Chapter 2

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It had been two weeks since I had stayed up all night texting Wayne. I was at work in the break room trying to decide if I wanted to be good and eat the soup and crackers that I had brought for lunch or be bad and go pick up some Chinese when my phone chimed. Opening my messages I read. "What do you have planned this weekend." I guess I had a huge grin on my face cause both my coworkers Ashlee and Janet started to look at me like I was crazy. I just shook my head at them and quickly text back "nothing....I'm off, Fallon will be at her dads." I decided to get up and heat my soup up so I could concentrate on my phone. I was kinda disappointed when Wayne didn't text back. I had finished my soup when my phone started ringing. Looking down I about choked on the water I was drinking. It was Wayne calling my phone.

I answered the phone like a retard stuttering "Ha, ha, Hello" Wayne laughed at me through the phone. "Hey baby girl what time you get off Friday." I know my eyes must have bugged out by the way Ashlee stopped eating and started staring at me. I jumped up using the excuse of washing my bowl to get away. "Um, 5 if nothing goes wrong." "When you pick your baby girl back up?" I closed my eyes, what the hell was Wayne up too. "Usually Sunday night around 6:30 or whenever really." I could hear Wayne typing in the background, so before I lost my never I asked. "Why, what are you doing" Wayne laughed at me. "I'm going to be in Vegas for a show, you want to come spend the weekend with me?"

Wayne has a habit of making my jaw hit the floor. My mind was racing Yeah I would love to spend a weekend with Wayne, but there was no way I could afford to do it. I started to tell him I wouldn't be able to when he cut me off. "It's on me baby, I'll fly you out and take care of you, I know how things are. l wouldn't ask ya here if I wasn't going to take care of you." I didn't know what to say. OMG was running a unrelenting repeat cycle in my head. "So you game." Wayne said after a minute. Hell yeah I was game but I calmly said "yeah that sounds cool." Wayne laughed at me, I'm sure he saw through my front. "Good I'm booking you a flight out of Dallas, can you make it to the airport OK, or do you want me to get a car for ya." I paused, Dallas freaks me out, too much traffic, but for Wayne I think I could maybe manage it. "OK your pause lets me know to have your sweet ass picked up." I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sure I could manage." I started but Wayne cut me off. "Maci be for real" he said laughing, "now whats your home address?" I told him and after a few seconds he said "OK, a car will pick up up at 630, your flight will leave Dallas at 10:15. "Are you sure about this" I asked as I wrote down all the info he was giving me. Wayne laughed "Yeah baby, I'm sure, are you?" I grinned and said "Yeah I think so."

The rest of the week went by in a blur. Wayne had text me the rest of the details. One of his boys would meet me at the airport and bring me to the hotel. My flight back out would leave Sunday at 2 pm. I lied to my ex and told him I had to go to Dallas for a conference and he agreed to watch Fallon Sunday night too.

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