a pillow from the couch at Chris. "Shut that shit up." Chris laughs. "Well, tell me they ain't going up stairs to fuck." I look at Wayne and he just shakes his head. "You gotta ignore that slow ass nigga." I laugh and Wayne grabs my hand leading me upstairs to his room.

As he shuts the door I walk up on him. He wraps his arms around me and starts kissing my neck. "I hope Adrianna don't kill Chris down there." Wayne laughs, "I think he feeling her, so chill." I shrug and close my eyes as Wayne starts pulling my dress down, making short work of removing my strapless bra to gain access to my breast. "I missed you." I whispered in his ear. Wayne looked at me. "You missed me or this," he said picked me up and pushing me up against the door. I grab on to his shoulders, "both," I said laughing. Wayne smirked at me. "You right." I forgot all about being sleepy as Wayne's hands and mouth explored my body. I was right where I wanted to be. Wrapped in Wayne's embrace there was no worries. The night seemed to stretch on forever. Wrapped in Wayne's arms the last thing I saw before I went to sleep was the sun streaming in through the curtains.

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