Weekend with Tunechi

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(I've only put this story back up by request. It is not edited and is very rough, so if you can't get past the grammar and spelling issues then this story isn't for you.)

I've never been the type of girl things happen to. Never had any stand out moments in my life. I have always been average. A 5'1,average brown haired, green eyed girl, that is until Wayne walked into my life, or rather when I plowed right smack into his chest.

Growing up my goal had always been to marry straight out of high school and have a house full of kids. That didn't work out as planned. I never met "the one". After graduation on the insistence and constant nagging of my mother I went to college. Spent 4 years there before I ended up getting pregnant and dropping  out on my last semester . Stupid right, yeah well I thought I was in love. That lasted long enough for my daughter to be born before I realized  the cheating jerk he really was.

Now a day I'm working at a small cell phone shop slinging cell phones. Why didn't I go back to college?. Well to be honest I didn't want to. My daughter Fallon is now a year old and we live in a rent house that has seen better days but its in my budget. My parents had given me a Dodge truck when I had graduated and I still have it but believe me as soon as I get my hands on a down payment its gone.

I will never forget the day I met Wayne. You know Wayne, Lil Wayne, Weezy, Lil Tunechi. I had the closing shift at work and hadn't had a customer since 5. I was bored out of my mind so much so I took the trash out back to the dumpster. When I came back in the store I left the doors open cause I had some more boxes that needed to go out. I hadn't been in the back long when the phone started to ring. I quickly came out of the back hitting the corner a little fast and ran straight into what felt like a brick wall. Before I even had time to look up I felt two hands on my waist steadying me.

"You OK baby girl" The moment I looked up and locked eyes with those gorgeous brown eyes of his my jaw dropped. I'm sure I had that OMG expression on my face. Wayne looked at me and grinned his hands still firmly on my waist.

"I take it you know who I am"? Blinking I managed to nod yes. "Um, uh yeah Uh...can I help you"? I closed my eyes mentally kicking myself. I sounded like a freaking idiot. Wayne took a step back I instantly missed the feel of his hands on me. "Yeah this stupid ass phone has played out on me, you think you can help me out"?

Wayne held up a black iphone, as I reached out slowly to take it he held on tightly to it. Raising his eyebrows he grinned letting it go. The contact of our hands sent chills down my spine. Thankfully I knew how to do a soft reset on an iphone and his phone restarted right back up. I smiled up at him holding his phone up.

"There ya go". Wayne smiled back. "You saved me baby girl, what I owe ya?" I shook my head. "Nothing but I would love a pic with you." Wayne laughed at me. "For you anything" I hurried to my desk grabbing my phone. Quickly turning around I found myself right back against his chest. Wayne put his hands on my hips, spun me around so my back was to his chest and took my phone out of my hands. He quickly had my camera up and leaned down. "Smile baby" he whispered in my ear. After a couple of pics, he handed me back my phone.

Wayne walked up to my desk and grabbed one of my business cards glancing at it before he started flipping it through his fingers. "So Maci, anything else you want before I go" His eyebrows shot up waiting on my to reply. "yeah you."

OK so that's not what I said but its what I was saying in my head. I'm sure my face turned bright red at just the thought of saying that to him. I swear Wayne could read my thoughts. The smirk he was giving me made it impossible to think straight. "No, thanks so much for the pics". Wayne nodded

"You like my shit" I grinned up at him. " O yeah, your great." OMG did I really just say that. I sound like that stupid frosted flakes commercial. Wayne glanced back at me. "Well there is one more thing I want from you." I jerked my eyebrows up giving him a questioning look. "W..What" Wayne laughed at me. "Your number, that cool". After picking my jaw up off the floor I took my card out of his had and quickly wrote down my cell number. Then just like that he was gone.

It was close to 9 by the time I had picked up Fallon and made it home. The short ride home had her knocked out. After laying her down I went through the pictures on my phone. I was still shocked that I was in a picture pressed up against Lil Wayne. I picked my favorite one and uploaded it to facebook and jumped in the shower. My phone notification started going off like crazy. I smiled to myself letting the warm water run over me. I normally don't get many comments on most of my post but tonight it was on fire.

Getting out of the shower I quickly dressed. Going over my notifications I noticed a text I had missed. Opening it up I read "Hey baby girl" I almost dropped the phone. OMG was this Wayne. My fingers shook as I quickly typed hey back. Almost immediately my phone went off again. "You busy" Finding my nerve I text back. "No, just got out the shower" I hit send without even thinking, damn maybe I should have left the shower part out. "So I guess your in for the night" I grinned "yeah there is nothing to do down here, just watch TV." The ding of my phone had a huge grin plastered on my face. I was actually having a conversation with Wayne over the phone, well texting but still. We ended up texting most of the night and I had to say I was one happy girl.

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